
Fall for the trap

There's a boy who is known for his charm and charisma. He sets his sights on a girl named alessandra, who is kind-hearted and full of dreams. He uses his smooth words and gestures to make alessandra fall head over heels for him. They spend magical moments together, and alessandra believes she has found her soulmate. But did he really loved her, driven by his own selfish desires, betrays her trust and breaks her heart. It's a story of love, deception, and the journey of healing and finding strength in the face of betrayal. Will alessandra be able to pick up the pieces and find happiness again? Was he doing that knowingly? Or something else was there that nobody noticed? Only time will tell.

kwwi_paw351 · Thanh xuân
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13 Chs

Chapter # 13

As the boy entered, his eyes showing no emotions in his eyes. He seemed aware of the anger that hung in the air, he stands there if this was an usual atmosphere of this house.

 That adds another layer of complexity to the situation. The emotions in the mansion must be running high, as the tension between that man and him can be particularly intense.

As the boy walked into the mansion, Francisco's anger may have intensified, or perhaps it shifted into a mixture of disappointment, and frustration.

As the man's gaze fell upon the other man, his eyes burned with a fiery mix of anger and frustration. It was as if the weight of the world had settled upon his shoulders, and he couldn't contain the emotions bubbling up inside him.

The lines on his forehead deepened, etching a map of his inner turmoil. His jaw clenched tightly, muscles taut with tension. Every fiber of his being seemed to radiate the intensity of his emotions, as if his anger and frustration were tangible forces in the room.

The man's eyes locked onto the other man, piercing through him with a gaze that could cut through steel. It was a look that spoke volumes, conveying a deep sense of disappointment, and perhaps even a hint of resentment.

In that moment, the air grew heavy with unspoken words and unresolved issues. The silence between them was deafening, filled with the weight of their shared history and the pain of their fractured relationship.

The other man seems completely unfazed and unaffected by the anger and frustration in the man's eyes. It's as if he's seen it all before and is used to this kind of reaction from the man.

His demeanor remains calm and collected, almost as if he's immune to the emotional turmoil radiating from the man. He may have developed a thick skin over time, or perhaps he has learned to detach himself from the man's outbursts.

The lack of reaction from the other man could stem from various reasons. It's possible that he has grown accustomed to the man's anger and frustration, and has learned not to take it personally. He may have developed coping mechanisms to maintain his own emotional well-being in the face of such intensity.

Alternatively, the other man's lack of response could be a deliberate choice. He might be intentionally choosing not to engage with the man's emotions, understanding that it could potentially escalate the situation further.

" I can't believe you did this again! After everything I've given to you, you just return me this humility! " Francisco said with anger and frustration.

" I understand that you're angry but that was your duties to fulfill as a father, Mr. Francisco. " the boy said calmly.

" My duties huh! Or your needs? You just know how to make me disappoint Enzo. " Francisco, Enzo's Father said through gritted teeth.

 " I just want to say, it's not my fault..... It's not my fault that everything went wrong. " Enzo said calmly.

" Look at you! You are still showing me your shitty attitude. " Francisco said with anger.

" Just give me my punishment as always, I'm not in mood to argue. " Enzo said emotionless.

" Come here!!! " Francisco, shouted loudly,

The workers who have been working here from past years, know what will happen. They pity the poor boy but can never do anything to save him.

Enzo's hands get tied by some bodyguards, his father was slowly coming towards him. Francisco grabbed Enzo hair and slammed his head in the pillar beside. Francisco clenched his fists,his knuckles turning white as he threw punch after punch , his muscles straining with every movements. But no matter how hard he struck.

Enzo kneeled silently, seemingly unaffected by the onslaught, his father never stopped his attacks and continuously beating him. Enzo's face was not much bruised because his father don't want anyone to know that he abuse him. His forehead was bleeding along with the corner of his lip.

His father's jaw clenched at the unbothered creature in front of him, Enzo didn't even hissed in pain once, he was used to all this now. Francisco removed his belt and started to whipped him, he was beating him without any mercy as if he was his most hatred person.

After his father was tired he left from their leaving Enzo lifeless on the marble floor.

Hey lovelies, please support and like this novel. And please comment it makes me want to write more, hope you like this.

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