
Fallen Angel - An Eternal Love Story

"Let's meet again in our next life.. Ok?" "Don't say like that please.." "I love you" "I love you too".. A forbidden & heart-touching love story between A Fallen Angel and A Human being.. Duke, a fallen angel who was supposed to be the cause of Juliet's death fall in love with each other. Will their love bloom or let them to a dead end?

Scarlet_C · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Chapter 18: Just for Today

While leaving the office Duke told the security to not bring any alcohol to her from now on in a cold voice. He walked away with holding her in his arms towards the car. Duke put her on the front seat and put on the belt. He went to the driver's seat and started the car. It's still raining, that is reminding him of their first rain together. Juliet's liveliness, her sparkled eyes after the rain started, their kiss, her shyness.. everything. But now, it was a dream for him to even hold her hand in their right mind. Time is really something, it was just some days ago they were so happy with their life but everything became upside down just in one night. He chuckled on this irony of his fate.

They went back home in no time due to no traffic. Duke took Juliet to her room. He made her sit on the couch while removing her shoes and coat. Then he carried her to the bed. He tucked her under the blanket and checked her temperature. She really had a fever. As she was drinking the whole night this fever can be caused by alcohol as well. So it would be best if she could have a shower but Duke would never take advantage of her drunken state. Though she wouldn't remember what is happening right now but still Duke loves her and he only wants to touch her with pure intentions. So he brought wet cloth to put on her forehead. After half an hour, Juliet opened her eyes. She looked at Duke and  stretched her arms. Duke looked confused but after she was calling her by hand gesture he went close to her. She took his face in her hands while saying in a very low voice, "Why are y-you do..ing this!? Hmm?

I-I know you love me but you are p-pushing me away!why!?"

While saying this the warm stream of tears were flowing from her eyes wetting the pillow.

Duke extended his hand to to wipe her tears but she grabbed his hand instead. She was struggling to sit up but she did not let go of his hand. It seemed like letting him go will make him vanish from Juliet's site. So Duke helped her to sit up by putting a pillow behind her back. Then he sat in front of her still holding her hand. Juliet could thought a bit clear now than previously, but she was not completely awakened to her senses. She was acting like a child and wouldn't let his hand go so with his one hand and coaxed words he made her take the fever reducer.

Now they both were silent for some time. Juliet broke the silence by saying, "Duke, why you didn't say anything about what I asked? Why you are pushing me away??" Duke was silent like he was previously in her office. Juliet chuckled. "Haa!!! Ok I got it!! You don't like me right!?" Duke answered immediately "No Juliet you are thinking it wrong, it's not like I-i don't like you!!! It's just that we can't be together"

With the answer she dropped her head on his shoulder and hugged him like her dear life. Her lips opened to only ask "why". Her tone was as low as it can be. But she had an oddly calmness in her voice. Duke rubbed her back and said "I'm sorry Juliet... I'm really sorry" At this point his voice had softened to the point that it seemed like he was in tears. Some sniffles were heard as his shoulder felt warm wave of tears.

Juliet lifted her head from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. Her lips quivered. Duke was about to say something but he stopped before saying anything as two soft lips touched his owns and started kissing him dearly. He was caught off-guard. Juliet held his back of the neck in one hand and she put her other hand on his chest. She wanted to feel the sound of his heart by her hand. She started moving her lips. Duke also get swayed by the moment, he started moving his lips in synchronisation. They got immersed in that kiss and Juliet felt with her hand that his heart is beating to it's highest speed. She smiled gently in between their kiss. Duke wanted to deepened the kiss but she moved her head on the other side. They both became a panting mess. Duke was quite surprised by her behaviour. But Juliet was smiling. Her smile was gentle but to Duke it looked very sad like a farewell. But after Juliet's heart felt kiss, Duke was sure of one thing that he can't live without her anymore. They might not be fated but they can not be separated either. Everything was becoming more clear to him now. He knew what he had to do. Looking at him she said she wants to rest now. Duke got what she wanted to mean but before leaving he kissed on her forehead and said "I will always be there with you."

After going back from her room, Duke was now determined to find a solution so that she could live on and he could love her to his heart's content. He wanted to embrace her and went back to that time when they didn't care about anything but them. 'Their moment together' he wanted all of that back. So he decided to meet Angelo at the dawn on the old church. He felt some kind of burden was taken off of him. He felt relieved after that kiss. But little did he know what was waiting for him on the other end!!!

After Duke went back Juliet laid down on the bed again. She touched her forehead with her one hand and mumbled "Thank you Duke,..... I know your heart still beats for me .....and actually that is enough for me.

Our time together in these months and this very last kiss will be my memory for this lifetime...and you will be always the one to have my heart. No one else could ever make my heart beat for them again. You were my first and will be my last as well."

With the tears flowing continuously she expressed herself and thanked him. After a moment of silence she again said in a shaky voice,

"Dad!!! Mom!!! can you hear me??? Your little princess fell in love. Yes,she got what she wanted, her love wasn't in vain. The boy she fell in love with loves her back b-but it's just.... He said they can not be together. I don't quite understand it... why the person who loves me always leaves in the end??? Why??? Am I that bad???

But I decided to live on with our memories for the rest of my life. I'll never bother him again. I must say I'm lucky... At least I could hug him tightly and kiss him the last time like I wanted. From tomorrow I'll let him go. I did right!?? No dad?? mom?? Just for today let me feel his last touches on me... Just for today".

Thank you for reading..❤

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