
Chapter 7

Camilla P.O.V

Out of nowhere a sneeze it me.

"Someone is talking my name" and I have a gut feeling it's not nice.

Speaking of nice things today, I finally get to go to work. Yesterday I was so pissed and the audacity of some niggas that I just went back home and sleep. Lucas of course had to tell the entire family of my little relapse and they knew that I wanted to be left alone so they asked no questions but I guess I can tolerate it now. On another note, I get to relieve stress and take my mind of that dick wad by doing the one thing I'm comfortable with right now.

I asked Lucas to come with me but he said he had business to attend to so I guess I'm on my own.

"Henry and Lucas already left. I don't know why and I didn't ask either"

Delicia is in the living room watching Television when I reached downstairs.

"He said they were leaving after me." This little bitch.

Oh well. No Henry, no Lucas, no guards.

"Guards Camilla" Delicia voice sounded through the garage.

"Seriously! Not you too D?"

"Hey, it was either I make sure you take them or no dick tonight." She answered back.

"Ew! Too much information D. Yuck!" Oh my god! I did not need to know about my brother's sex life.

Reversing out the garage, there are two SUV's waiting on me. No use trying to get away now. I sometimes think that this is for the best because of what happened last time but then again, if I'm pretending to be dead then what use is the attention of the guards. That was overruled when they dressed to blend in so I just gave up and opened my arms to welcome my new guards.

I flicker the lights giving them the signal so we can leave. The first car moves off before I follow, giving the second car leverage to move off behind me as well. Driving down this long road in a silent car was more than creepy so I plugged in my flash drive and sang all the way to town.

Aaliyah's song four page letter came on. Not bad.

Somehow this song reminds me of me. Must be why I'm getting so into the beat and the lyrics. I turned it up from twenty two to thirty so it was a little loud but who cares. My car, my rules.

When we reached the main road there was a minimum amount of traffic, most likely because of the new overhead road above Third Street that went up about two months ago.

"Alpha! Car on your left!"

My car jerked to the side as something rammed into it from the left. My head made a big impact with the window. It cracked and there was a wet liquid running down the side of my head, it left this loud throbbing that hurt like a bitch. My car spun a few times before I slammed by foot on the brakes. This either was either driving too fast and tried to slow down, he or she is fucking blind or they looking to die and trying to carry my black ass with them.

"Not today, Satan."

I got out my car slowly as my vision was blurry, even my hand that was trying to soothe the ache on my head wasn't working. My guards swarmed me as soon as I was fully out the car. They looked calm as ever, like they had the whole thing under control.

Me? I was about to blow a casket. I'm so scared to look at the damages right now, I think I might pass out but I did anyway and oh pumpkin spice I could die.

The left of my car is completely wrecked. The front seat is dented and the window is broken, all the shards on the ground looking like crystals. It looked straight out a junk yard. I cringed just looking at it.

"Fucking hell. My car, my baby." I whimpered stooping down, lightly touching it, afraid I would cause more damage than what's already done.

Doors slamming brought my attention back to the murderers, my anger sky rocked as I turned to them.

"Razor what the fuck did you do?!"

"I'm sorry, I got distracted. I thought I could make the light."

Oh Razor, I'm about to skin you alive in 10 minutes. My back turned to them as I was assessing the damage to my baby.

"Who's the owner of the car?" one of them was inquiring about me.

"Our boss and she is not happy." Petra, one of my guards answered.

"I'm willing to pay for the damages. How much is it?" Razor asked

This son of a white man hasn't even said sorry. I got up from my stooping position and glared at the two.

"What I want is not your money but a fucking apology" I spat at them.

Their eyes widened in surprise before one of them suddenly started smiling at me.

"Hello beautiful. The name's the razor" he sounded skittish as hell.

"I don't care" I deadpanned

"Turn left, we're going to the garage" I said turning to my garage.

"I could tap that ass" I heard him whisper to the other one.

"Would you shut the fuck up? Are we not in enough trouble as it is?" his other friend snapped.

This ass of a white man.

Turning around I punched him straight in the face, watching in satisfaction as he fell on his ass.

Just then two other cars stopped behind his car.

"Say some shit like that again and I swear a kick isn't the only thing you'll be getting. How dare you think I would go for a toothpick like you? Where did you get this confidence from? Because it definitely wasn't from that fun size dick in your pants." I snapped.

"Fucking prick" I muttered

"Razor, what the fuck did you do now?" this voice was familiar, almost too familiar. It startled me to hear, because for the life of me its recognition was on the tip of my tongue. I didn't even look back because that voice made me uneasy.

"Your jackass of a friend rammed my car" you can hear the anger in my voice as I finally turned from my car.

"We are already behind schedule man" he scolded the idiot. At this point I would have added my piece but my voice was stuck in my throat.

All the color left my face when I saw his face. Standing there, not even fifteen steps away from me is Daniel Persaud. Carmel skin, smooth brown hair the texture of silk, dressed to impress is his formal suit was scolding Razor. He still looked just as I remembered him. His eyes were glaring heatedly at Razor.

"I'm terribly sorry ma'am. It was not our-"

His eyes widened, mouth dropped open in shock as he finally got a good look at me. Back in high school Daniel was a transfer student that we befriended quickly after we realized his skinny figure would submit him to bullying, but clearly he's no longer skinny. He grew up, buffed up even, he looked damn drool worthy.

Seven of us hang out together as a group, a family, a team. Including me, there was Lucas, Daniel, Alexandrian, Nickholai, Elias and the one and only Alesso.

He started tapping frantically on the hood of the car. If I wasn't scared of who was in that car I might have laughed at how he looked. Before I got the chance to get away, two pair of feet stepped out the backseat of the car.

Looking at the left side of the car, Eli stood there looking at me wide-eyed, mouth agape. If Eli is here all the way in Florida then?

Turning to the right side of the car, all the air left my lungs when I looked at the man in front of me. Light caramel skin, covered in multiple tattoos, a nose piercing on his right nostril, smooth brown hair and widely opened green eyes.

I found my breath back as I stared at him.
