
Chapter 16

As she was eating John suddenly appeared making George frowned.

"Elder brother youre here"she said sweetly.


"?"Anna look confused when he mentioned his bestfriend name.

"John long time no see it been a years."George said in knowing smile.

"Did you two know each other?"Anna said innocently.

"Yes we did he was my cousin"

"!?"Anna then realized it was her also childhood friend.


George smiled brightly "you finally remember Ann"

"I did remember that you promise to marry me since child but I refused"

After that they both began reminiscing about what happen.

"Its hilarious right?"

Seeing them talking close John feel irritated and jealous.

"But Gege those promise are not valid since I will marry elder brother John because to me he was the most attractive man in the whole world."

Seeing that John smirk and control himself to hide his happiness.

George was hurt and pained but he pretend to be okay.

"Its alright someday I steal you away from him sis"he said innocently.

Like those words is not matter to him.

"Then goodluck Anna lets go"John then grab Anna hands and hold her wrist gently in order not to hurt her.


"Whats the matter are you gonna stop us cousin?"

He shook and gave a lunchbox with a food on it "here take it its your favorite food."

"Thank you Gege"she smiled sweetly and left him.

"Bastard"John said.

"Johny brother jealous?"she said teasingly.

"No I am not"

"Tsundere hehe"

Seeing he cant denied it he just went silent but deep inside he was a bit happy when she said that.