
Chapter TWO

Stag's P.O.V.:

Damn, she's been gone for half an hour already.

I checked my pocket watch. Groaning, I paced back and forth on the swaying tower, lighting my fifth cigarette. Little wench better buy me a pack of cigs since she's taking this long. No way in hell am I gonna let her die before that.

Calm down dude. She's not gonna let her target live. If anything she's probably laughing her ass off at you for worrying like this.

Frustrated at my inter dialogue, I punched the nearest thing to me. I regretted it immediately. The pain shot through my body and I could see electric currents running across the whole metal tower I had just punched. Well fuck.

" God damn it! I'm going to make you regret making me wait here, freezing my ass off!" I roared. Just then, I heard a chuckle above me. Without even looking, I shot my pistol at the intruder. It hit a mama barrier, judging by the crackle noises.

"Whoa there Sarge! Don't go blasting my head off or Golem might just go through with her threats."

I gritted my teeth. Of all the people. Swearing under my breath, I whirled around to face the unwelcomed guest. 2nd Lieutenant of the 15th Attributors Squad, or Attri Squad for short. Code name: Cobra. At the height of 6'2", 210 lbs of pure muscle, and a jawline he could probably sharpen a knife on, his looks alone were intimidating; let alone his personality. I've heard the women of my squad squeal something about eye candy once or twice, but to me, he was an eye sore.

"To what pleasure do I owe for seeing your mug, pretty boy?" I huffed out, running my hand through my sand - colored hair. Crap, I can feel my eyes dilate. Must mean they're turning red. Oh well. It's not like he doesn't know how hostile my squad and myself are to him. Looking up, I glared at the fool sheepishly smirking down at me.

Lucky fucker that he's got those powers, or he'd be fried. Not only can Cobra create barriers, he can create and use traps, levitate, and use at least one powerful attack from each major element: fire,water,earth, air, dark, and light. He snorted, snapping me out of my grudging admiration. Patiently I wanted for his answer.

Lazily shifting from one hip to the other, he smiled. " Was wondering what our rag tag leader of the DUMP SQUAD was doing, alone, cursing into the night sky. Who wouldn't be, am I right Squad Leader Stag of the 28th Squad?" His voice was smeared with disgust.

"Waiting for 1st Lieutenant Diabla." I snapped back, dryly.

Don't let him fuck with you, Stag my boy.

I smiled with satisfaction as the fake ass smile left Cobras face, replaced with a scowl.

That fits his face better.

I beamed in approval at my inter dialogue.

" And why is she doing a quest right now? You know there's a typhoon coming, right?"

" None of your concern Lieutenant."

" What if she dies down there, Sir?"

" Better sleep for me."

" Heartless bastard," he glowered.

" Sure would love to not have nosey brats in my Lieutenant's business" I retorted

Before he could answer back, we heard a voice above us, " Fucking really?! You tryna kill me Stag?!"

We looked up and beheld Diabla. Midnight, feathered wings spanning 15 ft across, holding her up in the sky; her usually black eyes shining blue like aquamarines. The veins running from her exposed neckline and towards her face also shown with that same luminescent aquamarine color. This was her recon and offense phase.

I illuminated my eyes and did a quick one over. Great, no large gashes other than her left arm and even that was a tiny scratch compared to other wounds she's been afflicted with. Other than that, her black leather trench coat was shredded and her hair was a mess... and standing on edge?

She held in her more than capable right arm the base of the neck of her kill: a 2 - headed water and electric elemental dragon. Damn. Never get on her bad side. Ever.

Idiot you just zapped her with electricity.

Fuck. Me. I'm dead if I don't distract her. Quickly, I checked my pocket watch.

Grinning, I waved and called out, "43 minutes and 21 seconds, Dia. You owe me a pack of cigarettes too."

She scowled and eyed the tower still sizzling with electricity. I bowed and quickly retracted the electricity into my body. Yup, my elemental power is electricity. Power goes out? No problemo. Just hook me up like a motherfucking generator.

With a curt nod, Diabla began to descend to land.... but.... that's when she noticed Cobra. Like I said before, if looks could kill, she'd have that power. Instinctively, Cobra raised his hands.

" I was just chatting with the old man here, boss girl." I scowled. Fucker, I'm only 22.

" Shut it, Cobra. Get the fuck outta here before I kill you, like I do with all traitors," her voiced hissed out. Oh shit. Her claws are starting to protrude again. That's one of the many powers I haven't told HQ about. Gotta distract before that dumbass catches on.

"Dia! While you were swimming with the fishes Seph sent a telepath saying she made your fav for dinner." She looked down and I watched as her blue - fire eyes returned to their bottomless night pits. I sighed in relief. Good. No gasket blown. I deserve a damn beer when I get back home.

" Let's get going or your steamed meat buns will be cold." Nodding in agreement, she flew down towards me and signaled me to get on her back. As humiliating as it was for my short grown ass to get a piggy back ride from a junior, I hurriedly got on, before she changed her mind and I'd be sending only a piece of Cobra back to HQ saying he was attacked by a monster. Well, that 'monster' belonged to my squad; and yup, we were known as the worst Attributors Squad out there.

I sighed and looked back at the rapidly disappearing tower. This girl is motivated by three things: money, fighting, and food. Good thing I got her away from Cobra. Wait, the dumbass was still sitting there looking like he shit his pants. I roared in laughter. Guess he's still terrified of Dia.

Speaking of which.... I glanced at the dangling heads of the dragon and shuddered. Yup, I have a monster in my squad... where the hell are it's eyes?! Swiftly, I turned to question Diabla.

" Yo, where are it's eyes? And how much for the bounty?"

Diabla grunted, obviously not wanting to part with the info. Then she seemed to have changed her mind

" Got hungry and 12,000 muirl."

I almost lost my grip at her matter- of- fact response.

" First, fucking gross. Second, 12,000 MUIRLS?! ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!"

Dia just sighed and scrunched her nose.

" 1,000 muirls is enough to last a month of wages, Dia. That's why they asked for at least a twelve man group. You're gonna rob them blind."

"GOOD!!!" She shouted with a grin. Stunned, I stared at her smile. Today's full of firsts. Diabla has responded verbally at least four times AND smiled?

"Are you sick, Dia? You don't usually talk-" then everything went black.

Diabla's P.O.V:

I chuckled. Guess Stag didn't realize I was flying mach 1 speeds. He is out like a lightbulb. Punishment for making my hair go wacko like I had touched one of those tesla things that I've read about in history books retrieved from another dimension.

Sobering up, I fell into my own contemplating. I didn't tell the exact truth about the eyes. Even Goddess Zavick was screaming at me not to eat them; but I found the way to gain more attributes. As disgusting as it was, I have to eat monsters- RAW. Being that the eyes of an elemental dragon like this were the only parts that weren't poisonous eaten raw, I dug them out and ate them as fast as I could. When I get home, I gotta try out these new powers ... after dinner of course.

Steamed pork buns. I licked my lips as I increased my speed. Drop off Stag to Seph and pick up Talon, Dojo, and Zyther. Drag those three with me to drop off the dragon heads. Claim money. Give the them 300 muirls to split. Go home; THEN eat steamed buns. I. Can't. Wait.