
Falling for my fiance's forsaken brother :In forced marriage

" Is Mr Black having morning sickness?" " Bring me lemon no lime juice" Leon said " Right away Sir" " Young master Black should I call the doctor?" Zed asked. Such kind of love! he was actually feeling all that instead of his pregnant wife. ******* She wants to divorce him but why? because he kissed her?' "what is this?" His cold voice asked sternly. " It a court letter madam has filed a divorce and would like to cooperate if not to meet her in court" Ken said calmly despite feeling the heat coming from the boiling man. Gold could already feel the incoming headache, now what was Lai doing? he thought inwardly. This brought him three days ago. **** He was sitting on the couch in the living room with stern look as Lai didn't come home and it was already late past midnight. Her red sport car entered inside the mansion twenty minutes later on and with a dramatic entrance. Even the guards were left off guard with the way she stopped her car. Curiously everyone had their eyes on the door waiting for her, the butler swallowed his saliva as he could foresee the fight between his boss and madam. " Lai..." Gold called out angrily as he was extremely irritated. " Why are you so late?" He asked but again she ignored him. This time he didn't let go and grabbed her shoulders to get her attention. " I'm talking to you Lai!" Gold said furiously to her annoyance. " And I don't want to talk to you.....now take your #@@#*# hands off me" Lai swear and pushed his hands away. " You are drunk!, " Gold said more like affirm with disbelief. " Yeah I just got wasted myself why you wanna kill me?" Lai was so daring right now but he wasn't surprised she had always been since he knew her. " Article, two, four, five and seven violeted" he reminded her. " And you f##$ing kissed me without my consent who cares about the articles or the rules now" Lai said angrily and now he got the reason of her acting this way, She was angry and so he was, though he was tongue tied for a moment but still had that serious angry look. She had wasted herself, risk her life and even swear in front of his face violet all the rules listed. Lai could careless what he said or does from now on so she went to her bed and fall on it without care. Due to excessive alcohol she immediately fall asleep. It was just a kiss why was she acting like he took her life? he thought It took him few minutes just watching her sleep soundly before talking. " I'm sorry..." He said regretfully a very foreign word for him yet he said it with so much regret. " I'm sorry in advance because I don't regret kissing you Lai and I don't think I ever will," Gold said softly his fingers tracing her cheek gently to her annoyance. She was irritated even in her deep sleep was he that detestable to her? He thought inwardly and smiled at his pathetic state. Looking at her slightly parted lips which were now slightly red he sighed! he really was not okay. That night he didn't sleep in the same room as her and it had been so for three days now. He had thought she needed space who knew she would go extra miles to file a divorce!. That was so unexpected to him. ---------- The story is fictional No rape, definitely happy ending The book is about stories of couple with different life experience and past learning how to love and trust again. Emilia ( FL) and Leon ( ML) while my favorite couple Lai and Gold's story is later on developed. please read this book to know the amazing journey of the two,

Jay_Ibra · Thành thị
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305 Chs

a misunderstanding

Emily slowly descend down the stairs of the luxurious mansion, her foot steps as light as a feather walking down like a princess, her long grey dress dancing with each step she took.

"Joanna where is Leon you were with him in the car right?"Mr Brown asked his daughter who was busy admiring the house.

"Mmmh I don't know he didn't get in the car I thought he came to your car" she said nonchalantly not knowing that things could get really bad from now if the boy didn't show up.

And that was the first thing she heard when she was making her way down, Emilia arrived slowly taking the attention of everyone in the house as her beautiful dress follow the pace of the wind that too blow her hairs in a way that makes you want you to never take your eyes off her, she slowly approach her father taking her little mess hair behind her ear.

Although she was supposed to get engaged to Richard this was the first time the Brown family was seeing her in person since she didn't show up the last time, they only heard rumors about her being ugly and that is why she was wearing a mask.

"Dad please be patient Leon will come soon" Emilia coax her already angry father, only then did he seem calm Emilia looked at the Brown family and started greeting them politely with her angelic voice especially grandma Brown and mother Brown she knew that they were very important people to Leon.

They were all still standing as Mr Smith showed no sign of welcoming them

Emilia greeted everyone politely even Richard who seem to never leave his eyes off her, although she noticed him she was so nonchalant about it and when she reached to Joanna she happily replied to her greetings and even giving her a hug making others surprised but Emilia didn't seem to react badly about it she smiled lightly before reciprocating her hug.

"Remember me from yesterday"Joanna said in a whisper happily looking at her expectantly

Emilia seem to be searching for her and suddenly she looked at her cheerfully and said

"You are Jo... Joanna right?" She asked immediately making the young lady happy.

"Yes I'm Joanna, Leon's young sister you remember me, great I like you already even if my stupid brothers don't" she said happily earning a warning glance from her father who seem out of patience already.

Emilia smiled brightly over her childish behavior she liked her carefree altitude the most.

After waiting for some time Leon arrived he elegantly walked into the mansion stealing the attention of everyone who were still standing.

He was wearing his black formal suit with white inner shirt neatly.

Emilia kept her gaze on him admiring his features his handsome face shine brightly like the the first time she saw him, he was wearing a black formal suit like today the only difference is that he was wearing a tie today and speaking of tie he was wearing the same tie she had bought for him yesterday and this gave her pleasure she felt warmth in her heart.

"You are late!" Mr Smith said coldly looking at the man who was coming towards them.

"Looks like dad Alex is really angry.. I'm sorry but I was buying gifts of course it would be rude if I didn't bring any gift for my...( you know who!)"Leon said humorously making everyone look at him in disbelief.

Hearing him calling him"dad"like a filial son Mr Smith laughed out loud his voice echoing in the whole mansion.

"Can't dad Alex forgive Leon this once"Leon plead not caring how weird he looked right now making everyone speechless how could he be this shameless and get away with it?

what surprised them the most is what Mr Smith did after, he happily went to side embrace him patting his shoulder affectionately.

"Of course not son.. dad Alex is not that petty not to forgive this filial son of mine"Mr Smith said happily ignoring everyone in the house that they wondered what had happened.

" So what gift did you bring for this dad of yours"Mr Smith said grinning happily like a kid, making everyone surprised what wrong with these two people?.

Leonard looked around and saw people still standing unhappily looking at them in daze he then touched excited father Smith who then turn around only to realize that people where still standing like statues.

"Oh! please welcome in.. why are you all still standing there " he said shamelessly ordering his servants to tend to them, grandma Brown took a seat as she sneer 'what a shameless man! moment ago he acted as if they didn't exist now he acts as if nothing happened no wonder people were afraid of this man he is a beast in sheep skin" but how did her grandson got so close to this kind of man they seem really close enough to tease each other.

Soon they were at the dinning table and right then food was served slowly

But all this while grandma Smith kept admiring her gift which was her dream drawing that was sold at high price, Leon had really kept his promise to bring her a gift.

while on the other side Mr Smith kept bothering Leon about his gift he was persistent like a little child making his daughter smile at his childish behavior but Leon didn't budge he told him it was a surprise.

The view was very heart warming, her family seem very happy around Leon even her cold father was behaving like a little child not to mention her grandparents who already thought of him as their own grandson how could she bust their bubbles and refuse this marriage because of some stupid problems now she was determined to get rid of all her problems and give herself a chance.

All this time her eyes were on Leon who kept teasing with her father, she was indeed attracted to him more like admiring him, that is right she told herself it wouldn't be bad to have him as a husband won't it? She asked herself, all this time she was busy looking at her future husband she failed to notice somebody's intense gaze on her, who was smirking at her who seem smitted by a useless man, to ruin the mood he asked.

"So when are you going to introduce that woman to us" Richard asked Leon provoking him on purpose while looking at his puzzled face.

"What woman are you talking about?"Leon asked with a frown while immediately turning to look at Emilia who avoided his gaze on purpose, clearly misunderstanding him, well who wouldn't in this situation. Richard smirked over the dark glare he received from the men in the Mansion especially his father.

game on! he thought.