
Sealed Deliora

"So tell me, what are you gonna choose? Suppress? Seal? or Kill?"

"I choose the second option, Seal." John thought about it for a moment and chose the second option.

Out of all three options, this one was the most cost-effective and beneficial for him. When Deliora is sealed he won't be able to cause any more damage to the people living around the area.

Other than that, just as Sebastian said when he was stronger enough, it's a free set of materials for a wizard saint level puppet.

"It's a good choice." Sebastian said with a smile as he stretched out his hand. "Let's shake on it."

John also stretched out his hand with a serious face as he shook Sebastian's hand.

"The hand has been shaken and the pact was made, I'll complete my end of the deal and you'll complete yours." Sebastian said.

John rolled his eyes and went back to Cana and said. "Stay here with Sebastian, I'm going to clash wrists with the big guy over there."

Cana bit her lips, but in the end, she just hugged John and said. "Be careful, okay? And You can do it."

Cana is not stupid, she knew that John wanted to fight that guy in the distance, well because he loves the thrill of fighting.

And she knew that if she joined him, she will only be a burden to John as she has no long-range attacks and was not even strong enough to withstand one blow to fight close hands.

So, the best choice is just to cheer for John from the distance.

"I'll take care of myself," John nodded and summoned Dragapult, and got on, while Ur summoned a smaller ice eagle to ride on.

As they neared Deliora, John summoned the 25 ravens he had and cast its array over the three of them.

"Let the light of day fade, and the veil of night descend upon us!"

Along with his shout, the 25 ravens that were circling above cawed, and their eyes glowed in red, darkness spread from the middle of the circle that wrapped the whole 1km area around them, and along with the darkness came a bone-chilling whistle.

Ur was about to scold John for being inconsiderate of his teammate when she found that her vision is still normal and it was just like nighttime.


Deliora roared in anger as all that he saw was darkness around him, and he got even more annoyed when he heard the whistle that was blowing inside.

He opened his mouth as light condensed in the middle and shot into the distance, causing an explosion to appear, leaving only a big crater.

Ur didn't wait any longer as she put on an Ice make stance and shouted.

"Ice Make: Rose Garden!"

She went all out at the beginning as she knew that all other tricks won't work on Deliora.

Ice rose emerged from the ground gradually climbing up and entangling all of Deliora's body, taking advantage of this Ur let the Ice Phoenix attack.

The Phoenix attack caused wounds to appear all over Deliora's body, the wind bled for three seconds and then healed like nothing ever happened.

John also took advantage of Deliora's immobility as he shouted. "Dragapult, Dragon Darts!"

Four dreepy's flew out from the holes in Dragapult's head and flew toward Deliora, and exploding upon impact with Deliora, causing a few small craters to appear on his body but healed up pretty quickly.

A few hours later of fighting, John and Ur went all out in their attacks all of them landed on Deliora's body as he didn't even bother to dodge them.

Although the attacks they used caused some damage, it will heal by themselves every time Deliora's wounded.

In these few hours, there was nothing Deliora can do but send beams everywhere and wave his arms whenever the phoenix attacked him, but all his efforts ended up in vain as his attacks didn't land.

As they continued to fight, Deliora got more and more annoyed, so annoyed that when John and Ur attacked him, he just ran in one direction directly leaving the place of darkness.

Deliora was surprised and he roared again as he turned around to fire a beam of light toward the bowl of darkness which ended up hitting no one.

Deliora charged again for another beam attack when John shouted. "Sebastian, Do it!"

John decided to end this farce as he realized that they won't be getting anywhere with the damage they are doing to Deliora.

So, he just decided to not fight anymore and train for some more time before coming back and digging up this piece of wizard saint level puppet.

"Okay." Sebastian smiled, as he disappeared in a blink of an eye, and in the other his already beside Deliora.

He then stretched out his arms as he said. "Sleep for some more time you devil."

Along with his stretched-out arm, dark cracks appeared around Deliora's body and pitch-black chains shot out from it that then started to bind Deliora.

Deliora roared and tried to resist, but the more he struggled the tighter the chains became, and when the chains completely covered Deliora the cracks sealed off leaving the chains binding Deliora.

With another snap of Sebastian's fingers, the chains that bind Deliora glowed in darkness as a portal emerged from underneath the monster, slowly sucking him as he tried to shake his body to break free, only for it to be futile.

[No author mini-series for today as I currently have no idea how to continue from where I left off, so yeah, I need the power of you readers to give some ideas to torture the author.]