

*Slow burn romance* "Tell me, honestly, do you think things might have been different between her and I had it not been for this... fallacy of mine?" asked the rather forlorn looking man, standing in the balcony that overlooked the shrubbery where he'd had his first dinner with her, where he had first kissed her, gazing wistfully till the edge of the horizon. "I believe they would have, yes," replied the boy, who stood a respectful distance away. Splaying his hands on the cold marble top of the railing, the man attempted to prevent the pain in his heart from seeping into his voice. “How can you be so sure?" He heard a long, dragged sigh in response. "Because she refused me for just a thought of you." Natakha Rybakova, a female werewolf, knew it in her heart that if there was just one word to describe her, it was loyal. She's reserved her heart for one man, and one man only; the one she's destined to be with. But what if that man isn't what she had hoped for? What if he, too, is loyal, but that loyalty lies elsewhere? Because what if he's destined to be with Natakha, but he sure as hell doesn't want to be?

Star_Kay_3300 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs



"I've been waiting. It's excruciating. Nerve-racking.

I've been suffering. Not justly.

But not quietly. This suffering burns through me every time I hear that one name; the name whose bearer wrapped barbed wires of agony around my chest.

I've been hurting.

It's something slow, something suffocating.

But it keeps the fire within me alive.

Her absence, it pinches a long dead part within me,

a part which people all around have given up hope on.

They say, that it's her absence which has made me a beast.

Made the warmth of fire die in my heart,

leaving me stone cold, leaving me… dangerous.

But they don't understand,

that what I am, that what I'm doing,

it is for their own good.

Because although I've been waiting,

a long, long time,

I've been patient.

And all I need,

is one chance.

Just one, and all will be the way it should…

…I've been waiting, but I won't be for long."

Hi all! Welcome to my story. This is just a short beginning, and I'm so glad you stopped by to read it. If you like the little jist and want to know what's to come, please add my story to your library and comment what you think!

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