
Fairy Tail: Ice dragon slayer

One day in the mountains of Fiore a kid woke up with no memories of who he was. I do not own fairy or its characters i only own my oc

shadow5 · Kỳ huyễn
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The S class mage promotion test had ended yesterday and everyone was now at the guild trying to figure out who passed the exam this year.

Makarov came down and silenced everyone then said, " THE S CLASS MAGE FOR OUR GUILD THIS YEAR IS LAXUS AND FUYU." Everyone started to cheer and drink Erza and Mirajane was happy because Fuyu passed, they had a little crush on him but they didn't want to admit it or tell him. Fuyu was sitting at the bar as usual drinking milk while Erza came up to him and said, " congratulations."

Fuyu said " thanks, looks like i'll be leaving for a while when i choose my next mission."

Erza sitting beside just looked at him but didn't say anything she felt a little sad but didn't say anything. Fuyu then continued and said, " here is a piece of strawberry cake, I'm going to go choose my next mission." Fuyu then went upstairs to the second floor to choose his first S class mission, he took a mission that consisted of killing a monster that's destroying a town.

He went back down stairs and said, " Yoo old man I'm out to go do my mission see you when i get back."

After that he continued to do missions for a year. He earned the name " Ice King". He had just came back from a mission when he walked in the guild and it got quiet and everyone started sweating but then someone flied at him with a punch but Fuyu didn't dodge he just punched the person straight in the face and said, " stop bothering me for real or your going to get really hurt next time." When natsu heard that he shivered because he knew how cold Fuyu could be and he picked up that Fuyu was really not messing around now so he chose to never bother him for a while until he thought he was strong enough.

Fuyu walked to the bar ordered something to drink, when the waitress came with the drink he said, " hey beautiful." She blushed by his teasing and said, " why no milk today."

Fuyu just said, " just wanted something else right now, by the where's Erza and Ace."

Mirajane looked at him and said, "there out on a mission right now." Makarov didn't let Fuyu take Ace with him for 1 year while doing his S class missions because he wanted Ace to get more experience on missions.

Fuyu didn't say anything he just looked at her and said, " when i come back from my next mission you and Erza should be S class wizards and do me a favor when i get back tell me what you guys really want to say or I might just ignore it for the rest of my life. Make sure to tell Erza what i said and tell Ace i'll be home, he'll get a week of rest then were off on our next mission." He then got up and left. A couple hours after he left Erza and Ace came back from there mission. Erza went to the bar with Ace to get a strawberry cake when she got there Mirajane first looked and Ace.

Then said, " Fuyu said you have a week of rest before you guys go on mission." When Ace heard that he was happy because he hasn't gone on a mission with Fuyu for a long time, he got up and left. Then Mirajane turned to Erza and said, " Fuyu said that the next time he comes back both of us should be a S class wizard, he also said that when he gets back and we don't say what we really want to say then he's going to ignore it for the rest of his life." When Erza heard that she tensed because she knew exactly what Fuyu meant.

A week later Fuyu and Ace set out to kill a hord of giant dinosaur like monster that has been destroying things, it was supposed to take up to 1-4 years to complete. When they got to the forest he saw how many monsters there were he was really astonished he said to Ace, " this i going to take a while, i'm going to have to split them up first and deal with them but left me first test out one of there strengths."

He then moved around the forest far from where the monster were camping he found one giant monster.He attacked the monster with an ice dragon roar,the attack had little effect on the monster. It turned around and punched at Fuyu but he dogged it. They exchanged a few more blows and Fuyu saw that they were equal in strength without him using dragon force. Fuyu thought," this is going to really take a while if I'm going to complete this mission if there all strong like this, I won't use dragon force lets take this as training to become stronger."

Just like that two years went by with him fighting with monsters, he had just killed their king. You could see a 17 year old boy with white hair a defined body and silver eyes,standing over the corpse of a giant monster spaced out. When Fuyu was fighting with the monster he saw that the monster also used ice magic but it was the first time he saw this magic. The monster's ice magic had a tint of black over it and while he was dying Fuyu saw the monster smile like he was waiting for his time to die but before the monster died it sent something into him. Thats why he was spaced out.

While Fuyu was looking for what the monster sent him he felt his magic power surge also with a new type of magic called " ICE GOD SLAYER MAGIC" when Fuyu saw the magic and saw the memories of how to use the magic he was shocked but also happy to see that he got a different form of magic.

Fuyu looked at the monster and said thanks and left with Ace. Ace had gotten stronger over the two years he had grown his wings and also could grown up to the height of a regular person, he could also fight. One month passed since Fuyu got his new magic, he got use to his new magic and strength. He was now on his way back to the guild when he heard fighting so he chose to go see it. When he got over to the fight he saw that it was the strauss siblings that had just done defeated a monster and Elfman was now losing control over his magic.

Elfman looked like he was about to hit lisanna with a force strong enough to kill her so Fuyu got up jumped towards Elfman and hit the back of his neck to knock him out before the attack landed on Lisanna. Lisanna and Mirajane were shocked to see that someone that they knew came over and rescued Lisanna right before the attack. Fuyu then looked to Mirajane who was crying because she thought she was going to lose her sister and said, " hey beautiful why you crying happy to see me."

Mirajane rushed towards him and hugged him, Fuyu then went on to asked "are you a S class wizard yet?" She nodded her head in agreement he then went on to tease her and ask, " so ready to tell me what you really wanted to tell me before i left or should i start ignoring you." When she heard him say that she hugged him tighter and said, " I'll tell you on our way back to the guild." After that Ace came up and said, " Hey guys miss me."

They then waited for Elfman to wake up before leaving. After a while he woke up and was shocked and scared to see the boy sitting right beside his sister. Fuyu said to Mirajane, " let's get going then."

When they got to town Mirajane made her sister and brother go ahead before them, Fuyu also made Ace go ahead. Fuyu then said, " so what's up ready to talk." She said yes then said, " Fuyu I'm in love with you, I really love you." Fuyu looked at her and said, " I know i just wanted you to say it i love you too." He then hugged and kissed her on her lips. They kissed for a while then stopped.

On the other side of town Ace, Elfman and Mirajane had just walked into fairy tail when the guild members saw the two brothers and sisters they asked for Mirajane but the brother and sister pair just said, " she's out she'll be here soon and oh yea she's with the Ice king." When everyone heard the first half of the sentence they were happy but when they heard the last half they started sweating hard because they knew that now when Fuyu gets here if they do anything to bother him there over. Only Erza,Cana and Makarov was happy to hear that Fuyu was coming back.