

After I stopped crying, he asked, "Do you understand now, babygirl?"

I answered yes, my voice thick from crying. "But what about you? I don't get it; why do you find this entertaining? "

I could only see how this situation benefited me. I didn't have to do anything to deserve Matthew's care and attention.

And yet, what did he gain by agreeing to carry all of that weight?

His jaw set more firmly, but he still hugged me tightly. I need to be cared for by someone. He said, "I need to feel needed, necessary. No, my relationship with my dad isn't the best, either. Nicola is the only relative I have left. "

"Where does your mother stand? I"n a soft voice, almost afraid to press him, I asked.

His pupils closed. "I was eleven years old when she passed away. "