
Chaoter 122: You shameless Son !

" But I can't believe that she fooled us and stayed to see Calcel. " David said in whammy.

May was still crying while she listened to him and he suddenly got up.

" where is that stupid son of mine ? " He asked in a raised tone folding his hands into fists as if he wanted to kill him.

" Father, You can't meet him right now. " May said stepping before David.

" Let me see him and punish him for your sake. " David spoke to May looking truly angry.

" Calcel just lost his bany with Alyssa and Alyssa is very ill at the hospital . So you can't see him.." May declared in tears shocking David again.

" Did you say a baby ? " David asked.

" Yes. Alyssa was carrying Calcel's child but unfortunately she got an accident.." May gave more information.

David's knees felt weak at thjs point that he just sat back in the sofa in both shock and surprise.

May sat back and held David's hands while she poured crocodile tears.

" Father, He needs some time alone now. " May protested.

" How could he ashame me like this ? That stupid son !!! " David cursed.

" Father calm down. We shall pay them a visit once you are calm.." May said.

" May....why are you so kind. You are still visiting Alyssa after everything she has done to you ? " David asked in bisbelief.

" Father everyone makes mistakes.." May blubbered.

" I wish Calcel could see thjs good heart in you amd appreciate to have a beautiful wife like you. " David said in a murmur.

' Don't worry, He will start seeing me very soon because Alyssa has to die today by hook or crook ! '

May spoke these evil words in her head while on the outside she showed kindness and sympathy.


Gladys woke up first amd saw Calcel besides Alyssa. She smiled on seeing this scene and then walked to the washroom to wash her face. After this, She left the room and went to check on Marvis first.

She entered the room and found no one inside.

" Poor Marvis..." Said Gladys not knowing that the one inside the room was actually Alyssa.

" Your father couldn't watch you even for a night ? And I am sorry I had to take care of my daughter too. Today you shall have your face operation. Hope it succeeds as well. " Gladys and then left the room.

Calcel woke up later and found himself and Alyssa alone in the room. He let go of her hand and sat upright.

" Alyssa...why aren't you up yet ? " He asked but then his head begun aching amd he remembered he drunk the previous night. He needed to freshen up, He went to the washroom to wash his face and as soon as he was done he remembered.

" Father must be back already ! "

This made him to rush out to go and meet David as fast as he could. Otherwise May must have told him everything already.


At the Mansion

It was almost noon when May came from her room clad in a sky blue body hug long to her ankles and heels.

"Go amd tell Father that I am ready to go.." She said to the maid while she was in the living room.

David came downstairs after the communication and her snartly dressed. She smiled on seeing him.

" Aren't you too smart to see someone in the hospital ? " David asked.

" Father, It was the closet dreds I could get. Let me change if you don't mind. "

" No need." They were like this when the door opened and Calcel came inside.

He gazed at them. They were all silent for a moment when Calcel said.

" Father, Welcome back. " He said in a murmur.

" Thank you my son. Come closer. " David said with a grin and Calcel decided to go to him.

When he was in inch away David slapped him hard across his left cheek.

" Father..." May called running to them.

" How dare you do that to me and May ? " David yelled.

Calcel was used to the slaps so he swallowed this.

" I am sorry for everything Father. " That's all he could say.

" Do you think that sorry will change the way you have hurt us ? " David asked.

" Father, Calm down ! " May protested.

" I know it won't. But accept my apologies. " Calcel said.

" You rascal...!!! " He shouted again and was about to give him another slap when May came between them.

" Father, It's enough. He has already apologized. " May raised her voice pretending to care.

Calcel looked down to the ground in whammy.

" So annoying ! May let's go. " David said and went away with May.

Calcel sighed as he heard their footsteps disapear and so went to his room.


David and May arrived at the hospital before Gladys was back and they went to the room there was no one.

" Seems like Gladys has gone somewhere. " David sat on setting his eyes on the helpless bandaged body as they sat down.

" She can't leave her daughter alone. She will come back very soon. " May responded.

They were still like this when David recieved a call and he decided to cancel it.

" You can pick it Father. I will watch her for you. " May spoke with a smile .

" Okay..." David said and went outside.

'May , This is the only chance you have ! ' She said to herself and got up.

She moved closer to Alyssa( Marvis ) with a smirk on her face and removed the BiPAP machine from her and immediately she begun breathing difficultly while May watched her her smirk turning into a smile.

May switched The life support syestem Digital polygraph machines so that it didn't make an alarm and the when she heard footsteps coming back she switched them on again and the alarm of danger was heard.

She rushed out of the room and called the nurse who was passing by.

" Nurse, Something has happened. " She said loyd enough in terror pulling David's attention who was not far.

On hearing this they all ran back inside but the machine was just showing a single sign.

" Oh my God ! Go call the doctors ! " David commanded.