
Chapter 11

It was the person who I loved the most, the person who I trusted the most. It was him, Darren.

Darren, I was a primary school friend.

12 years ago, we both had crushes on each other. And one day, he confessed to me his feelings. We were almost 13. We didn't know what was right and what was wrong, but we both knew one thing, it was that we truly love each other.

One day our parents got to know about our relationship and they didn't give us permission. With so many feelings, we broke up.

And he is back again for his girl, but yet I think he's too late.

Maybe I am not meant to be his girl.

My mind for overdone...

*The next day*

I got my things packed and forbidden mom, she hugged me so tight and started to cry with me.

"Honey, I raised you up by giving everything I had. We loved you to eternity, and now your mom is sending you away."

"Mom please don't say so, I know you're doing this because you have no option. I will really miss you both. How can I leave you both?"