


The cold of the morning hit my barely conscious body as the alarm from my phone continued to play it's annoyingly loud melody and vibrate against the worn mattress that should have been replaced years ago.



I opened one of my pale grey eyes and looked at my phone, it was going off like a small but sharp police siren against the headache that came with the early morning wake up call. I hit snooze, just wanting the noise to stop and buried my face back into my pillows, huffing a sigh loudly. My pale skin was shocked by the morning's air, it's cold fingertips dancing along my arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps. I quickly came to the conclusion I must have left the window open the night before in my wine-drunk altered state.


I grabbed the phone and shut off the alarm quickly, willing it shut up and let me sleep just a tad bit longer under the warmth of the old checkered comforter that had been passed down from my grandmother, to my mother, to me. Rolling out of the bed, my bare legs protested as I grabbed my towel, working my way to the small bathroom that was decorated with fake shells from the coastal stores. I started the water and waited for it to warm up, the water heater making a loud hum as it worked to get the temperature just short of a boil that I hoped would soothe my skin's protest. Though I had a house to myself I still hated walking around naked, so I wrapped myself up in my towel so I could go feed my pet tranchala, Iggi, and my pet bird, Joe Joe. Iggi was still in her log, she might be sleeping or she was just waking up, I put in a few crickets and closed the lid, locking the containers locks before moving on to Joe Joe, my exotic blue macaw. I rescued him from breeders and was given permission to keep him as a pet by the government, only because his wings where clipped and he was unable to fly. Had he been able to fly, he would have been released with the fourty other birds. Only two where not released on that mission, Joe Joe and Devil, who was a small sparrow. The pet agency had decided that the small and devilish sparrow would be given to a wild life reservation since it seemed native to the area. The macaw lived with people and would be among agents until its death. I put the bird feed in and refilled the water before going and taking a quick shower and dressing for my work day.

Choosing a light blue blouse and a pair of run-down jeans I picked up my work boots and stepped outside, locking the door with my keys and with my back pack slung over my shoulder. I let out a sharp whistle, waited a few moments before Apple, my Great Dane and Cloud, my Dalmatian, jumped the fence from the back yard, both had their leash in mouth. I hooked them up by a harness and opened my van.

"Up up!" I said firmly and Apple jumped in, I then repeated in French the same thing, making Cloud jump in. I put up a finger, telling them to stay, before closing the door and getting in, starting the car, and heading to work. I drove for a good hour before arriving at my destination. Getting out, I opened the door for the dogs and snapped my fingers, allowing both out of the car.

"Good!" I praised before walking into work, I was not a second late, like always. Fester, a Boston terrier, ran up to greet Apple and Cloud, who sat waiting for the okay to go and run before they had to go on their mission. I nodded and unhooked them.

"Okay." I clapped twice and they went running off. Smiling I laughed and turned around to see James behind me, he picked me up and kissed me. If it where anyone else I would be killing them, but I was dating this one. I smiled and laughed lightly.

"Hello my beautiful Angel." His voice was dreamy and he put me down gently.

"Hello, James." I whispered before backing up, as usual.

He let out a soft sigh before being pulled away by Jade and Dawna, both madly in love with him, that was the thing about James, he had sex toys... That where always around... No matter what..

I clenched my fists and walked away, my dark brown hair flinging over my shoulder, though it was down past my waist, the ends where died blue and I had gold highlights. My eyes where filing with tears, though they where blue as crystals with small orange tints. My nails where never painted and I never wore a dress... Ever.

My watch went off and I whisled for Apple and Cloud, who both bounded over to be hooked up. I grabbed my phone and jumped into a company car, that had many crates and storage units for animals in the sides, I flicked on my sirens and drove down to the address. I arrived not fifteen minutes later.

"Apple! Cloud! Say bonjour!" I whispered and both dogs jumped out and waited by the door, I kicked it in and they went to work, they leapt on the smugglers and I started to evacuate the animals. I called in the cops and the three men where arrested. I managed to get three Lynx, two bangle tigers, fourteen leapords and two Bangled Jungle Cats out.

I drove to work once again and turned in the rescues.

"Good work!" Praised my boss, Nikki. She was the sweetest thing ever, couldn't hurt anyone if she could afford it. "Pick out a cat, four of the Bangled cats and a tiger are domestic to an extreme level, couldn't be put back, and they are declawed." Lucky for me, I had company housing and could take them home, choosing the Bangled Tiger I put it into a harness and trained it to walk like a dog, taught it basic training in German, because why the fuck not, I knew every language in the world so I see no reason not to, and taught it the command "say bonjour" so I could take it on missions with me. Her training was done in an hour or so, very highly intelligent so it didn't take long. I then trained her into the name of Snowflake. I made sure she knew her commands and trained her to not eat any of my other pets.

Walking out to the car I trained her for off leash training and gave her a whisle, a five second long one, then a hoot like an owl. Very simple and perfect. I called apon Cloud and Apple who jumped into the van, then followed by the German version of "up up!" And Snowflake jumped in.

The drive home was smooth, nobody got eaten and they got along alright so I decided to let Snowflake sleep in the back yard, but put her in a crate till she learned to stay until called.

My phone buzzed and I looked down, the caller id said James and had his picture. I hit ignore, I didn't want to talk to him. I put out a steak for Snowflake, then dog kibble for Apple and a banana for Cloud. I went inside, changing into sweat pants and flopped on the couch, turning on the tv. Snowflake padded in, her paws huge and jumped on the couch, sitting next to me and on me. Her head was on my lap and I pet the top of her head, her fur was soft and very pretty.

Joe Joe, who was let out of her cage for a bit, brought me a letter and went back to her cage. On the back of the white envelope it said "to Angel" but didn't say who it's from, I opened the letter and read through it, once I hit the end my eyes watered and I gasped.