

“Emily.” When I eventually regained consciousness and realized how to breathe, I croaked out her name.

I was completely unaware that I had moved until all of a sudden, I found myself standing next to her. After dropping to my knees next to the bed where she was lying on her back, she turned her head toward me. I reached out and took her hand in mine. It lived up to my ideas of being kind and comforting by being exactly that way.

She did not react in any way to my touch; she stayed motionless, her respiration being constant and deep the whole time. As if she were the charmed godess of a storybook, waiting for the kiss of her true love.

The very thought of it made my stomach turn. There was no magical effect that caused her to pass out and become unconscious.

Mathew had drugged her.

I growled at him as I closed in on him, but I didn't back away from her at any point. I was unable to. "What did you do?"