
Chapter 2

Year 777,

Ryzen woke up to the soft chirping of birds and the warm sunlight streaming through the window. 

Currently, he is staying in the fairy tail guild infirmary room along with 2 other kids. Due to renovation, the boys dorm of the fairy tail guild won't be available for a while. Most people find a temporary place to stay but for some orphan of the guild. They end up staying inside of the guild.

As Ryzen look outside the window. He started to realize that this is really his new life now. The previous day's events still felt surreal to him. He died and transmigrated to a different world. Not only that, he also somehow end up younger and was transmigrated along with a devil fruit which he ate immediately of course.

As he sat up in bed, Ryzen felt a mixture of excitement and anticipation.Yesterday, after joining the guild. The guild master Makarov offered to guide him in the ways of magic. 

Ryzen quickly freshen up and get dressed, wearing the simple but comfortable cloth guild master makarov provided. Making him look very tidy and handsome. And on his right hand. He saw his bright gold fairy tail tattoo stands out prominently.

Ryzen then make his way out of the infirmary, leaving 1 of his 2 new roomates that he just meet yesterday stay asleep.

He makes his way to the main hall. The guild hall was already bustling with activity. Wizards of all ages were chatting, eating breakfast, and preparing for their daily missions.

Ryzen also spotted some familiar faces that he saw yesterday like Gray who was topless, and was getting scolded by Erza in the corner.

Erza and Gray saw him and waved as he passed by. he returned their greetings with a shy and awkward smile and continue to walk passed them while Gray have to go back to raising his hands while on his knees. Getting more scoldings from Erza

" Ryzen! Come here!' called out makarov with a gentle smile on his face.

Ryzen turned to see makarov who was standing near the bar, a warm smile plastered on his face. The guild master looked every bit the wise and powerful leader, despite his diminutive stature.

"Good morning, master Makarov"Ryzen said, bowing respectfully.

"Good morning,Ryzen" Makarov replied."Are you ready to start your magic training?'

Ryzen nodded eagerly. "yes,master. I'm ready."

Makarov chuckled. "Good. Follow me." He led Ryzen out of the guild hall and into the training grounds behind the building. The area was spacious, with various training dummies, targets, and magical equipment scattered around.

" Before we begin, i need to understand more about your magic. Yesterday i asked you whether you know any magic and you said you can do something with light right?" Makarov said, sitting down on a tree stump and gesturing Ryzen to do the same. " I'm pretty proficient in light magic myself so if you tell me more about your light magic then maybe i can guide you better"

Ryzen took a deep breath trying to organize his thoughts. ' I gained the light light fruit ability after eating the devil fruit yesterday, i mean the fruit was even modeled after the light light fruit so i guess that's obvious. before sleeping yesterday, i have already tried turning my hand into light and it works just as i imagined. i even tried to stab my hand with a random twig as hard as i can and my body turn into light out of refleks. So I guess I can mention out that I can do what kizaru could do right?' After sorting his thoughts.

"Umm, master... i think i can create,control and even transform into light. Even right now, i think i can move at the speed of light, create blinding flashes, and shoot powerful beams of light energy"

Makarov's eyes twinkled with interest and slight shock. " Fascinating. It sound like a rare and powerful ability. I have seen cases of people using and turning into the element they are proficient in but that is very rare and usually these people need to have a very high affinity to that element since birth. Although there is a downside and that is. These people usually need to put extreme effort into trying to use other type of magic.

Hmmm, it seems that you are very talented if you can already do those things. I think you should focus on just mastering light magic.But remember, with great power comes with great responsibility. It's important to learn control and discipline. I have no doubt that you will become someone great in the future. I just hope you won't stray from the right path."

Ryzen nodded. " I understand, Master. I'm ready to learn."

Makarov stood up and began to pace. " First let's start from the basics. I have no doubt that you could already do some amazing stuff but starting from the basics won't do you any harm. In fact it might even solidify your understanding and strengthen your magic. Now, you need to understand the fundamentals of magic control. Concentration and focus are key. Close your eyes, clear your mind and feel the magic within you."

Ryzen closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to follow Makarov's instructions. he could feel a warm tingling sensation in his chest, like a ball of light energy waiting to be unleashed. He focused on that feeling, trying to connect with it.

"Good," Makarov voice broke through the silence. " Now, I want you to imagine that ball of light expanding, filling your entire body. Let it flow through you, but keep it under control."

As Ryzen followed Makarov's guidance, he felt the light energy spreading through his limbs, invigorating him and at the same time, his light body also somehow enhance this light magic energy. It was an exhilarating sensation, but he also sensed the potential for chaos if he lost control. He concentrated on maintaining a steady flow, not letting the energy overwhelm him.

" Excellent!" Makarov said. "now open your eyes and focus that energy into your hands."

Ryzen opened his eyes and extended his hands in front of him. He visualized the light energy gathering in his palms, and slowly but surely, his hands start to glow with a bright golden light. He could feel the power pulsing through him, ready to be unleashed.

" Now, try to release that energy in a controlled burst towards the dummy body" Makarov Instructed.

Ryzen took another deep breath and focused on trying to release a small, controlled beam of light from his hands.

A thick beam of light the size of a football ball shot out at high speed, hitting one of the nearby training dummy and completely extinguish its head .

Makarov jaw dropped seeing this display of power. " This is...Its seems that your talent with light magic is very absurd. You followed my instructions precisely but still shoot out such a powerful attack!" Makarov said with a shock tone. "Ahem, It's fine, That was a great first attempt. With practice, you'll be able to control the intensity and direction of your light magic even better." said Makarov after regaining his composure

Ryzen on the other hand was lost in thought for a bit. He realize that the light attack he just released is not the same as his light ability that he gained from eating the light fruit. That attack just now was a true light magic from this world but at the same time. It was enhance by his light physique when it coursed through his body.

Ryzen grinned, feeling a surge of confidence at his newfound ability. " Thank you, Master. I'll keep practicing."

Over the next few hours, Makarov guided Ryzen through various exercises designed to improve his control and precision.

They practiced creating tiny blinding flashes of light, But end up creating strong flashed that could blind people for a while. Ryzen was unaffected but makarov unfortunately was affected.

They then practice shooting beams of different intensity but although it was weaker, the strength was still absurd and uncontrollable compared to what Ryzen hoped for. Shocking Makarov each time

Ryzen then tried to use his light flight skill but end up crashing through a tree and into the ocean before he could brake. Causing him to dive into the ocean.

Makarov swiftly save him but unknown to him.

Ryzen have just found out that the ocean of this world does not affect him at all. This was a very big discovery since he was actually not bold enough to even try to swim in it. If not for this accident. He probably won't find out about this for a while.

Ryzen was then snapped back into reality with Makarov drying him with magic. And so the training continues.


Although the day was filled with failures. Ryzen was amazed at how much he improves as well. It was all thanks to Makarov expert guidance.

As the sun began to set, Makarov called an end to the training session. " You've done well today, Ryzen. Remember to keep practicing and refining your control. We'll continue your training tomorrow."

Ryzen wiped the sweat from his brow and nodded. '" Thank you, Master. I'll make sure to practice."

Makarov patted him on the shoulder. "Good. Now, go enjoy the evening. Get to know the town and the people. Magnolia is a wonderful place, and it's important for you to feel at home here."

Ryzen smiled and bowed. " I will, Master. Thank you for everything."

Leaving the training grounds, Ryzen decided to take Makarov's advice and explore Magnolia. The town was lively and vibrant, with people going about their evening routines. The streets were lined with shops, cafes, and colorful stalls selling all kinds of goods.

As Ryzen walked through the bustling market, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement.

He stopped by a bakery, drawn by the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries. The friendly baker, an elderly woman with a warm smile, offered him a free sample of a sweet bun. Ryzen gratefully accepted and savored the delicious treat, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort.

Time passed as he explored,

As night fell, Ryzen made his way back to the Fairy Tail guild hall. The building was lit up with a warm, inviting glow, and the sound of laughter and music spilled out into the street.

Inside, the guild members were celebrating another successful day with food, drinks, and lively conversation.

" Ryzen! Over here!"X2 called a pink hair boy wearing a scarf and a topless black haired boy at the same time. These two boys are Natsu and Gray. Ryzen current roommates in the infirmary.

Both natsu and gray seems a bit disheveled and panting. It seems that they have just finished one of their brawls. Although they seem to still have the energy to continue. The arrival of Ryzen seems to have caused a temporary truce.

"Hey, Natsu! Hey, Gray!" Ryzen waved, jogging over towards them

As he approached, Natsu and Gray's expressions shifted from their usual competitive smirks to genuine excitement.

"We have some great news, Ryzen!" Natsu exclaimed, almost bouncing with enthusiasm.

Gray nodded, his usual cool demeanor giving way to a rare smile. "Yeah, you're gonna love this. Master Makarov just told us that some of the boys' dorm renovation is almost finished. We won't have to sleep in the infirmary anymore soon since we can be the first to move back in"

Ryzen's eyes widened in surprise and delight. "Really? That's awesome! When will it be ready?"

"Any day now," Natsu said, his grin widening. "We finally don't have to sleep in that infirmary anymore."

" Well then let's celebrate!" Natsu declared with a wide smile, dragging Ryzen and Gray towards the guild hall. " Come on, we've got some time before lights out. Lets make the most of it!"

As they joined the rest of the guild, Laughter and warmth envelop them. Ryzen looked around at his new friends. and felt happy and glad that he decided to join this guild. Although it's still felt kinda awkward for him on the inside. Because an adult like him now need to play around with children's

That night, As he lay down to sleep, tired from today's activities. Ryzen couldn't help but smile. Thinking of the exciting tomorrow and the exciting future that he will have in this new world.


A/N: Unfortunately i have to confess that my math game sucks since i don't touch the math subject much after finishing school. so instead of precisely describing stuff with number like this thing is this diameter blabla. I will just use objects as example