
Chapter 15

As she saw the scene infront of her she stomp the cigarettes she uses and slam the pink car.

"Bullshit he supposed to be mine how dare she!"

This time you cant escape from me Mark

"Your mine youre always be mine"

One month later.

"George what are you thinking?"Anna said curiously.

"It just why womans heart is so cold"he said pretending to be innocent.

Asking dumbly like a child who was wronged.

"Why?"Anna then go closer and ask curiously.

"Tell me whos the girl you've been interested about"

Startled at her distance he retreat back.

"Gosh"his heart beat so fast that he forget to breath.

"George whats wrong with your expression?"

Bluahingly said"what happened"

'You look soo shocked"Anna giggle.

He avoid her looks and said.


Then Anna said something that made him calm down.

"You must been inlove with this girl since you look like you dont want to tell it openly."

"Tssk she misunderstood again"he whisper.


He shook his head and said"nothing.

As she was eating he saw that she like the food so much so he spoiled her.

"Here eat more"he said while putting his own food to her.