

Damian who was looking at the three wyverns and the people riding on top of them was totally pissed off and was unconciously releasing his magic power.

Feeling the magic power that was coming out of Damian's body, the wyverns which were more proficient in magic were panicking and wanted to run away. But they weren't doing so, somehow they knew that of they even tried to get away from here, they will immediately die.

The three idiots who were not very proficient in magic were not able to experience the amount of magic power that Damian was releasing, but still the killing intent made them unable to speak anything at that moment.

The person sitting at top of the largest wyvern kicked his mount and said, "OI!!! AREN'T YOU A MIGHTY DRAGON!!! DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS BASTARD WHO IS BLOCKING OUR PATH!!!"

But just as the wyvern heard what the person was saying, it's body flinched and it instinctively looked towards the man in front of them, only to find him looking at them with a very 'bright smile' on his face.

"So the leader wants to go down first, eh? I don't mind."

Hearing which the wyverns got scared and decided to shake their rider of them, but were unable to as they were strapped to the wyverns with a magic that prevented them from falling.

Seeing what their mounts were doing the three idiots got angry and took out some kind of rod and slammed it on top of the wyverns and immediately the wyverns screeched in pain.

"YOU FUCKING BEAST!!! HOW DARE YOU DISOBEY ME!!!" and then once again hit the wyvern with the rod making them once again cried in pain.

Damian noticed the wyverns screeching bon being hit and thought that it was a bit weird for them to screech from this kind of attack, but then suddenly he realised something and said, "So you guys are using a magic item induced with Dragon slayer and pain amplifying magic, to torture them, eh?"

The three idiots stopped and looked at Damian with a pissed of expression on their faces and said, "So what if we are doing that?! Shut it plebian!! You don't have any authority to talk to people of our status." after which his lackeys started to state out their approvals as well.

Just when they were finished speaking a beam made up of magic was fired at them which destroyed the rods that they had in their hands, making the three idiots widen their eyes in shock.

All three of them looked towards Damian with a pissed off expression on their faces who just snorted and said, "Fuck off."

Damian then looked at the wyverns and said, "If I set you three wyverns free, will you go back without causing any troubles?"

The wyverns who heard that immediately imagined a light of hope coming from Damian and nodded their heads.

Damian gave a nod as well and flew towards the three wyverns making all of them very uncomfortable being close to Damian.

He then took out his sword scaring both the wyverns and the idiots alike making them shudder in fear.

"H-Hey what do you think you are doing?!"

"Yeah!! Do you even know who we are?!?!"

"If you don't want to become dragon food the-"

But before the last one was able to finish Damian moved his sword at a very fast speed and immediately cut the reigns that were bound around the wyverns.

He then kept the sword back in his sheath and made a platform in the air using his enchantments and said, "Throw the trash over this and go away before I decide to eat wyvern steaks for dinner."

The wyverns didn't waste even a second and shook their rider off them immediately and flew away after giving a bow of gratitude to Damian.

Damian gave a nod as well and then looked at the three people who were standing on a platform sticking close to each other as the platform was way too small for the three people.

Damian the snapped his finger and made the platform a bit larger and got on top of the platform as well and asked, "So is there a way you want to die or shall decide it for you?"

The three of them, who were now standing a bit more spaciously looked at Damian and took out their swords and said, "Don't get ahead of yourself, we still outnumber you. Surround him you two."

And just like he commanded the other two surrounded Damian, who was looking at them as if they were idiots.

"Heh, what feeling scared now or what? Well being surrounded by enemies really put you edge, doesn't it?"

Damian looked at the person who said that with a smile and showed him his middle finger making the three of them surprised by his response, but soon they became angry and tried to attack him. But the instant Damian showed his middle finger the platform disappeared and all three of them except for Damian fell down from the sky.

Damian looked at the three people who were falling down while screaming for a while until he was unable to see and hear them.

"....They should be dead now, I guess." and used his enhancement to look farther, but was still not able to locate the three shits who should have most probably crashed to the ground and died.

He gave a tired sigh and said, "Oh, well no loss in making sure that they are done for."

He then moved both his hands forward aiming towards the ground and started concentrating and thought, 'So the time where I test the spell which I found in the forbidden royal library of Adroelia has finally come. I have made sure to correct the mistakes that were there, but still, testing is important.'

Multiple huge magic circles started forming in front of Damian's hands and started arranging themselves in a stack like form. Once all of them got arranged, Damian started supplying his magic power to the circles making them glow and rotate a bit.

'Hmm, this spell takes a lot of magic power huh, looks like there are still some things that I have yet to check in the spell structure. Stability is a bit bad as well, normal mages from both Adroelia and Dragonof will not be able to handle this in their own. Well maybe Irene could handle this.'

Once the spell was totally charged Damian smiled in satisfaction as his experiment was successful and he said, "Hehehe, looks like my effort was not wasted on this, well whatever, to the grandness of those three idiots here is my tribute to them."

The magic circles started to send the stored energy to the front circle making a very bright blue glow appear in front of it along with a huge blue orb.

"The name of this spell....Etherion"

Just as the name left his mouth a very large blue coloured beam made up of ethernano was fired towards the ground taking everything under the radius of 1 km.


In the battlefield where currently the battle between the allied kingdoms and the alliance of Adroelia and Dragonof was taking place, everyone who was perceptive to magic stopped and a look of terror came on their faces.

All those people looked towards the sky and saw a very large bright blue glow up their making all of them gulp their saliva.

Rung who was also looking at this was totally speechless and looked at Loup who was standing near him and asked, "I-It's not that guy is it?"

Loup who had his mouth open was not able to utter a word making the people near him look at him with curiosity as well.

Rung then took out his sheathed sword and smacked it on Loup's back making him fall out of trance and asked once again, "Its not that guy is it? I cannot sense magic so don't space out."

Loup gave a nod and then said, "I don't know general Rung, I cannot feel its nature from this far away, also it looks like some ethernano from the nature is used as well."

Rung just have a tired sigh and said, "Since something crazy is happening, then it must be the idiot that I know." He then looked at the people around him and saw most of them looking towards the huge blur glow and said, "The same attention hogging idiot."

He then got serious and said, "Anyway it's our chance start attacking and finish this soon. The earlier we finish the earli-"

But before he could finish a very loud sound was heard and the blue glow rushed towards the ground in the form of a wave making all of them totally speechless.

Rung blinked his eyes in shock and shouted, "THAT ATTACK IS TOTALLY AN OVERKILL FOR JUST THREE DRAGONS!!!"