
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
91 Chs

Chapter 1: New World of….

Chapter 1: New World of….

~? POV~


How a peculiar feeling honestly…

When one does die, do they feel at ease of do they feel at peace?

Because let me tell you…

It's all made-up bullshit lies about how you die because I'm majorly PISSED OFF!!!!

At an age of 20 going through community college hoping to study for those big-paying jobs in engineering where people like them are in demand.

I had this whole idea planned out as well doing the best I could study to make connections with people and hopefully find those with the same idea as me to get joint cooperation with each other establishing lasting connections with the right people to get a good job with the best grades possible.

I'm not a perfectionist but I'm a damn good planner if things are to be considered and serious to get some shit done.

And in my free time enjoy the luxury of entertaining myself with the ideas of web novels, webcomics, anime, cartoons, games, and such keeping me company as I reflect on my life choices of how to proceed with my life.

Man must have a reason for living and entertainment not much I can do anything about now anymore now…

I had plans to get rich and I had a family supporting me…

A family that really sacrificed too much for me especially my little bro making promises to take him to Disney Land one day when I get a lot of cash… those promises that can never be fulfilled because of this bullshit!!





All that anger in me wanted to scream to the heavens for this bullshit of some fuckers wanting to start a college shooting about some stupid reason for their cause or because someone felt fucking trigger happy and say fuck it, I'm going to a college to shoot people for fun?

The mere thought of it was unfair as I couldn't scream or do anything as one of the fuckers shot me through my lungs inhaling my own blood as I felt myself drown in my own blood.


Oh god…

I heard drowning is the worst way to go I feel the need for the air as I grasp mine trying to force out the blood getting some air.

But alas I wouldn't get such a treatment…

My vision began to blur as I try to grasp the air for something to make me feel alive or stay alive as the blood began to leak out of my mouth struggling to breathe in vain.

This is cruel…

If I had power or anything, I would seriously hunt the bastards down for this…


Finally, my arms fell down with a sounding thud sound as I only have my own thoughts to myself pitting...

Why me?

I felt my eyes beginning to tear up at this with thoughts popping up in my head that I know I'm going to die.

And what do I have to show for it?


No great achievements or recognition that people will not remember me at all except for my family mourning me.

I don't even know anymore…

What should I even do in times like these…?

Maybe just wishing is all I could do…

I mean it's not like I have anything else to do anymore right?



Closing my eyes, I began to see the darkness as my vision began to black out as I can only wish for what I wanted to have.

A second chance.

A wishful thinking desires to redo my life in another world perhaps like those shows before…

Something that has meaning in my life instead of quickly being taken away.


Death… is a bitch.

Perhaps in my final moments right now I'm being delusional thinking those wishful fantasies to be real, but the reality is a hard pill to swallow.

Just wishful hopeful thinking is all there was with now…


Breathing in my last breath in the living world I began to close my eyes and accept the fate of whatever happens next as the blood overflows out my mouth as I just accepted my end right then and there…






Does one die usually have their consciousness active?

What happened to me the last I recall… right I was attacked…

By all accounts, I should be dead and theoretically be in either one of 3 options, heaven, hell, or pure darkness returning to the force.

I'm at least hoping for the third option because I want to haunt the fucker that killed me.


My head though feels in pain as I try to speak to whatever I'm at currently, "Blablabuha…"

What the literal fuck happened to my voice?!

Wait that is actually normal since I was shot down and I could be gurgling but the sensation of my own tongue feeling knotted says otherwise to me unable to speak.



I did not just hear the sounds of someone clicking their tongues at me suddenly at my predicament out of pure shame?!

Hearing some strange voices out of nowhere I tried to open my eyes directly to see what the situation was like seeing village-like people wearing clothes that kind of belong to the middle ages.

Just viewing them I can already tell that I'm somehow in the past as I screamed confused but in reality, I only screamed through my mouth as my own body was insufficient to make any distinct sounds as it's only been born.

Have I really been reincarnated into another world?

I was merely laughing the idea off as I died as a form of sick joke from the lack of air causing me to be delusional!

The funny-to-the-end kind of deal not… this!

Never did I honestly believe that it was all real though but if that's the case then what else is all real and false in this world then?

Am I reincarnated in another form of a parallel world similar to my own world past that is more anime or magic-based settings?

Before I could get any answers though my 'parents' both began to discuss a few things as they talked about something but for the life of me, I couldn't understand what the literal hell they were even saying.

I could only try and decipher where in the hell I'm in since I couldn't tell for the life of me what they are talking about in a foreign language.

Great one of the hurdles I'm going to have to get through is the fucking language barrier that I going to have to get through for the following days as I try to decipher all of this to better understand this world.

With the people speaking in another language, I couldn't discern much, words being talked about as I was completely blind to what they are saying with bits and pieces I could translate clearly while others not so much.

Sigh… for now though I'll have to adapt and learn of my situation as soon as I can and hopefully by then I would understand the language the people have in this world.

This is what I get for opening my big mouth about wishful thinking of wanting to be in another world…

This world better has, some cool ass powers that everyone can get so that I can have them as well otherwise I'm going to be very pissed off if it's only a select few that get them.


It's… weird.

I'm still on the fence I got reincarnated into this world and despite my denial of it, I couldn't refuse those facts anymore.

Hell, they even gave me the name Rou Ake or was it Ake Rou?

Whatever I'll probably figure it out when I grow of age or learn what the hell my parents are saying as I'm inside my wooden baby crib.

But the weird symbols and descriptions shown on the walls and papers make no sense to me but for some reason, I feel like I know it from somewhere but from where I have no idea.

At this time, I have to wait for a bit more for my age to catch up as I'm left with my own thoughts of what to do now.

Inside my own crib alone sleeping soundly as time passed, I don't know how to adjust to the sudden shift of scenarios happening in one place as I was finally left alone with my thoughts.

All I could say that what the fuck was that and why?

I involuntary scrunch my face knowing that I'm still hung up I died in my old world but unfortunately. I have to let it go for the time being considering I'm in a new world might as well make the most of it right?

Although my main concern is trying to decipher the foreign language is going to be the tricky part because I want to know what exactly is going around in my life right now.

I have to know and plan.

I just know something is off about my area but what?

Sigh… no, no I should be somewhat thankful that I get a second chance at life and not dwell too much on it right now.

I can figure out where I live at a later date… what I need to figure out is this.

How the hell do I get over my extreme case of boredom here being a baby not understanding anyone here…


I could always count the wooden tiles multiple times on the floor or ceiling to pass the time.

Still, though I don't know how to handle this world, I guess I should be happy I haven't been caught in something really dangerous, can you imagine being reincarnated into Naruto as an Uchiha as a baby only to be born in the Uchiha massacre?

Pretty fucked in my eyes.

Or even worse a baby during the Rumbling from Eren going full genocide run.


Even I can feel how fucked it would be to instantly die by burning from heat temperatures.

And not in a good way.

However, with my prior knowledge and know-how I would get the most use as I can when I get older so that I can start actually training.

Hell, I could actually do that now moving my body around as much as I can.

Not like I have anything to do.

I'm lacking information about the world I'm and that needs to change pronto when I get the chance to learn.

Feed me knowledge!

Then I need to leave or hopefully train to a point where I can be at a level of strength that I find good for now and then improve thereon.

But I never have anything to gauge to properly determine how strong this world is by my own understanding.

Oh well…

I'll probably figure it out when I have the chance just got to grow up you know?

What's the worse, that can happen in a middle age era?