
Fallen from Earth

Without warning, Dacion and his friends got transported to a different planet. While on the new planet that they have to adjust too, Dacion realized that while on the planet their bodies attributes has gotten boosted and that they have powers called blessings. Blessings is a gift from the gods that only chosen few can obtain. During their time on the planet, Dacion and his friends becomes Knight of the Remark (A Kingdom) and now has to figure if they want to stay or leave.

DacionHightower · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

It's not over yet!

Upon seeing Dacion lying down on the ground with his eyes shut closed, he reached down moving his hands to Dacion's arms. As he was about to pick up him, Dacion's eyes bolted opened.

He pushes himself off the floor, barely able to stand properly. Dacion bangs on his legs causing a jolt to them. He looks back up at Lawrence who was walking away. Dacion begins glaring at Lawrence dangerously.

 "Our fight is done yet!" he yelled clenching his fist tightly.

Lawrence hears Dacion's voice and turns around; he begins glaring back at him. He sprints Dacion ready to strike him. Dacion lowers his body; he puts one hand in front of his face and clenched his other hand bringing near his hip.

Lawrence notices his weird stance but continues to charge at him. As he is in front of Dacion, he throws a right hook towards Dacion's jaw. Dacion grabs his fist with his left before punching Lawrence in the stomach.

Lawrence flew back a bit holding his stomach, 'Did he counter me with a weird stance of his, he must use his left hand to block or grab the attack, and used his right hand for a attack of his own. I know it's been a whole month since the day we all arrive on the planet but each of us is getting stronger by the minute' Lawrence thought.

As Lawrence was taking a minute to think, Dacion had a plan of attack towards Lawrence.

 'If I recall, the king explained that every Remnant or people with blessings must use mana to do an attack. Mana is a magical power source that people use for magic, If you wanted to use a magic attack or blessing attack, it comes with a cost of using mana. But mana can be recovered overtime or with a mana crystal. So, which mean the two blessings attacks that Lawrence did probably did a number on his mana, we are only beginners, so we have low mana until we train. If I use this attack then, I should be able to finish him.' Dacion thought.

Dacion begins sprinting towards Lawrence with dangerous intent in his eyes. Lawrence notices him charging towards him.

Lawrence points his right hand towards Dacion, Yellow energy begins forming on the palm of his right hand. Dacion continues charging at Lawrence upon seeing him charge an attack.

 Still charging at Lawrence, Dacion clenched his right fist. While clenching his right fist, sparks of flames appeared on his hand.

Lawrence hasn't noticed Dacion's flames, he continued charging up his attack.

 "Good fight Dacion, but it's over now" Lawrence announced as his attack finished charging.

Dacion was directly in front of Lawrence with his flaming hand, Lawrence launched his attack at Dacion. Before the attack hit him, Dacion put his flaming hand in front of him blocking the attack. Lawrence sent out two blast towards Dacion. He blocked the two blast and cocked back his fist.

 "It's over now!" Dacion yelled before throwing a flamed infused punch towards Lawrence. Dacion punched Lawrence directly in the guts sending him flying back into a rock unconscious.

The others were shocked, Dacion had made a comeback from a fatal blow from Lawrence's dangerous attack.

Dacion leaned up and shakes his hand, dispersing the flames that was on it.

Kemar, Ahsian, and Luna ran towards Lawrence that was unconscious on a rock.

 "Dang Dacion, somehow made a comeback, I thought that Lawrence's bursting demise shot would've took him out, but he managed to survive it." Ahsian stated while helping Kemar carry him.

 "Bet that attack took a lot of mana out of Lawrence, so he probably was fatigued." Kemar replied.

As they were grabbing Lawrence, Dacion walked over to Luna and Darius.

 "I'm kind of shock that you managed to beat after you took his Bursting Demise Shot head on." Luna said.

 "Yeah, I don't even know myself anymore, the only thing I remember that I put my hand in front of it. Then everything went black as soon as I tried to block it." Dacion replied putting his hand on his chin.

 "So you surviving that attack was a mere fluke? That's interesting." Darius relayed.

As the three of them were speaking, Kemar and Ahsian bought over Lawrence, who was unconscious because of Dacion punching him in the guts.

 "Well since everyone is here, Let's head back and get Lawrence some treatment." Luna announced walking back on the path to the kingdom.