
Fairy Tale of A Village Girl

He is a third generation heir of famous Patel family in Pune, India. His family has made a name for themselves in restaurant chain business. They have also many franchises in different cities of India. He is proud, cold and highly intelligent. Everyone thinks in his big family that he can bring greater prosperity to the family after two generation of hard work. He has just completed his masters in management from one of the most reputed universities in India. He is a dream husband for many girls and dream son-in-law for many business class families. The only flaw in his personality is that he is a person with a traditional cultured view about family and relationships. Well, it is flaw according to modern thinkers and the girls mostly. His mother is afraid he will be taken advantage of because he is too emotional. And then the person who takes advantage of him is his grandmother, whom he loves and cares about the most in the family. She has promised a relative in the village that she will set up a marriage between their families and now her most favorite grandson has to do it for her. His dream of a fairy tale love gets shattered just like that. She was a hard working girl in her family. She has passed 12th grade with first division from the government school in the village. When she was 10 years old she was told by her grandmother that her marriage was fixed in a family in the city. She has learned to cook food, have been extra attentive in her studies and also tried to learn English well because she wanted to make her husband proud. She completed her education of up to 12th grade at the age of 17. After that, she could not go to college because the city was far from her village and because of being everyone's darling in the family they did not wish to send her away. It was already decided that at the age of 20 she will be married and she will go to the city. So, everyone in the family said that she can do college at that time. So her last 3 years from the age of 17 to 20 in the village were gone while learning to cook food, doing vegetable gardening and serving her elders and dreaming of her husband. Will he look like one of those actors in movies? I should perfect myself in cooking and learn how to respect elders, what if I embarrassed him in front of his family and relatives? I should take care of myself and not get any wound or scars while doing garden work or cooking on the stove, what if he finds me ugly? In the summer of year when she turned 20, her family received a call that people of boy's family are coming to see the girl and fix the marriage date and the boy is also coming. She felt like her dream is going to come true. She felt shy, self-conscious and dazed all the time. Finally, her dream of fairy tale love and the valiant prince is going to come true.

Kritdeo · Tổng hợp
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73 Chs

Her New Family

Everyone is present on the breakfast table by 8:30 AM and Sita has just informed that breakfast will be served in another 5 minutes. Grandpa is sitting at the place of the head of the family and at his one side Varsha and on another side, Akash is sitting.

Grandpa is feeling proud and happy seeing his family which consists of four people of his eldest son's family, four people of his second son's family and four people from his youngest son's family including himself in his wife there are total fourteen people in his family.

Ira is sitting beside Varsha and both are whispering something and giggling between themselves. The eldest uncle who is also the second son of Grandpa Patel feels discontent and sneering while seeing the laughing girls.

Seeing the expression of his second son grandpa felt sad and angry. This son of his has always tried to act independent and force his own thoughts on family even if they were not the best decisions. He also knows that his second son wanted Akash to marry a daughter of some businessman he wanted to do a partnership with and that is why he might be discontented toward Varsha.

His grandson from second son Arpit is also becoming defiant by following his own father's footsteps. Grandpa looked toward Akash and Ira and then the youngest ones and felt thankful that most of the people of the family still value love and relationship. He gritted his teeth and made a resolve that even if he has to beat the ungrateful ones with the stick, he will never allow his family to break.

Everyone is busy among themselves in talking, whispering or browsing on their phone. Varsha is talking to Ira and also observing few new faces on the table and feeling a bit uncomfortable due to their gazes. Varsha knows these new people are eldest uncle and eldest aunt and their son Arpit who have stayed in Pune for managing things here and did not join marriage ceremony.

But she still felt uneasy whenever her eyes met the eldest uncle and not being introduced by anyone is making it more awkward for her. And the hostility in eldest uncle's gaze and the sneer in his son's gaze is also making her confused because she can not understand the reason for their expressions. She looked toward Grandpa and coincidentally her eyes met him and he understood her uneasiness and he smiled at her to comfort her.

While food is being served, Grandpa coughed loudly to attract everyone's attention. Everyone became silent and Grandpa said looking toward his 2nd son "You guys could not join the marriage of Akash. So let me introduce you to my granddaughter-in-law Varsha. She is also the first daughter-in-law for your generation."

Grandpa looked toward Varsha beside him and said "Dear!" and then pointed toward eldest uncle, eldest aunt and then Arpit and told her "He is your second uncle whom Akash and Ira also call the eldest uncle because he is eldest of two uncles and next to him is your eldest aunt. The person next to your aunt is their eldest son Arpit."

Varsha stood up to go and bow to eldest uncle and aunt but Grandpa held her hand pull her to sit back and said "No need. At our home Girls are not allowed to bow. If you have to show respect to elders you can simply greet them by Namaste and that should be fine." Varsha smiled shyly and greeted eldest uncle and aunt from her seat only. Eldest uncle just remained indifferent but eldest aunt smiled at her.

Meanwhile, Breakfast is already served and everyone started eating. Everyone started eating silently and Ira sometimes is whispering something in ears of Varsha to ease her. Varsha also grinned with her time to time. Grandpa and grandma as well praised their granddaughter Ira for her thoughts toward her sister-in-law.

Arpit is eating his breakfast when his eyes met with Akash. Arpit looked toward Akash smugly and said to Akash "I know it is a bit late but Congrats to Big brother for his marriage."

"Thank you for your consideration." Akash felt annoyed in heart and replied sarcastically.

Everyone on the table is eating silently but the remark of Akash got the attention of everyone as both Arpit and Akash are sitting across the table and are loud enough for everyone to hear.

Arpit laughed and said "Big brother! You don't seem happy." Listening to this comment of Arpit, Granpa is fuming with anger but before he could say anything he found grandma glaring at himself and that glare made the anger inside himself dissipate quickly.

Akash laughed seeing the silent communication between his grandparents which made his grandpa to dare him through his eyes like he is saying 'Let me see how you respond to this'.

Akash looked toward Arpit and smiled. He said "First you are late in wishing. Second, you did not even bring any gift for your sister-in-law. Actually, you are so busy with your girlfriend that you don't even eat with the family most of the time. Should I consider your presence as our marriage gift?"

The response of Akash got everyone's attention and some people even laughed. Even maid Sita giggled who is standing nearby and it got her a glare from Arpit.

But the surprised gasp which got the attention of everyone is from Varsha. She exclaimed "Girlfriend?" She looked at her brother-in-law Arpit like she has seen some rare species. Ira laughed seeing the expression of her sister-in-law.

Akash asked annoyingly seeing the expression of Varsha "Do you even know what is a girlfriend?"

Seeing the look of Akash, Varsha pouted and said "Of course I know. If a boy and girl decide to be together without caring about what their elders or other closed ones think or say, then they are girlfriend and boyfriend."

Now it is the turn of Akash to become silent. His wife has the answer to everyone. As always she is really shameless. She does even think what she is saying.

But Grandpa who is sitting beside Varsha laughed heartily and said "Without caring about anyone. Good. Well said. As always, my granddaughter-in-law is so witty."

Grandma scolded "What your granddaughter-in-law? Is she exclusively yours. Stop acting like a madman and finish your breakfast." It made Grandpa's laughter stop and he resumed his breakfast.

Seeing the power of Grandma made everyone grin. After sometime everyone finished with their breakfast and everyone busied themselves in their work. Grandparents are sitting in the hall at the sofa and few other family members are also there. Grandma said to Varsha "Dear! We have already contacted your parents and that side family in the village and told them that we reached safely. It is good if you also called them."

"Okay, Grandma! I will go and call them now. I was planning to call already." Varsha smiled and said while showing the phone in her hand to grandma.

Ira appeared from somewhere and pulled the hand of Varsha and said "Sister-in-law! Let us go outside and I will show you our garden and property. You can also make the call there itself."

Varsha nodded at the suggestion of Ira and both the girls walked hand in hand toward the exit of the house.

Every family has some rebel members. Some competition among cousins is also their in big families.

Second volume has started and it has some sad and some heart breaking moments for Varsha but she will get over it and finally she will get what she wants.

Please continue to the fairy tale of Varsha. Please also provide your feedback and reviews so that I can write more with new vigor.

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