
Fairy Tail: Fate Rewrite

Fairy Tail: Fate Rewrite What can be found in the world of Fairy Tail where dreams can coexist with reality. Read as one of the strongest and famous sergeant major of the 21st century get reincarnated in Earthland. How does he know Fairy Tail, who knows? *×*×*×*×*× Warning: My writing style is monochronic which means you might find my choice of word lacking in emotions.

098Just_Me123 · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

01 -- Death

Lucas Shepherd the greatest and most famous sergeant major of 2040; defeated two hundred enemy soldiers with just seven of his men including him.

∆ Lucas POV ∆

Since that confrontation, I've been entitled as the God of War.

Like what?!!😃

People think I'm tough but actually; I'm just a softy -- the softest man in the world.

Okay, let's list what I am, and you judge.

I'm an otaku, Fairy Tail is my favorite.

I like cats.

And I like di*k.

No, I love them -- I'm gay btw.

∆ 3rd Person POV ∆

Lucas was walking through the rookie's area where many new enlisted soldiers are training.

Whispers can be heard like:

??: The God of War: Lucas Shepherd!!!

??: Dang so cool!

Although Lucas is the God of War he doesn't have a buff build instead he looked lean like a ballet dancer.

Lucas just ignored these remarks as he was used to them by now.

Lucas was going to the rookie training area of Fort Irwin as he's gonna bid his farewell to his first teacher.

Lucas has only been in the military for two years yet he's climbed such a high rank that other military personnel bow before him.

Lucas was ordered by the government to transfer to Fort Tolly as of today -- that's why he's bidding farewell to his old companions.

Lucas was watching the rookies do their things: one was shooting with a rifle, the other was sniping, and the other was throwing a bomb at him -- accidentally...

∆ Lucas POV ∆

He's throwing a bomb at me!

It was okay if it was a normal bomb, but it's filled with the newly created bomb with hydrates.

Its area of effect can be considered small but when you get hit by one it will shred your insides and all it leaves is your shredded body and bone.


∆ 3rd Person POV ∆


The bomb hit Lucas! Smoke filled the area while people cower.

When the smoke got cleared up: the rookies vomited and some weren't even able to take the site and ran away.

All they saw was a shredded body of their God of War.

∆ Lucas POV ∆

Lucas: Err, what happened? All I saw was a flash of light...

Lucas said as he started to open his eyes.

All he saw was a goddess, a woman who have a mature look with pale skin as finest as the greatest white sand in the world. She has beautiful hazel eyes that shine, and long eyelashes that flicker.

Lucas took away his gaze from the 'Goddess' and looked around.

He was in a white room and the goddess was sitting on a tree that looks like a throne, over the sea, and he was on the shore.

Goddess: You died.

Before Lucas can even ask the goddess interjected him -- bluntly.

Lucas wasn't shaken as he had the 'feeling.'

Lucas: Am I gonna reincarnated or what..?🧐

Goddess: Yes; Fairy Tail.

Lucas: Really!🤤

Lucas was excited when he heard that. Fairy Tail was his childhood, adulthood, and infinite.

Lucas: So... What magic will you give me?

Goddess: I won't give you any -- instead you buy them.

Lucas: What?😐

Goddess: You buy them with your karma points.

Lucas: Like good points, and btw what's your name?

Goddess: Yes, and my name is Lifia.

Lucas: Oh, so how do I do it Lifia?

Lifia gestured her hands in the air and a floating screen appeared.

In the floating screen are lists of things you can buy to use in fairy tail including potentials, magic, and so on.

Lucas: Nice😊

Lucas moved closer to the screen and started picking what he liked -- while Lifia just sat back on her throne.

After a while Lucas chose:

1. Scary Luck | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

•A very scary luck!

•Include risks at the start

2. Limitless Potential | 1,000,000,000,000,000

•Limitless potential in everything!

3. Mythical Phoenix Bloodline | 1,000,000,000,000

•Great in every magic [not just fire]

•Great Regeneration

•Great Potential

4. Ultra Regeneration | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

•Very amazing regeneration!

5. OP little sister in Fairy Tail | 1,000,000,000

•Sister in next life.

•Has great Risk at the start of life.

•Magic: All Elements Wool/Wool Magic

•Her wool can change into any element.

•Her wool is not limited to two forms but three: Liquid, Gas, Solid.

•High potential in illusion and nightmare magic.

6. Celestial God Slayer Magic | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

• This magic has limitless potential that can grow with the user.

•The galaxy-like matter has a watery feeling.

•The temperature can change temperature based on how much will the user spend on his magic power.

• The Celestial God Slayer Magic has three sub-magic to learn and it needs to be in order.

Celestial Mold: This spell conjures a galaxy matter in any part of the user's body or even the whole body. The galaxy like-matter can change into any form.

Celestial Territory: The user can conjure a kind of wave-like matter that resembles the galaxy which allows them to manipulate the space around any object or substance of their choice, allowing for great versatility. One can manipulate space as means of defense, offense, using forming heat and generating explosions, teleporting people and/or objects of their choice, and granting the user the ability to switch places with other people who are nearby. The limits to the magic include being unable to warp to distances out the user's space. However, the greatest potential that this Magic offers lies in its trapping and damaging capacities; the caster has the option to imprison any living being of their choice inside their space, the user can spread his space that will look like Irene's universe one -- but galaxy like.

Overdrive: The user can control other mages' magic but with the cost of double the amount of mana of said magic.

•Other spells can also be created under the Celestial God Slayer Magic.

7. Chepi | 1,000,000

•A magic that both have the spells of Archive and Super Archive.

•Chepi is said to be the fairy's greatest sentinel.

Lucas was about to pick another magic but when he picked Chepi; the other magic dimmed signaling that he cannot pick more than two magic.

Lucas sighed helplessly😮💨

Lucas then moved towards the throne where Lifia sat at.

Lucas: I'm done!!!

Lifia then gestured her hands -- and then the floating screen moved towards her.

Lifia then looks at the screen and at that moment she choked on her saliva.

Lifia: How do you have that many karma points!!?👺

Lucas: I just have them. I guess...😶

Lifia just looks at him weirdly then she gestured her hands and a portal shows through.

Lifia: Good luck then.

Lucas didn't waste time and he ran through the portal.

Lifia was left alone and stared deep into the sea.

She spoke jokingly.

"Sigh😌💨, OP trope, writer?"


Word Count: 1,151

Character Count: 6,473
