

when Emily started school she would talk, she would laugh, she would make so many friends.

she was happier in school than she was at home with her family. Reason being was because her stepdad was abusive to her mom, her brother and her. a couple years past and they moved when Emily started the 4th grade. they couldn't afford the rent because their stepdad was an alcoholic.

Carlos (their stepdad) would go to the bar every night till morning broke and drunk. her mother stayed with Carlos because at the time she was very sick she couldn't work and and because she still had love for him.

Emily was a new student at her new school she was so happy to be there. she was a really smart student and studied a whole lot. but then came a feeling where she wasn't happy at school either. turns out that she was being bullied because of how she looked and how nerdy she was.

the next year in the fifth grade she was hoping everything wasn't going to be like last year, turns out she was right. nothing was like last year in the fourth grade. it was even worse in the fifth grade. her hair was being pulled she was pushed she was called names, and a lot of other stuff they did to her. one day when she was Fed Up and she didn't tell the teacher she told the principal what was happening, but she didn't do anything about it. when Emily got home she cried. she felt helpless.

she told her mom what was happening at school and what happened when she told the principal, her mom didn't care, she was medicated with her medication that was prescribed to her.

when Emily's Mom noticed that Carlos was leaving every night to the bar and coming home in the morning she did the same and left Emily and her brother there alone. Emily and her brother were both scared because they lived in a dangerous town across the street from a dangerous place. they were left at home every night and hardly got any rest.


Instagram: @shortysbroken

more coming soon...