
Falling for the bookworm

Peanut, an introverted and bookish omega, cherished his simple and solitary life. He found solace in the pages of his favorite novels, indulged in delicious snacks, and sought comfort in the company of his beloved plushies. His world revolved around these simple pleasures, shielded from the chaos and complexities of the outside world. However, everything changed when two charismatic and confident alphas, Michael and Jeremy joined his class turning his life upsidedown.

Ashley_Ashanti · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs


Peanut had been skipping, dodging, and hiding from the three boys all week like the skilled little ninja he was, each time class ended, he would sprint out the door, leaving the boys confused and concerned about their little book worm behavior.

He would love to just go up to Jeremy and Michael and say, "I kissed your boyfriend, hope you don't mind, and let's hug it out." but he couldn't risk getting hit, if he got hit by those alphas, he might die, and he wasn't ready to die there are so many books out there he have even gotten a chance to read and he's also a virgin who wants to die a virgin.

So Peanut decided to avoid them as much as possible, which actually worked for the first few days surprisingly,he would sneak away anytime he saw them coming, finding creative routes to escape their attention.

However his efforts could only last so long,one day, after thinking he managed to evade them yet again, Peanut found himself backed into a corner, quite literally, Jeremy and Michael had block his usual escape route, leaving him with no way out, he's fucked.

"Uh, h..hey, guys," Peanut stammered, trying to keep his cool despite his heart racing in his chest,his favorite books his ocean of plushies flash before his eyes was this his life flashing before his eyes,he can't die a virgin no way.

"Hey, Peanut," Jeremy said, his voice filled with concern "What's going on? Why have you been avoiding us all week?".

"Yeah, we've been really worried," Michael added, his brows furrowing with worry.

Peanut bit his lip, feeling the pressure building up inside him,is this were he dies with his eyes to the floor in a corner,he had to say something, but the words were caught in his throat.

"I... I kissed Levi," he blurted out suddenly, his face turning as red as a tomato, at least the memory of him kissing Levi made him blush.

Jeremy and Michael blinked, clearly knowing about this already because the little omega gloated in their faces,but before they could say anything, Peanut quickly added, "And I'm really sorry, and I didn't mean to, and please don't hit me, and..."

But he was cut off as Jeremy and Michael enveloped him in a tight hug, Peanut's eyes widened in surprise, his heart pounding in his chest,he didn't expect this reaction at all, maybe they're trying to squeeze him to death.

"We're not going to hit you, princess," Jeremy said firmly, holding him close. "We could never be upset with you for that."

"Yeah" Michael chimed in, his arms wrapped around them both "We love you, Peanut, and we don't want you to feel scared just because of some kiss."

Peanut's eyes filled with tears as he hugged them back,this feeling again "I... I was just so afraid of losing you guys because I fucked up and kissed your boyfriend."

"You'll never lose us, Princess," Jeremy said, his voice soft and reassuring. "We care about you too much."

"We all do," Levi's voice suddenly chimed in from behind them, and they turned to see him approaching with a warm smile.

Peanut stood there, blushing as he started apologizing profusely for the kiss, Jeremy couldn't help but find it adorable,without giving it a second thought, he leaned in and gently pressed his lips against Peanut's, effectively silencing the omega.

Jeremy pulled back with a smile "it's okay princess you can kiss any of us as much as you please" Peanut's eyes were wide, and his cheeks were even redder than before.

He opened and closed his mouth, seemingly at a loss for words.

"Uh, I... I should go," Peanut finally stammered, turning on his heels and practically sprinting away without looking back.

Jeremy chuckled, shaking his head at Peanut's adorable antics "He's something else, isn't he?" he said, turning to face Michael and Levi, who were both grinning.

Michael, unable to resist making a cheeky comment the cheeky bastard,raised an eyebrow at Jeremy "Who's the stupid one now and doesn't know personal space?" he teased.

Jeremy rolled his eyes playfully "Hey, I was just trying to get him to stop babbling," he defended himself, sure you were.

Levi giggles the most adorable giggle ever, placing his head on Jeremy's chest "Well, I think you succeeded in that," he said, glancing in the direction Peanut had disappeared to "He's definitely not going to forget this day anytime soon."

"He's going to need some time to process everything," Jeremy added, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Michael nodded, his smile soft "You're right. Let's give him some space for now. I'm sure he'll come around in his own time".

After the eventful encounter with Jeremy, Levi, and Michael, Peanut rushed home, practically bursting through his apartment door.

He made a beeline for his room, where he found solace in the presence of his plushies a collection of soft, cuddly friends who had seen him through many highs and lows.

"Oh my plushies, you won't believe what happened today!" Peanut exclaimed, flopping onto his bed and clutching a particularly fluffy bunny plush close to his chest "I thought I was gonna get beaten up, but instead, they hugged me! And then... and then... Jeremy kissed me!",yes he is the drama he's having a conversation with his plushie.

"Yes, yes, I know it's hard to believe," Peanut continued, his tone dramatic "But it happened! And it was all so sudden, and I didn't know what to do! So,I ran away like a scared little bunny!" He paused, looking down at the bunny plush he was holding. "No offense, buddy."

"You know, I never thought this would happen," Peanut mused, his voice growing softer "I mean, Jeremy, Levi, and Michael are like super cool guys, and they're so sweet to me. But me? I'm just little peanut nothing special! A shy, awkward omega who can't even talk to people without stumbling over his words!".

He buried his face in the plush bunny's soft fur, muffling his voice "Why did I have to go running away? Now they probably think I'm a total weirdo!,in witch I am I'm a weirdo book worm".

"You're right, Mr. Bunnington," Peanut said, addressing the bunny plush as if the bunny said anything he's lost it for good now.

"Maybe I'm overthinking everything. Maybe they just find it fun playing with the little weirdos feeling's because he doesn't understand them right?".

Peanut sat up straight, looking at his plushies with determination in his eyes "You're right, my fluffy friends! I won't let this overwhelm me! I'll face them again tomorrow, and this time, I won't run away",well we'll see about that.