
The Reception; Part 1: Best Man's Speech

Earth land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.


September 17, x785.


Shortly after Alfonzo and Elicia were declared husband and wife, the entire group relocated to the mansion's front yard. And when they arrived, there were a number of metal tables and chairs set up for the reception.


On top of all the tables and chairs, which were set up in a circle around an open area, there was also a temporary kitchen close to the house. And standing at that temporary kitchen was Erina Nakiri, the young woman Alfonzo poached from the Mermaid Heel guild staff.


"Tch!" Tsunade clicked her tongue as soon as she saw Erina. "I still have no idea what he offered her to leave our guild."


"What who offered her?" Shizune asked while following Tsunade's line of sight to Erina.


"Who else?" Tsunade asked with a scoff. "The groom himself, Alfonzo."


"Whatever it was, it must have been quite the offer for her to leave a prestigious guild." Ritsu said. "Though, I must admit, I am quite curious, as well."


While that conversation went on, the guests moved towards the tables to take seats for the coming banquet. However, when they made it to the nearest table, they noticed that each table had names etched into their surfaces in front of the chairs.


"It looks like there are assigned seats." Makarov said after arriving at one of the tables. "I wonder how they decided on that."


"They probably put people they knew got along at the same table." Goldmine replied while scanning the other tables for his name.


"Yeah, your children sure are considerate, Maki." Bob added with a smile.


"Well, they are my children, after all." Makarov replied with a proud smile.


"If they took after you, this would have already turned into a bedlam." Ooba shot back. "So, I don't know what being your children has to do with it."


With that, Bob, Goldmine, and Ooba all laughed good naturedly at Makarov's expense. Meanwhile, Makarov wore a dumbfounded expression.


Eventually, everyone was seated, chatting amongst those they were seated with. Then about fifteen minutes later, the bride, groom, and entire bridal party made their way out to the yard, as well. And when they did, they took seats around the last, unoccupied table.


"Laki, would you mind setting up the dance floor?" Elicia asked with a smile while snuggling into Alfonzo.


"Of course." Laki replied as she stood from her seat.


A moment later, Laki had arrived in the center of the open area between all the tables, drawing the attention of all the guests.


"[Wood-Make: The Shy Maiden Dances Under the Moonlight]." Laki chanted as she pressed her hands on the ground.


In the next instant, a square, parquet floor appeared under Laki's feet and expanded to cover nearly the entire open area.


"That spell name almost made perfect sense." Macao muttered as he watched the dance floor appear.


"Wow, we're gonna be able to dance, Natsu!" Lisanna shouted happily. "Will you dance with me?"


"But I don't know how to dance." Natsu replied while scratching his head.


"Don't worry, I'll teach you." Lisanna said while smiling happily.


A moment later, Laki returned to her seat at the main table. Then, from the temporary kitchen, a number of wait staff, called from the various Sixth Sense Restaurants around Fiore started carrying out plates of food.


Though it was not mentioned, While Laxus, Gray, Elfman, and Mystogan escorted the guests from the guild hall to the mansion, they were asked to fill out a form, a form that gave them a few options for their meal at the reception.


Then, while the ceremony was going on, Erina took care of cooking all the meals. Though, she was slightly upset that she had to work instead of being invited to attend the biggest wedding in recent years. However, she and the rest of the cook-staff were able to watch the ceremony through a lacrima Alfonzo set up to record the event.


And just like with the ceremony, Alfonzo had several lacrima set up to record the reception, as well. Having all the highlights to look back on in the future would be nice, after all.


Once everyone had a plate and a drink in front of them, before anyone could start eating, Alzack stood from his seat. And to everyone present, it was clear that he was nervous. Still, he gathered everyone's attention on himself by tapping his fork on his wine glass.


*Ting!* *Ting!* *Shatter!*


Unfortunately, thanks to his nervousness, Alzack put too much power into the hand holding the fork. As a result, he shattered his wine glass.


"*Sigh* The Fairy Tail effect has started." Alfonzo said while smiling wryly.


"I'm actually surprised it took this long for anyone to break anything." Elicia chimed in while wearing a similar wry smile.


Naturally, those two statements caused everyone not from Fairy Tail to laugh hardily. Meanwhile, the Fairy Tail wizards could only smile wryly like Alfonzo and Elicia had done. Everyone except Alzack, that is.


Instead of smiling wryly, Alzack was blushing heavily with embarrassment. As Alfonzo's best man, it was expected that he would say a few words. However, he had messed up before he could even get started.


Meanwhile, Bisca only had one thought in her mind while watching Alzack.


'His embarrassed face is so cute.' Bisca thought as her cheeks reddened, as well.


"Calm down, Alzack." Alfonzo said as he reached over and patted Alzack on his shoulder. "Just take a deep breath. There's no reason to be so worried. I mean, it's not like anyone will be able to show you your fuck up in the future, right?"


After hearing Alfonzo's voice and feeling his hand on his shoulder, Alzack turned in Alfonzo's direction. And when he did, his embarrassed blush disappeared immediately, replaced by a fearful pale complexion.


'God damn it!' Alzack exclaimed internally. 'I really will get the chance to see my fuck up later. Alfonzo is recording everything from today. I really need to get my shit together.'


In the next instant, Alzack's eyes became clear while his expression turned solemn. Then, he began speaking just as a server finished cleaning up the spilled wine and shattered glass.


"Ladies and gentlemen, today we're all gathered to celebrate the marriage of our friends, Alfonzo and Lici." Alzack said in a sonorous tone.


Hearing Alzack's tone and seeing the expression on his face, everyone, without exception, focused on his next words.


"For as long as I've been a part of the Fairy Tail family, Alfonzo and Lici have been here." Alzack continued. "And from what I've seen, they have always been a driving force in making Fairy Tail what it is today."


With that, everyone present started to think back to everything that had happened since Alfonzo and Elicia joined Fairy Tail.


"They've aided in training nearly everyone who joined the guild after them." Alzack said. "As a result, we've all been able to overcome all the challenges we've faced. We survived an attack from a guild that was said to be on par with us, we returned when the entire town was turned into a lacrima, we've defeated two of the three guilds making up the Balam Alliance, and we even survived an attack from the Dragon of the Apocalypse, Acnologia."


While having all the feats laid out over just the last year, Alzack, along with all the other Fairy Tail wizards puffed their chests out with pride. Meanwhile, after having all those feats laid out in front of them, all the other wizards in the crowd showed appreciation in their gazes.


"But that's not all." Alzack continued. "On top of making the guild stronger, they've both done so much to help the people of Fiore… No, of Ishgar, and maybe even the whole world. While Lici has helped beautify the population as a whole with her wonderful clothing and Alfonzo has made life much easier as the inventor of many magical appliances and the new magic vehicle engines."


This time, not only the wizards, but all those in attendance, especially the normal civilians looked at Alfonzo and Elicia in appreciation. At the same time, Nell smiled proudly. She was the one who trained Alfonzo as a magic item craftsman, after all.


Meanwhile, Nicoletta Goldstein, or Nico for short, a beautiful young woman with shoulder-length, wavy, black hair pushed back with a plaited hairband, light tan skin, and brown eyes wearing red framed glasses, a simple black, knee-length dress, and brown cowboy boots, looked at Alfonzo with shining eyes.


Nico had heard quite a few stories from her adopted grandmother, Nell, about the most talented boy she had ever seen over the years. Despite that, she had never met him. So, once everyone was free to mingle, she was looking forward to picking his brain.


"And then, there's the amazing, new guild hall Alfonzo designed and took charge of constructing." Alzack said, looking towards the tall tower with a Fairy Tail emblem hanging from it in the distance. Then, after pausing to appreciate the guild hall for a second, Alzack turned his attention back to the crowd. "But on a more personal note. Alfonzo and Elicia, after realizing that I had not awakened an innate type of magic when my magic power awakened, were the ones that helped me find my own path as a wizard."


When Alzack got to that point, Alfonzo and Elicia could not help but smile sheepishly. They had information about Alzack's talents, after all.


"On top of that, once Alfonzo reached a certain level in magic item crafting, he made my weapons of choice." Alzack continued proudly. "A pair of magic pistols like nothing I had ever seen before. And with those, I was able to raise my abilities as a wizard to new heights."


At that point, all those who knew what Alzack was capable of nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, Alzack's expression relaxed by quite a bit.


"On top of that, Alfonzo never once charged me for the pistols, the ammunition, or their maintenance." Alzack said with a smile. "And I think we all know how Alfonzo feels about working for free."


Then, Alzack smiled smugly at the crowd.


"Jealous?" Alzack asked playfully. Then, after receiving a few chuckles and envious glares, he continued. "But seriously, I never took that for granted. Instead, I worked even harder. To show him, my best friend that I was worthy of the care and help he's given me."


Then, Alzack turned towards Alfonzo and Elicia.


"Ever since I joined the guild, I was told that everyone was family." Alzack said, a sincere smile appearing on his face. "And they were right. Ever since that day, I always have, and always will, see the two of you as my older brother and sister. And now that the two of you have tied the knot, I couldn't be happier for you."


With that, Alzack reached down to the table, picking up his new glass of wine, and raising it into the air.


"So, for the years to come, I pray for your happiness." Alzack continued. "And I look forward to the things the two of you will accomplish together. Because if the things you've accomplished alone are any indication, we've got a lot to look forward to. Now, everyone! Raise your glasses and join me in congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Marcus on their wedding! Cheers!"


"Cheers!" The crowd, with their glasses raised shouted in unison.


Then, as one, everyone in attendance took a sip from their glasses.


A moment later, Alfonzo, with a big, silly smile on his face, and Elicia, while holding back happy tears, stood up from their seats. Then, Elicia rushed to give Alzack a hug.


"Thank you, Alzack." Elicia said in an emotional tone. "You know we love you just as much, right."


"Of course I do." Alzack replied with a smile while returning the hug. "If you didn't, I wouldn't be where I am today."


Smiling brightly, Elicia released her hug and stepped back. A moment later, Alfonzo stepped forward and pulled Alzack into a hug as well.


"All it took was lighting a fire under your ass to get you going, huh?" Alfonzo asked playfully. "Still, I knew you had it in you."


"Yeah…"Alzack replied with a wry smile. "You nearly scared the hell outta me, though."


"Yeah, but you got it done." Alfonzo replied as he patted Alzack on the back. "And I like the smug confidence you showed during your speech. There's always room for a little smug in situations like this."


Hearing that, Alzack could not help but laugh a little as he and Alfonzo released their hugs. In the next instant, however, Alfonzo leaned in to whisper into Alzack's ear.


"Now, we just need you to show that kind of confidence when you talk to Bisca." Alfonzo whispered with a grin on his face. "It's seriously getting tiresome to see you two dance around each other like that, you know."


With that, all the confidence Alzack had shown since he started his speech evaporated immediately. Instead, it was replaced by a nervous and embarrassed blush as he stole glances at Bisca.


Meanwhile, Cana, who was sitting next to Elicia at the main table, finished her glass of wine.


"Damn, I'm glad I opted to not give a speech." Cana muttered. "What the hell was I even supposed to say after a speech like that?"


In the next instant, Elicia sat back down in her seat and pulled Cana into a hug.


"You would have done just fine, Cana." Elicia said happily.


In response, Cana only smiled wryly.


"Anyway, now that the Best Man's speech is out of the way, Let's eat, drink, and be merry!" Alfonzo shouted just before taking his seat and picking up his silverware.


"Yeah~~~~~!" The crowd shouted happily as they, too, picked up their silverware and started to eat.

I know it probably seems like a cop out to make Alzack the best man. Especially since there is very little in the way of written interaction between the two. And to be honest, I get it. A complaint I got about my last fic was that the girls did not have enough personality. So, I focused more on that. Too much, maybe. As a result, I neglected Alfonzo's male friends.

But I do intend to fix things like that going forward. Even if it doesn’t happen until I write my next fic.

Either way, I somehow made it to 400 chapters. And to be honest, I thought I would have dropped a long time ago. But since I'm having so much fun writing this, I made it this far.

I wanna thank everyone who’s stayed with me this far and given me their support. You all are the reason I keep going.

If you wanna read 5 chapters ahead or just give me a little support, join my patr3on at:


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the story.

Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always appreciated.

SixthSense1029creators' thoughts