
Falling for the bookworm

Peanut, an introverted and bookish omega, cherished his simple and solitary life. He found solace in the pages of his favorite novels, indulged in delicious snacks, and sought comfort in the company of his beloved plushies. His world revolved around these simple pleasures, shielded from the chaos and complexities of the outside world. However, everything changed when two charismatic and confident alphas, Michael and Jeremy joined his class turning his life upsidedown.

Ashley_Ashanti · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs


The school day was coming to an end, and Peanut and Levi were walking out of their Home Economics class, their minds already dancing with the thought of getting some ice cream actually Levi's mind was dancing, peanut was stuffing his face with chocolate cupcake.

As levi chatted about the delicious flavors he were planning to devour, a sudden pair of hands descended upon their shoulders. Startled, they turned to find Michael and Jeremy grinning mischievously.

"Change of plans, lovebirds!" Michael announced with a wink.

Before Peanut or Levi could protest, Michael and Jeremy effortlessly slung them over their shoulders, like sacks of potatoes. The two omegas were caught off guard, their yelps of surprise mingling with the chuckles of their captors.

"Hey, what's going on?" Levi protested, trying to wiggle out of Jeremy's hold.

Peanut, his face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment, attempted to wriggle free from Michael's firm grip. "Seriously, put us down!" peanut wriggled.

But Michael and Jeremy were unrelenting, their playful strength surprising the omegas. "Sorry, no can do," Jeremy grinned, adjusting his grip on Levi.

"Relax, we're just taking you somewhere fun," Michael reassured, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

With Peanut and Levi now over their shoulders, Michael and Jeremy began to lead them away from the usual path that led to the ice cream parlor.

"Um, guys, where are you taking us?" Levi called out, his voice a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"It's a surprise," Michael replied, exchanging a conspiratorial glance with Jeremy.

As they continued walking, Peanut couldn't help but be slightly intrigued despite his initial protests. He stole a glance at Levi, who seemed to be caught between amusement and bewilderment.

After a short walk, Michael and Jeremy finally set them down in front of a park. It wasn't just any park, though. This was a park Peanut had never been to before but the truth is peanut doesn't go anywhere unless he's getting food are going to the library.

the sight that greeted them was nothing short of breathtaking.

There was a beautiful lake with clear water sparkling under the sunlight. Surrounding it were lush green trees, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. There were couples sitting on benches, families picnicking on the grass, and children laughing as they fed the ducks in the lake.

Peanut felt a mixture of surprise and delight wash over him. "Wow, this place is amazing."

Levi was equally captivated, a smile spreading across his face. "I've never been here before."

"That's the point," Jeremy chimed in, his expression gleeful. "We thought you two could use a change of scenery."

Michael nodded in agreement. "Ice cream is great, but sometimes a little adventure can be even better."

Peanut looked at Levi, and they shared a smile. Maybe Michael and Jeremy's spontaneous decision to whisk them away from their ice cream plans wasn't such a bad thing after all.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the park, the four settled down on a bench near the lake. They watched the ducks swim lazily and listened to the distant sounds of children playing.

Levi leaned against Peanuts shoulder, and Peanut rested his head on top of Levi's head, It was a peaceful moment, a reminder that sometimes the best memories were made when you least expected it.

"So, no ice cream?" Levi asked with a grin.

Peanut chuckled. "Ice cream can wait. Right now, I'm pretty content with this."