
Fairy Tale of A Village Girl

He is a third generation heir of famous Patel family in Pune, India. His family has made a name for themselves in restaurant chain business. They have also many franchises in different cities of India. He is proud, cold and highly intelligent. Everyone thinks in his big family that he can bring greater prosperity to the family after two generation of hard work. He has just completed his masters in management from one of the most reputed universities in India. He is a dream husband for many girls and dream son-in-law for many business class families. The only flaw in his personality is that he is a person with a traditional cultured view about family and relationships. Well, it is flaw according to modern thinkers and the girls mostly. His mother is afraid he will be taken advantage of because he is too emotional. And then the person who takes advantage of him is his grandmother, whom he loves and cares about the most in the family. She has promised a relative in the village that she will set up a marriage between their families and now her most favorite grandson has to do it for her. His dream of a fairy tale love gets shattered just like that. She was a hard working girl in her family. She has passed 12th grade with first division from the government school in the village. When she was 10 years old she was told by her grandmother that her marriage was fixed in a family in the city. She has learned to cook food, have been extra attentive in her studies and also tried to learn English well because she wanted to make her husband proud. She completed her education of up to 12th grade at the age of 17. After that, she could not go to college because the city was far from her village and because of being everyone's darling in the family they did not wish to send her away. It was already decided that at the age of 20 she will be married and she will go to the city. So, everyone in the family said that she can do college at that time. So her last 3 years from the age of 17 to 20 in the village were gone while learning to cook food, doing vegetable gardening and serving her elders and dreaming of her husband. Will he look like one of those actors in movies? I should perfect myself in cooking and learn how to respect elders, what if I embarrassed him in front of his family and relatives? I should take care of myself and not get any wound or scars while doing garden work or cooking on the stove, what if he finds me ugly? In the summer of year when she turned 20, her family received a call that people of boy's family are coming to see the girl and fix the marriage date and the boy is also coming. She felt like her dream is going to come true. She felt shy, self-conscious and dazed all the time. Finally, her dream of fairy tale love and the valiant prince is going to come true.

Kritdeo · Tổng hợp
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73 Chs

Date Set Accidentally

Next few days went in a jiffy. Life did not seem any different for anyone in the village but there was some additional spice mixed in the village air.

The news of the city party in the village to marry Varsha was on everyone's tongue in the village. Out of curiosity, many people visited the house of Ramlal Verma. Although the act of villagers was naive, for Akash it was torturous.

In these past few days, Akash felt like he has become the center of attention. Many village people came to see the city boy who was marrying one of the best girls in the village. Akash felt like an animal of the zoo being watched by scrutinizing gazes of people and even at home he felt frustrated.

He also met Varsha few times but seeing how free and easy going she was even after knowing his concerns about marriage, he felt like being ridiculed by the girl.

Akash found later that going on the farm along with his future brothers-in-law was much better as farms were at a bit distance from the house and he would be able to hide from those curious and uncomfortable gazes and comments of people. He also tried to minimize his interactions with Varsha as her free nature felt like a taunt to him.

Her brothers already started calling him brother-in-law and Akash can not hide his own annoyance when they do it. Everyone laughs at his expression thinking that he is feeling shy and embarrassed because he is not married yet. Akash feels frustrated why no one can understand his actual reason because he can not say it himself.

One day, Akash is sitting on a big rock in the shade of a Mango tree in the orchard. He looked at his future brothers-in-law working hard in the field. One of her brothers is using the tractor to plow the field so as to make the soil loosen for next harvest. Other two brothers-in-law along with some other workers are collecting straws from the previous harvest and also stones from the field. This mango orchard consists of ten mango trees and is on the side of the field where it feels cool because of the shade of trees and they have kept their water and food items.

Akash has already sweated in the field for one hour and is resting now. He felt like farm work is no less than working out in the gym with heavy equipment. He rested his head on the tree trunk behind him and felt the cool air and murmured "Seeing the productive work of farming and how beneficial it is to body, going to gym and pay money to exercise feels a ridiculous work." thinking of his reason to be here, he sighed and said in frustration "I would enjoy this experience more if it was not because of this reason."

He looked at himself. He is wearing a loose cotton T-shirt and half pant of cotton. This is the most comfortable dress he has to wear in the village during summer. Suddenly he remembered his phone and pulled it out from his pant pocket. He smiled seeing that network coverage is there. He has almost forgotten about his friends. He found the number of Alok in his contact list and dialed. There was a ring for a few times and then call was picked. Akash smiled.

"Ha ha ha. Finally, you remembered your friend." merry voice of Alok came from another side.

Akash sneered and said "No 'Hi' and no 'Hello'. Have you forgotten the courtesy? I am here in village lamenting about my future and you guys are just enjoying there."

Alok laughed and then said "Can we eat courtesy? Does it feel tasty? Ha ha ha. But don't worry, even if I like to joke but I sympathize with you on your village tour."

"Looks like I really called you to be ridiculed. Let me call Kripa. You are just useless." Akash complained.

"Stop, let me conference Kripa and Rishi as well. I also have not talked with them for some time." And then he connected them through a conference call.

They knew that Akash is visiting the village with his family for marriage talks and they avoided talking on this point. They just talked about their future plans and next steps and planned to visit each other. After talking with his friends, Akash smiled self-mockingly at himself thinking at least he has his friends and future plans where he has right to choose.

Finally, he thinks about all the reasons and believes that there is no way out because of the simple fact that his late father liked the girl and the pride of his grandfather. He feels a deep melancholy in his heart thinking about his first love. Akash thinks of Arushi whose marriage is fixed and she will be married soon. He walked toward the house in a daze remembering the voice and smile of Arushi which he missed for some time.

When Akash reached the house, he found his grandfather, her grandfather, a few village elders and a priest with his almanacs sitting in the lounge and discussing something. Akash sat beside his grandfather and then everyone looked toward him. Akash looked at his grandfather questioningly.

His grandfather asked, "Tell me, when should we plan the date for marriage?"

Akash looked confused and said, "Aren't we planning the date for engagement first?"

"Both things can be done at the same time if possible." Grandfather looked at him expectantly.

Akash felt annoyed seeing his grandfather's expectant gaze. He is being forced but he cannot do anything about this. He also felt emotional thinking Arushi will be married soon as she is already engaged for almost one year now. He thought why not just get married and be done with and then he won't have a reason to feel sad or lament about anything else.

He looked at his grandfather and said nonchalantly "As soon as possible."

Before anyone could say anything, the priest spoke "Ha ha. Good, as I said the almanac says there is a good day on July 1st which is two weeks away. Now that everyone agrees, no need to let this best auspicious time go to waste."

Akash looked at everyone and found them nodding in agreement. Marriage is just in two weeks and yet everyone is nodding like they were only waiting for his 'Yes'. He got tricked it seems. Even his grandfather is smiling.

Akash does not know whether to laugh at himself or cry for being tricked.

"I said it accidentally." He cried internally.

Most of the families in villages have their own assigned priest, barber, washer-man and they provide their services when needed. One particular priest, barber or washer-man could be working for more than one family.

Family Priest is called whenever they need to calculate the auspicious date based on almanac.

Sorry for missing the release, this week I will will release daily and more chapters per day.

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