
Fairy Tail: Accomplishment

What does it mean to use magic? What are spells? What is ethernano? Magic dictates everything that happens in Fairy Tail, mages learn to use and manipulate ethernano in the air, their body, and the life around them to create and change things with spells. Circles with ancient text always appear when spells are used but what do they mean? Is this the language of magic or is this some type of coding that holds up the world and changing the coding allows things to happen? Regardless magic is an amazing and mysterious thing that allows for incredible acts of strength and power to occur so follow the MC on his journey of strangely familiar world.

L_Ratio · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Magic Bomber Christina, Magnolia.

A giant majestic winged ship followed by many other ships flys through the air at incredible speeds. Sitting in a chair in the captain's office guild master Bob glances over the list of attending participants with a silly smile as he puts his hands to his face blushing profusely.

"Ahh so many guests are coming to my Blue Pegasus Guild's auction, how wonderful. I knew investing in these flying cargo ships was going to be worth the initial start up money."

This strange man is the guild master of the famous Blue Pegasus Guild. Despite this guild being extremely new it has grown powerful in a short amount of time under the leadership of the guild master Bob. In just 1 year the guild quickly rose from the shadows as the dark horse of this generation. With the rise of such a strong force came a lot of public attention that guildmaster Bob took advantage of to set up an auction that would sell the recent gains their guild made. This would allow the Blue Pegasus Guild to set up connections and allies in a clean and tidy way while increasing their wealth and strength.

"Guildmaster Bob the envoys from the respective guilds in the area have arrived outside and are waiting for your appearance."

Guildmaster Bob gets up from his seat and follows his assistant to the deck of the flying metal ship. Looking down at the city of Magnolia many mages and representatives from the magic council are stood waiting at the dock area.

Guildmaster Bob waves his hand at the pilot in the cockpit awaiting his orders. Blue lines shine in the air spelling out, Dock Here in bright blue text. The ships slowly descent down onto the streets of Magnolia where many civilians gather to see the majestic flying bomber known as Christina. The ships softly land on the ground with assistance of some wind enchantments and many workers begin to take the supplies off the cargo ships. Massive boxes of precious resources such as monster parts, magical herbs and plants, enchanted weapons, various lacrima and more are carried outside. Once guildmaster Bob exists the massive ship and steps on the stone road a fat and oily man wearing expensive clothing greets him with a bright smile.

"Happy I could meet someone as strong and influential as yourself guildmaster Bob."

Guildmaster Bob puts one of his hands to his face while handshaking the man with the other.

"Oh no, how could I compare to you Mr. Gesh, after all you've run the biggest and most successful auction house for over 30 years I'm undeserving of such praise."

Mr. Gesh chuckles at the praise before shaking his head in shame and embarrassment.

"Nonsense you've managed to grow your guild to become one of the best in all of Fiore in just under a year. It's not farfetched to believe you'd surpass Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord in a few years."

Mr. Gesh and guildmaster Bob continue to make small talk as more and more influential people continue to come meet them. Eventually the group goes inside the massive building holding the auction to talk about more sensitive topics that the public shouldn't know about. The auction building is massive in comparison to the other buildings in the city of Magnolia as it has 8 stories all protected with multiple enchantments all designed to protect the resources inside from being stolen. The building itself is beautifully decorated to be inviting and extravagant showing off the massive wealth of Mr. Gesh.

"Looks like we're finally here Lariat, make sure to bring along everything we need as I'll buying a few things today," Jacob steps out of a chariot as Lariat pats the driver before grabbing a giant suitcase.

A few hours later,

Inside the building many people of different origins sit down in front of a giant stage with many items of different prices. Mages, landowners, army officials, and more sit here as guildmaster Bob officially starts the auction opening up with a precious magic item.

"This is the first item up for auction remember that every increase in a bid must be at least 10,000 jewels. As you can see this is no ordinary sword as it is ingrained with enchantments but not just one but two opposing elements! This sword has a dual lightning and water enchantment as it's able to bend the sword as if it's flowing water while electrocuting anything that touches the blade. This an extremely unique sword because as we all know using opposing elements to enchant is an incredibly difficult task which highly increases the value of any item. The starting price is 5,000,000 jewels, you may now place your bids."

Immediately the double element enchantment attracts the attention of most of the crowd as many begin to shout out numbers.


"Ha, you expect to get such a valuable weapon with that amount of wealth? 6,000,000."

More and more people drop out of the competition as many look at the growing number in amazement.

"It's already surpasses the cost of a normal S-Rank job how is it possible for it to cost this much?"

"You idiot don't you know how valuable mutilevel enchantments cost? This is a very low price for such a good weapon, normally you can only buy single element enchantments because of how difficult it is to enchant multiple elements on a single object."

Deep in the crowd of people Jacob looks at this growing price with a look of greed hidden deep within.

'Once I get a few materials I'll be able to set up my own enchantment area and gain a good source of revenue. In order to do this I need a different identity that will export large amounts of enchanted equipment to the dark market.'

"The current highest bid is 9,500,000 jewels, going once, going twice, going thrice, sold to the gentleman in the 12th seat."

Guildmaster Bob's voice is heard loud and clearly with the help of sound magic and the man in the 12th seat smugly smirks at his new purchase while the others can do nothing but sigh regretfully.