
Chapter 21

Zerrina's P.O.V

Zendar is acting so wired, he might have feelings towards me, but I never felt something for him. Well, yeah, I couldn't control myself that day, but it doesn't mean that we are dating! He's his mom, aunty Jade, is like my mom, she loves me! And how can I do something to her? It's like I am betraying her? Ain't I?

I miss my mom and my dad. I called my mom 2 times and she answered, I don't want to say, but I know I can't live without communicating even though I declined many of her calls.

"Baby, How are you? Why did you decline my calls, you know I can't live without you?"


"What happen baby? You know you can tell anything to your mommy."

There was a bit of silence, and I decided to pull myself into it.

"Who's my daddy?"

I am pretty sure mom was shocked to hear those words from me, but I need to clarify myself. I need to know who's my biological father.

"What do you mean Zerrina?"

"Mom, you know what I am trying to say."