
Fallen's Descendant

TC2403 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Sweet Dreams

What is all that noise ? For a small village there being really freaking loud tonight don't they know some people have to sleep ?


What was that ? I couldn't quite hear that; but it felt so loud? " I need to get mom. M...o..m! where are you? mom?" ' why isn't she answering ,ok keep a cool head Cyrus lets get out of bed look for mom then we can deal with whatever going on alright lets go I can do this.


she's not in her room why is it so cold in here it's not winter yet and I can see my breath what is going on please just let this be a nightmare .

'Ok! lets just think about this whole situation' I woke up cause of loud noises out side, its got to be past midnight at the least cause the fires out and there is barely any hot coals in the fireplace. mom is not here;it is really cold enough so that i can see my breath and since I got up I haven't heard anything else outside. So there can only be a few options

one: the simplest is that this is just a dream and i am lucid somehow?

two: the town is under some sort of attack

'yeah that's basically all I got . I have no clue i hope this is just a wired dream and that i will wake up soon! lets just sit tight and wait this all out, worse comes to worst I'll book it to old man Mason's. i am sure that old dwarf won't let nothing bad happen to his shop . Wait a minute?what's that smell is something burning ?it smells like smoke, I need to get out of here!

*Cyrus rushed down the steps*to reach the bottom floor the smoke and flames became visible as if sprung out of nowhere. Feeling even more real cause of the heat that was coming off it . A sense of dread and confusion was swelling up in him he didn't know what was going on or what to do but he knew one thing he had to get out there, with no more time to wait for his mom. As soon as he reached the door handle it felt cold to the touch and sent a shiver down his spine;he felt that it was more dangerous going outside then it would be staying in the burning building .

What to do? what to do? screw it! ill take my chances outside better than being buried to death !

Grabbing the door handle and rush out only to be stunded at the sight around and startled by the door slamming behind him

Everything was on fire the whole town was a blaze it looked nothing more than a pit of hell there where charred corpses lineing the streets they where burned so bad he counld't recognize who they were it was sickening to his stomach it made him want to throw up but he couldn't look away it was like something was compelling him to keep looking at everything before his eyes . Shivering at the howling of what sounded like wolfs as he turned slowly in the direction he saw there four monstrous wolfs Or what seems to be wolf? each was around half the hight of a grown man they had six legs and were their fur was ment to be they were covered in bright golden flames their eyes and fangs where as dark as the night as if to pull you into the darkest abyss that could swallow you up an now all four of them where looking at Cyrus as if they had just found a late night snack.


Cyrus didn't hesitate for a second later he turned away from the creatures that looked like they crawled up from hell. Running as fast as he could. He didn't turn back to look once he was to scared, to afaird that as soon as he did they would catch him then he would become those damn thing chew toy. he ran down the street , he was going to the only place he new ; the only place that could be safe in this nightmare from hell ! Where you ask old man Masons smith's. he knew the grumpy old dwarf wouldnt let anything touch his shop. As he turned the conner to the next street Cyrus finally saw the door to Masons shop and just like he suspected that old dwarf shop was fine it looked like it would on any other day but right now in the eyes of Cyrus it looked like a gift from the Havens. safety! As soon as he reached the door he didn't hasate to open it and go inside.


As soon as Cyrus open the door he found himself not in the femliar smith shop that he was used too, but instead it the open wilderness of Ubra forest there was a enough snow on the ground to reach his knees he was surrounded by pine trees their branches reached over 100 ft in the air, they blocked out the majority of the open night sky but you could still see some traces of the stars through the branches but the one thing that cought Cyrus attention was the dark Blood red moon that hung before him when he looked at it, it sent a shiver down his back and made all the hair on his body stand on end . It look like something straight out of a horror story something that souldnt exist in the real world but it was right in frount of him.

"Why is the moon.. like that? its not natural at all I have a really bad feeling about everything! how did I even end up out here? I..l know I walked through the smiths shop door. how did I end up out here?its so cold and dark. DAMN IT ! why can't i be in my warm bed under the covers i wish this nightmare could end ;this has to be a nightmare. no way,mom would leave me behind ." 'Okay. Breath.'

' Cyrus lets get our shit together!'

'its dark we are in the middle of a snow covered forest in the freezing cold i have nothing on but my pajamas and DID I SAY IT FRIKING FREEZING' 'let keep moving forward I can't stay here ill freeze to death!

and the way the village is looking; there is not going to be any rescue party. ok lets mark the trees and keep moving forward if someone see it hopeful there friendly.'

This damn bark is so tough.I wish I had my mana core already that would make things so much easier oh well no sense of crying over it now sense the tree is marked with some torn off bark which way should I go from here ? All around me is nothing but dark woods if I could see the stars better that would be helpful but these damn trees are to tall and I cant see through the brush . that cursed red moon that looks like something from my nightmare . I got it ill walk with the moon to my back so I don't have to see and act like it not there problem solved .

20 mins later

I am not getting anywhere !!!

why does it feel like that damn moon is getting bigger eveytime i look at it like i am not walking away from it but instead getting closer to it. please mr moon leave me alone .I don't want to go anywhere near you so please just leave me be and go about your creepy night until the glorious sun comes up and hides you away from my sight and lets me see in this damn pitch black woods . Wait a minute isn't that the same mark i left on the tree as soon as i got here ?A cold shiver ran down his back when he saw the mark on the tree, fear and confusion swelled up in his heart and mind. How can that be i have been walking in a straight line since i got here ,an i've been keeping the moon to my back .how is that tree right in frount of me right now that souldnt be possible it CAN NOT be but it is its right in frount of my face !

his already cold,red frost biten hands already shacking from the cold started shacking more violently. he was scared he wanted to just give up right then and there lay down on the ground and accept what ever was going to happen to him or what ever was messing with him. Right then he though of his mom and friends how he didn't know if they where safe or if they were even alive . Of course he was just a kid and he couldn't do much even if they where in trouble but once he thought of that he snapped his self out of his depression state .

Screw it since this moon keeps wanting to get closer to me might as well let it. Just walk straight for it and let that creepy bastered led the way it beats waiting to freeze to death in this cold creepy dark forest !

As he started walking towards the blood moon he could already feel the difference in the environment the temperature was rising there was less snow around on the ground and the thick tree and bushes that where all around him where thining out and become more clear it was like the moon had open a path that was just meant for him and only him to pass through. As he kept moving down the path that the moon gave him, he came to a opening in the tree line . It gave him false hope of finding his way out of the forest but what came to his view was a beautiful Lake it had crystal clear water; you could see through all the water except for the deeper parts the reflection of hundreds and thousands of firefly's lighting up the night sky around the lake along side a large willow tree ,It looked as if no one had ever seen or been to this lake but the wild life of the forest it was untouched by man it was all just so stunning to look at.

Cyrus closed his eyes for a few seconds to take in the fresh air his heart finally became still when his eyes saw the beautiful and mystery's lake in frount of him but that was short lived because as soon as he open his eyes to look upon the lake another time the scenery changed he was still standing in the same spot but the lakes crystal waters became blood red there was some sort of gate in the middle of the bloody water that had a dark red glow emitting from it and all around the shore line of the bank he could see four corpse of what looked to be kids around his age hung upside down on crosses but he couldn't tell who they were there faces were blurred out, As he look across the lake past the gate he could see another figure standing up holding a dagger that had a golden handle with a red ruby gem on the end of the handel and the dagger was was covered in blood as soon as he saw it he saw the figure slash down on the last person on the cross and as soon as he did he saw a bright and blinding light flash across the whole area . He closed his eyes he heard a soft and pleaseing voice in his head .

"Cyrus its time to wake up."