
Chapter 12

"Zerina!" someone yelled.

*turned back to have a look*

It was Brian...

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Hmm well, I am going out for my personal work."

"Oh, is it? Can I join?"

"NO!!" I yelled in a rush

Brian felt wired. I noticed it and said "Well Brian, the thing is this, I am going for my family work. so If you join me... Hmm... Like my parents."

"Yeah I understand"

He walked with me, I had so many feelings in my heart to tell him, but I couldn't cause my brain would stop me. I was talking and talking, but I couldn't even listen to any part of his stories.

I questioned him suddenly.

"I can get your number?"

"Yeah of course!"

*Remained in silence*

I suddenly jumped out of nowhere and said. "I got to go know Brian! Stay safe. And I will really miss you. You're such a good friend. Please don't forget me!"

"I won't forget you Zerina! Why are you acting so weird today?" He questioned me.