
Chapter 6

Tired of work Elizabeth still continue her daily lifestyle this past 2 months is also a dull days to her as always.

When Mark saw Elizabeth got sick he finally cant control himself and visit her.

"Why are you here?didnt I tell you to stay away from me?"

"And you said you dont need a man so I am still here for you."

Before I can say my next words again I saw Mark wearing a skirt and a wig.

"Shit"for the first time she finally exposed her personality.

"HAHAHAHA that was hilarious"Mark teased.

"So you mean that If I will be healed tommorrow thats means you won?"

"Yes"he nodded.

"What if I am not?"

"Then I wont going a date on on you and stay away from you forever"

"Go ahead"


"Take care of me and treat me"

He smiled.

A day later.

"Youre back"he said as he welcome me with hug but I avoid it.

He still smile like everything was under his control.

After work we visit a 5 star restaurant and it was his treat.

Everything in there was expensive at first I was hesistating but when he plead like a baby.

I am worried at his mental health so I agree.

"So you cant resist my handsome face huh"

"I was forced"

"Okay okay fine"he said when he was my frowning face.

Instead of eating something I used to eat I eat something different that exploded my stomach and my taste buds.

I keep saying woah yummy so good cool and etc words like that which made me embarassed.

Seeing the new side of her that opposite to her personality.

She was like ordinary girl to me that cant resist food she has heart too even she was cold I know that she still a girl for me.