
Ch 5

Stop moving,Chiara thought while trying to reach the boy but the closer she moved the farther he was away from her and his fall drew near.

"Please stop ,don't go,listen to me" Chiara screamed but her voice was drowned by laughter

Why's he laughing........ shut up and listen ,"You'll fall,don't leave me please".

His face contorted beyond recognition with anger ,"You let me go,its your fault,yours only",Marco spoke coldly

"But...,"his face was grinning as his body seemed to disappear ,"you can come get me,come with me,I'm waiting.

Chiara woke with a start,she choked on a sob and scrambled off the bed to the kitchen for a drink.

Sleep eluded her so she went to the study,read some novels till her eyes started to droop but she kept on till the words moulded into nothing. She awoke to a sound...a voice actually.

"I'm off to work",Eunice said

"A hello would be nice"

Eunice smiled but moved to the door.

"If you need something just call me" with that she was out.

Eunice seemed weary of her but no one could blame her,probably thinking she's living with a psycho.

Yesterday had shifted something ,...not sure yet whether its good or bad.

"Why did you try to kill yourself" Eunice had asked her

"I tried and obviously didn't succeed as I'm right in front of you"

"Why,let me help,tell me. I'm your friend,right ,we'll push through", Eunice's said through sobs

It was almost 2 years ago or...oh she's afraid I'll try again which I'm not sure...

After a long pause ,I told her calmly,"Its was my fault someone died and I couldn't live with myself so I decided to join him" smiling I walked to Eunice " but don't worry it won't happen now that you're around"

Hugging her,I silently laughed

Its yet to happen......,a small voice whispered

I shrugged and disentangled myself from my friend

"So are checking on me now"

Startled by the question the girl had stuttered,"I ...checked because this morning you found it difficult to breathe so I ...wanted to help and it was the same hospital so I um...stumbled on your records and you cut yourself and took an.....

"Hey,you don't have to spill everything",Chiara grumbled

"Ara don't think of it ok,I'm sorry but if you need anything being it health or anything else just come to me "

"I will"

"This is a lot to process ,I'll go to bed early" Eunice started moving to her room mumbling words I couldn't hear

She went inside but not without catching her last words

".... I haven't being with one before,what if whatever bothered her still bothers her.

Wait a few days ,a fortnight to be exact and it'll prove whether she's a psycho.

She was going to work or else she would go crazy if she's not already.

When she got there ,everyone looked at her and she was wondering if her boss had died.

Well it wouldn't hurt if he had......no ,no,

Who thinks like this....

Jack was stooping over Chiara's desk reading some paperwork .

"Mr Sommers, may I help you with something"

"What are you doing here "

What kind of question is that, did he fire me or something , Chiara thought but instead replied,"I work here so I'm here to work"

"You aren't allowed here till next week,two days of rest doesn't release months of stress",Jack chided

Wow ,I got a Dad here as well and thanks to Luke I'm stuck with him

"I have to do something, be away and have my brain occupied with work or anything else", chiara mumbled

"Wait here"


He went to his office and came back a few minutes later and held out his hand. I gingerly took his hand and frowned.

He grinned and took me out earning the stare of the whole working personnel.

He half dragged me to his car and I wondered where he was taking me .

Well we ended up at a cafe where I now sat eating a burger.

"How's everyone", Chiara asked when the silence was getting uncomfortable


Fine,..fine is all I get. So much for making a conversation.

"You suck at making a conversation",Jack said staring at his phone.

Realising she had thought out loud,she grinned.

"Well I...," before she could continue a scream almost tore her ears off.

She turned almost afraid of what she might see,instead of her dreaded imagination, she found herself staring at cute blonde.

The accident had made her sensitive to sound,screams actually especially one that catches her off guard.

Jack seemed amused and thoughtful, the latter obviously directed at her,she looked like she would bolt any moment.

The blonde sat on Jack's lap causing a few stares in the cafe. She went for quick kiss and pouted.

"You been ignoring me",she taunted

"Well I certainly don't need or want you", Jack said calmly and pushed the girl off his lap.

Though it was gentle ,she stumbled before gaining her balance and walked off after smirking in my direction. I smirked to her but mainly to the old man who had seen me catch him staring at her behind.

Looking at Jack now,he was looking out the window.

"Can you take me back, now" I asked



"No, we're going to the park "

With that I found myself being dragged the second time today by Jack. He held my hand like the minute he let go I'll ran off,..he wasn't entirely wrong there.

"You don't have to strain yourself to make me feel better," I told Jack when he sat by me.

"I won't "

We fell into comfortable silence and I zoned off.

Marcos would have loved this,parks was his favorite place and the water falls...

I jerked at the thought startling Jack in the process

"I'm sorry,Mr Sommers"

I looked up to see him amused.

"Mr Sommers???, what did we say about that", he teased

"Jack...,Jack when not speaking of business", I said smiling

"Let's get you to your car before you zone out again" he said and began rising. Bumping into him when I tried to rise too and getting caught in his arms.

His eyes had flickers of gray if you looked at this close range.

He coughed,

Oh I was busy deciphering the colours of his eyes

"Um....let's go", was all I could say

The drive back was silent. He walked me to my car,

"Call me if you're bored ok",he said simply


I turned but he held my hand and looked at me with all the intensity his green eyes could master

"Can I kiss you "