
S-Class Promotion Exam; Part 2

Earth Land, Ishgar, Tenrou Island.

December x779.

After Makarov sent off the participants of the S-Class Promotion Exam, it did not take long for them to reach their designated platforms. When they did, they all saw that the platforms were actually made of ice, letting the participants know that Ur was the one to make them.. Also, at the base of each platform was a smoke signal.

"I was wondering how they would know that we all made it to the platforms." Alfonzo muttered as he set off the smoke signal. "I guess a signal from the center will go up after all the signals at the platforms are lit."

Shortly after Alfonzo lit his smoke signal, the other seven were lit in short succession. After that, a firework was shot into the sky from the clearing. When it detonated in the sky, the word, "BEGIN!", appeared in the sky.

At that moment, all the participants started moving, looking for their first opponents. The participants were not the only ones who started moving, however. Fairy Tail's three S-Class wizards also started moving. Two in particular were looking for the same participant.

"Fairy Tail doesn't need an S-Class wizard like you." Laxus said to himself while somehow walking toward the platform where Alfonzo started the exam. "Even though you're strong, you don't show enough respect to your superiors."

A moment later, a wooden block with a creepy looking face carved into it floated from behind a tree, clearly leading Laxus toward his desired destination.

Meanwhile, Gildarts was also looking for Alfonzo. Though, he had no way of knowing which way he needed to go to find him. So, he started walking toward one of the platforms randomly.

"I'm sure no one taking the exam this year is strong enough to beat him one-on-one." Gildarts muttered to himself as he strolled through the forest without a care. Then, his expression turned a little sinister as he continued. "So, I should be able to beat him.--- *Cough* Test his progress before the exam ends."

Meanwhile, Makarov, who had quickly vacated the exam grounds after setting off the starting signal, was sitting on the ship in one of the cabins. There, with a mug of ale in his hand, he was watching a magical projection that allowed him to track those with the Fairy Tail guild mark. What made this device even more impressive was that it could differentiate between the wizards with the mark.

"*Gulp* *Sigh* Is there anything Nell and that boy can't create together?" Makarov asked, still marveling over the device Alfonzo and Nell made at his request. "At this rate, Nell will have to change her occupation of magical gunsmith."

At that thought, Makarov could not help but smile. He had known Nell for a long time. And not once had she ever shown interest in making anything other than magic guns and/or bullets. But ever since she met Alfonzo, her horizons had broadened. And with her horizons broadening, so did her skills improve.

"I told her she'd stagnate if she stayed so single-minded. But did she listen to old Makarov? No~." Makarov said jovially before taking a swig from his mug. Then, his eyes narrowed as he looked at the projection. "Oh, it looks like the first battle is about to start."

At the same time, Elicia, who had been spreading her [Detection Threads] ever since the exam started, quickly pulled herself into a tree when she felt the presence of another wizard suddenly appear on top of some of her threads at a close distance.

'It must be Mest.' Elicia thought to herself as she camouflaged herself in the foliage. 'He's the only one who could suddenly appear this close without me noticing.'

Though that thought was not completely true, Elicia was too focused on the exam to think about it any deeper. Instead, she sharpened her senses and watched as Mest cautiously walked toward the spot where she once stood.

Meanwhile, Mest who had just teleported in a random direction from his platform, had no idea that he had just landed on Elicia's [Detection Threads]. So, with caution, he continued walking through the forest, hoping to find someone before he could be noticed. Unfortunately, that was just wishful thinking.

After taking another step, Mest felt something wrapping around his left leg. As he looked down, he saw threads coiling around his leg.

"Shit!" Mest exclaimed. "This must be Elicia."

A moment later, the threads around his leg tightened and he was pulled off the ground. Then, Mest found himself hanging upside down from a thick tree branch. Mest's instincts flared after that, causing him to quickly activate his magic.

Seconds before, Elicia changed her [Detection Threads] spell into something else, using the threads as a snare trap. Then, when Mest was in the perfect position, she triggered the trap, hoisting Mest into the air. And just as she triggered the trap, Elicia shot threads from her fingertips at two trees on the opposite side of Mest.

"[Thread Magic: Human Missile]" Elicia chanted as she contracted the threads at high-speed, launching herself, feet first, at Mest, who had been suspended upside down.

However, just as she was about to land a devastating kick on Mest's back, he disappeared right in front of her.

"Tch!" Elicia clicked her tongue as she connected her senses to the [Detection Threads] that were still spread over the area. "Being able to teleport is cheating."

While Elicia pouted at her failed sneak attack, she used her threads to cushion her landing. However, before she could complain any further, she ducked her head, narrowly avoiding a kick aimed at the back of her head. Then, she was forced to quickly arch her back, avoiding an uppercut in the process.

'Yup, Teleporting is a cheat.' Elicia thought as she arched her back even further, placing her hands on the ground.

Quickly forcing herself up onto her hands, Elicia spun in place, meeting Mest's incoming punch that was aimed at her lower back with her left knee. Continuing her spin, she flung her right foot at Mest's head. Unfortunately, Mest was able to dodge using his [Teleportation Magic], once again.

Appearing on Elicia's right, Mest threw a right hook aimed at Elicia's abdomen. In response, Elicia quickly lowered herself, rotating her body as she did. Then, after her shoulders touched the ground, with her legs spread to avoid the incoming fist, Elicia pushed herself up and off the ground, landing a kick on Mist's chin due to her unexpected movements.

With his brain slightly rattled, Mest was unable to dodge Elicia's second foot that landed across the side of his face.

"Argh!" Mest grunted in pain as he was sent flying back by Elicia's kick.

Wanting to capitalize on the advantage she gained for herself, Elicia' still in mid-air, shot threads from her right hand and pulled herself toward a tree branch positioned above Mest. Then, she quickly pulled herself toward it. A moment later, she kicked off the tree, shooting straight toward Mest, who had just hit the ground.

Flowing her magic power into her right leg, Elicia somersaulted through the air as she slammed an axe kick down at Mest.


Elicia's kick caused a small explosion as dirt and debris shot up into the air. However, the dust cloud was quickly dispersed, revealing Elicia, crouched down, with Mest standing behind her, swinging his leg at where her chest would have been. A moment later, however, they were both still in that position, seemingly frozen in time.

"*Sigh* I lost." Mest said in a somewhat dejected tone as he raised his hands in a sign of surrender.

As soon as Mest's words fell, a thin, nearly invisible thread uncoiled from around his neck. In fact, Elicia had no illusions that her axe kick would end the fight, let alone land on Mest. She knew he would have recovered before she could get anywhere near him. But she did achieve her goal of creating a smoke screen.

And with the visual cover, she quickly spread her thinnest threads. Then, as soon as Mest appeared, she reeled in the net, while dodging the attack that would surely follow Mest's reappearance.

"I never wanna fight you again." Elicia said with a huff as she stood up. "Teleporting is a cheat."

"Haha… Even so, you seemed to always know where I would show up. Do you have some kind of [Foresight Magic] or something?"

"Nope." Elicia replied with a shake of her head and a smile. "Just a good detection spell and quick reflexes."

"I see." Mest said with a nod of understanding. Then, his shoulders slumped a little as he continued. "*Sigh* Although I hoped to win, I expected that I'd lose. But I didn't think it would be so soon."

"Don't feel so down." Elicia said, patting Mest on the shoulder. "If you had known about the spells I can use, I don't think you would have lost. Well, at least you would have lasted longer."

"*Sigh* I guess you're right." Mest said with a wry smile. Either way, good luck, Elicia."

"Thanks!" Elicia said with a big smile.

At the same time, there were two other battles going on in the forest. Unfortunately for Macao and Wakaba, they ran into Gildarts and Ur, respectively. Meanwhile, Alfonzo, with his [Magic Power Detection] spread to cover the entire exam area, smiled.

"So, Lici got the first victory of the exam, huh?" Alfonzo said with a smile. "I guess I can't fall behind now. Can I Bickslow?"

With that, Alfonzo turned his head toward a big tree. However, he received no response.

"*Sigh* Come on Bickslow, I know you're there." Alfonzo said in an exasperated tone. "I told you before, if you're gonna try sneaking up on someone who uses [Metal Magic], you should take off that silly ass visor thing, remember?"

"Damn it!" Bickslow shouted as he revealed himself from behind the tree Alfonzo was looking at. "I don't' get it! What does she see in you?"

"Bruh, you act like I treat Lici bad or something." Alfonzo said with some confusion on his face.

"No, that's not what I mean." Bickslow denied. "But why won't she even give me a chance? I've tried everything to get her attention. Yet she still went with you."

'*Sigh* I kinda feel bad for the guy.' Alfonzo thought to himself while shaking his head. 'I can't tell him that we were lovers in our past lives. That would make me sound like I'm bat-shit insane.'

"Look Dude, we've been together for as long as we can remember." Alfonzo said, sounding a bit awkward. "And… We were the only ones we had after our entire village was abducted and our parents were taken away from us… forever."

At that, Bickslow fell silent and lowered his head. A moment later, however, he raised his head, looking up into Alfonzo's eyes.

"Even so, I'll beat you right here, right now." Bickslow said with determination in his tone. "Then, maybe she'll understand that I'm better than you, and I can protect her."

With that, four blocks, each with a face carved into one of the sides floated from behind the tree. Then, Bickslow jumped, and one of the blocks floated underneath him, catching him before he fell back to the ground. Meanwhile, the other three lined up in front of Bickslow.

"*Sigh* And that's one reason why she'll never be with you." Alfonzo said, creating a bow staff with is [Metal Magic]. "Elicia is strong and independent. She doesn't need protection from anyone. Not me and certainly not you. [Metal Magic: Spring Dash]."

After his short speech, Alfonzo chanted a spell and launched himself at Bickslow and his [Seith Magic] dolls. In response, Bickslow mentally ordered his dolls to fire blasts of magic energy at Alfonzo.

Seeing the incoming attacks, Alfonzo began twirling his staff, deflecting the incoming energy shots. While doing so, he continued to narrow the distance between himself and Bickslow. However, just as he reached halfway, Bickslow changed his strategy.

"Okay, let's go my babies!" Bickslow shouted with a somewhat unhinged smile on his face. "[Line Formation]."

A moment later, the three block shaped dolls Bickslow was not standing on positioned themselves vertically. Then, they landed atop one another. After a short time charging their next attack, they fired a much larger energy blast that looked more like an energy slash than an energy beam.

Deciding not to stop, Alfonzo continued running forward. Before the energy slash could land, however, he jammed the end of his bow staff into the ground, propelling himself to the right, completely avoiding the incoming attack. Just as he landed, however, that spot was engulfed by a lightning bolt.


Thanks for reading, I hoe you enjoy the story.

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