
Chapter 4

I didn't have a mood to attend college today. So I decided to have a visit to the park. I sat there for about 3/4 hours. It was amazing, only me! Just me and my soul! I think it helped me to understand myself.

But, I can't forget that person from my mind! I see him, I feel him...

Sometimes I question myself "Am I crazy? Is this Psycho?"

I was staring at nature and wondering how I would feel if I was a bird (I know it's kinda crazy, there is something wrong with me).

"Hey! I am Brian!" Someone spoke.

I turned back and took a look

"Oh no... It was... Him! That person! The person which my heart goes to!" I was speaking to myself so no one else could hear.

" How are you? I am glad to meet you? It's cold outside, why are you staying here? Brian said looking into my eyes.

I didn't say a word. I was staring at him. I didn't know what to do. But the only thing I felt was that I can't stop my heart...