
Falling Apart

I just sat there staring at headstone. " Kendra, inside now ", Miss Martins strict voice startled me out of my daze. " Yes ma'am", I said still looking at the headstone. 'Willow, 2011-2022' was carved on the stone. She was my best friend, my only friend actually. No last name, well none of us at the orphanage had last names.

I stood up, dusting off my shorts , I took a last look at the graveyard before walking back into the orphanage. I can't help but think about everything, Willow's death, her advice before she died, the orphanage, the world, my hatred for my supposed biological parents who dumped me, those annoying couples with their fake smiles coming to the orphanage everyday....how do I know their smiles are fake.... simply simple.... whenever the social worker looks away, the looks of contempt and disgust they send us makes me want to puke at thieir fake personality.

I sigh as I walk into my room I used to share with Willow. I look at what used to be her side of the room and see it has been cleared of all her stuff. I'm guessing new person is moving in, not that I care. I laid down and closed my eyes, I see Willow's body being lowered down the grave in what looked more like a box than a casket. I feel a tear glide down my face, I quickly get rid of it . If Willow saw me crying, she won't be proud at all. I suddenly remember the last we spoke to each other before she passed on.

A few months before then, Willow was taken by a family for what I think was the sixth time. On the last day talked, it turned out she had been returned again. I was really shocked because I really thought I was never going to see her again. I bombarded her with questions, but I still didn't get to know why she was always being returned, I mean she's the definition of really pretty. Later I just let it be. The next day, Willow was nowhere to be found. It turned out she was taken to the hospital, I hate hospitals. She was sick , she looked sick when I last saw her. For a month, nothing. Today I finally saw her but not in a way I expected. She was dead.....in a casket.... about to be buried.

As it turns out, it was brain tumor. The reason why no one wanted Willow was because she had brain tumor. That ticks me off.

I remember her last words; "Three things Kenny, three things;

Trust no one,

Nothing is as it seems,

Lastly, emotions are for weaklings. Remember these or you'll end up like me and I don't want that."

Her last words are now my motto.

Willow and I go a long way back, we were dumped the same day, same age (11), became best friends. She gets adopted a lot while I have the same routine, orphanage to annoying school..... annoying school to orphanage. I don't get bullied though..what can I say..all I do is beat them till they start avoiding me. Everytime Willow get sent back, she tells me stuff but it's never the good stuff. All the stuff she tells me makes me hate the outside world, which is why I've never been adopted for the past eleven years...I always find a way to avoid it. Hopefully I can keep it up till I'm eighteen.