
Chapter 42

Emily' s P.O.V

I' m so happy Leon did this. I looked around at the persons who were present. There was Cindy, Pheby, Clair, Amy, Diego,Khadeja, Phillip, Quin, Pria, Josh and Sh*t. Cody. I was in total shock. I didn' t even realize he was here. Not good. He caught me red handed again. Staring at him with tears in my eyes. No Em, this is not the time and place.I pushed away the thought of tears escaping my eyes. I blinked a few times before turning away. Khadeja came up to me giving me a tight hug. I hugged her back. " I'm so proud of the lady you' ve become Em and happy birthday again", she said smiling. " Thanks Khadeja", i said returning a smile. She walked away from me giving Leon a kiss on the lips. I smiled. I tried not to pay attention to the fact that Cody was staring at me. I do not like this. I walked up to the table and had a seat. Cindy and the others came and wished me happy birthday again. I thanked them. I don' t know why but, i' m happy that Cody didn' t come up to me because.... I don' t know what would have happened. I don' t know what he thinks of me and who cares. That' s all these christians do judge people even before knowing the truth.  

And that dad of mine who just surprised me out of the bloom. I shook my head taking the fourth drink for the morning. Khadeja had turned on some cool music, too cool. I felt like jumping in the pool right now. But i didn' t bring my bikini. I saw when Brian walked up to me taking the glass out of my hand. " No more Em", he suggested. " Who brings someone to a pool side and didn' t tell them to bring their bikini?, i asked feeling a little dizzy. " What do you take me for, Ofcourse i brought you a change of clothes. I told your sister to pack you a bag dumb dumb", he said laughing. He handed me the bag and the glass. " Well thank you, no wonder you're my best friend. ", i said getting up and making my way on the inside where the rooms were. They weren' t too far from the pool. Leon had really brought me to a hotel. I got in closing the curtains and making myself in one of the bathrooms. I got changed  into my bikini and threw on a white shorts with it.

And done. I made my way back outside leaving my bag behind and the glass in my hand. No one will ruin this day. Today' s my day. After reaching outside placed the glass by the side of the pool. Maybe this will calm me down. I made a leap into the pool and stayed at the bottom for some time. This is nice. Pure silence. I came up in 5 minutes and saw everyone in awe looking at me. " Gosh guys i' m fine", i said laughing and taking a seat right where i left the glass of champagne. " Thank God", i heard Cindy say. I splashed my feet in the water and took another sip of the champagne. Happy birthdat to me. "Is this seat tamen?", i heard someone asked. I took a deep breath in and out. I knew it was Cody. " Suit yourself", i said not looking at him. " Happy birthday again", he mentioned. I didn' t answer for a while. " Thanks", i replied. We were there silent for a few minutes. I hope he doesn' t come at me like Matthew did this morning. " I' m sorry for the way i treated you Emily. I had no right to do that. I should have never judged you like that because i don' t know what you went through in your past and for that i' m sorry. My thoughts took me way to far....far away from you. I let my insecurities break the friendship that existed between us and i don' t know what to do and how to fix but i know that i met you for a reason. Even if its just to be my friend i need you in my life and i' ll  understand if you say no, because i deserve it. I am captured by you Emily Farqueson. You will always have a place in my heart and i hope and pray that you will find it in your heart to forgive me for judging you and stooping so low", he said in sad voice. Tears literally came to my eyes when he said those words. I didn' t dare to look at him. No one could control the tears that left my eyes.

Leon' s P.O.V

I was by the table kind of dancing and talking to Diego when i spotted Em by the pool side with Cody. " Am i missinv something dude?", i asked looking at Diego confused. " Yep. Those two are future lovers man. Believe me",Diego mentioned. "Ok, but i think Em is crying or something. That shouldn' t be. It' s her birthday. Do you think i should head on over there and kick Cody' ass?", i asked laughing. " Hell no man", Diego said. " No, that aint right. Something' s not right over there", i added. " Hey man, don' t worry. We' re here for Em if he hurts her",Diego said smiling and looking over at Em and Cody.

Cody' s P.O.V

I heard her sobbing. Did i do that?." Em?", i asked trying to look at her face. She wiped her tears now looking at me. " I ' m not the kind of girl that you think i am Cody.My past is full of so many hurtful stuff that i still can' t forget. People that i thought i got rid of they' re just appearing back into my life. Those who hurt me and cause me pain. Everytime i try to get rid of them. They' re there. And the sad part about it is that they have no intention of helping me get past my pain and suffering. They just come with more lies and i hate liars. I hate people who lie to me and they try to forget what they did but i can' t.", she said sobbing." Hey, please don' t cry Em", i said wiping her tears. " I had no idea you were going and went through all that stuff. I was wrong to judge you and for that i' m so sorry again", i said pulling her into a warm hug. She hugged me back tighter than before. I signalled to Cindy to bring me some hand towels. She brought it immediately. I told her thanks. " Em?, no matter what you' re going to go through in the future...we' ll all be here for you, because that' s what friends do. We stick together through tuff and thins", i said comforting her. " Thank' s for being here Cody", she said easing off me and smiling. She looked around and saw Cindy and the others by the pool beside her. She covered her face ashamed. " I' m so sorry you guys had to see me like this.", she mentioned looking at them. " Are you kidding me?", Khadeja asked. " We live for this. What are we if we' re not there for each other. That' s what friends do Em. I' ve sticked around too long to leave you stranded. We have to stick together and support each other in our times of needs. I learnt that from you and Leon.", Khadeja added with a smile. " Yep, to Emily!", Leon shouted. " To Emily!", we shouted saluting our glasses to her. She smiled. I love to see that smile of hers.

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