
Fairy Daughter-In-Law

From just the title, you can glean the unconventional nature of the plot - it revolves around an immortal daughter-in-law and an unscrupulous, somewhat lascivious father-in-law. Though you might have stumbled upon similar titles, I assure you, this novel stands unparalleled. If my assertion seems too bold, I encourage you to immerse yourself in the initial 20 chapters. Let the narrative convince you. Contrast - that's the key element of this novel. Two things will transpire: either you'll detest it to your core, or, should you be degenerate, you'll expend your fortune to read further. Hate or Pay, as I like to call it. Also, don't get confused. The MC is Wang Laowu, not Wang Ye.

EroMiddleAgedMan · Huyền huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: The Fairy of Pure Rites (Part 1)

"Father, this is Qingyi, your daughter-in-law," Wang Ye held Chu Qingyi's hand and brought her in front of Wang Laowu, smiling and saying, "Qingyi, this is my father. We were attacked by the Profound Spirit Python and happened to faint near Jinling City. Fortunately, we encountered my father who was working in the fields and he brought us back."

After Chu Qingyi had finished her recovery, Wang Ye eagerly brought her to his father and introduced them briefly.

"Good, good, good! My son married such a celestial beauty," Wang Laowu appeared more excited than his son, quickly standing up and greeting Chu Qingyi.

Compared to their enthusiasm, Chu Qingyi seemed much colder. She had never been good at interacting with others, and now suddenly there was a father-in-law, leaving her at a loss. She nodded slightly in response and then walked away on her own.

She carefully surveyed the two-courtyard compound. There were two rooms, one on the east and one on the west. The south-facing main room had tables, chairs, and tea sets for entertaining guests, while the two adjacent side rooms were Wang Laowu's living quarters.

Without exception, all these buildings were dilapidated. The window paper were already torn, allowing the cold wind to whistle through and creating a mournful sound like a wailing stray cat. It was barely habitable, with even the doors and windows askew, posing a constant risk of collapse.

The room where she had been recovering from her injuries was in the west wing, furnished with simple furniture just enough for basic living, without any decorations. It was likely the other rooms were the same.

The entire courtyard formed a narrow yard in the shape of a "口" character. It was cluttered and messy, with farming plows, mud-covered hoes, and a large water tank filled with dirty water. A dirty ladle floated lonely on its surface.

She looked up and could only see a small patch of square blue sky. The roof tiles were already broken, with cracks filled with dry yellow weeds. Unidentified birds had built nests under the eaves, chirping incessantly.

She felt a bit annoyed and couldn't imagine Wang Ye growing up in such an environment.

Looking at Wang Laowu, Wang Ye's father, he was barely over 1.6 meters tall, with a thin and withered body covered in a rough and oversized linen robe. The robe had several patches sewn onto it, and even his pant legs were stained with dirt. His worn-out cloth shoes had already developed holes, with the big toe of one foot awkwardly exposed in the air, its nail filled with black grime. Just looking at him was suffocating.

His nearly bald head had a few strands of hair curled and hanging on his forehead, with white dandruff clinging to each strand, falling onto his shoulders with the wind. His eyebrows had fallen off due to his age, leaving only a few scattered strands haphazardly clinging to his brow bone. Beneath them, a pair of murky triangular eyes smiled as they stared at her, inexplicably carrying a strange meaning.

Moreover, every time she approached Wang Laowu, she could smell a strange foul odour that made her nauseous.

But for Wang Ye's sake, she could only remain silent.

"Qingyi, what would you like to eat for lunch? I'll buy it for you at the market," Wang Laowu stood attentively in front of Chu Qingyi, his gaze scanning her up and down.

Even when she was in a coma, she was already incomparably beautiful. Now, looking at her, it was difficult to describe her extraordinary beauty. Her skin was fair like snow, her eyes were like clear water, and her natural grace had a sense of awe-inspiring majesty. Her gaze had a cold nobility, captivating and making others feel inferior. Yet, within this aloof and enchanting aura, there was also a seductive charm that was impossible to resist.

Her long and straight black hair were lightly bound by an exquisitely crafted plum blossom hairpin. Although her delicate features were breathtaking, her entire being emanated an icy aura that repelled people, especially her deep-blue crystal-like starry eyes, exuding a strong chill that pushed people away.

Chu Qingyi gently shook her head, took a step back, and tried her best to distance herself from the repugnant smell emanating from Wang Laowu.

She walked away on her own, her gaze unintentionally sweeping across a side room on the left. She saw a thick, milky white liquid splattered on the earth-yellow wall, slowly trickling downward. A faintly familiar, fishy smell permeated the room.

Chu Qingyi furrowed her brows, feeling that this smell was somewhat familiar.

"Father, Qingyi is not good at communicating with others. Please don't mind," Wang Ye sensed the awkward atmosphere and quickly spoke, "How about this? Qingyi is still recovering from her injuries and shouldn't exert herself too much. I'll go to the market to buy some food. You can wait for me at home."

"I'll go too," Chu Qingyi, who had been silent all along, suddenly spoke up.

It was her first time speaking since returning home, and Wang Laowu felt that her voice was clear and ethereal, like the sound of heavenly music piercing through the clouds, captivating and unforgettable.

"Qingyi, your injuries are too severe, it's better to..." Wang Ye subconsciously refused her request, but when he saw the determination in her eyes, he swallowed the rest of his words and carefully held her delicate arm, leading her out of the door.

After the couple left, Wang Laowu stood in place, gazing foolishly at Chu Qingyi's figure. Her graceful steps resembled a blooming peony, and the lingering fragrance seemed to still fill the room. Wang Laowu took a deep breath, and his nostrils widened with the passing air, his hazy eyes filled with fascination.

His lower body had already become rigid, a grotesque bulge forming in his groin. As he indulged in his fantasies, his hips made lewd thrusting motions.

"Qingyi... fairy..."

He muttered to himself, as if calling out, in Wang Laowu's heart, Chu Qingyi was not someone's wife or daughter-in-law, but rather a celestial fairy akin to the heavenly nymph.

It was only after their figures completely disappeared from Wang Laowu's sight that he snapped out of his reverie.

When Chu Qingyi accidentally caught a glimpse of the liquid on the left side of the earthen stove, Wang Laowu, who had been gazing at her the whole time, saw her looking and thought she would blush and feel embarrassed like other young brides. However, she only furrowed her brow, displaying a curious expression.

From Wang Ye, he learned that they, as a couple, had never shared a room until now. But seeing her current demeanour, it was as if... she doesn't even know about the essence of a man?

Thinking of this, Wang Laowu first sighed at his son's incompetence. Even if they couldn't share a room, there were still many ways to enjoy the bliss of the bridal chamber. However, it was understandable, as his son had been solely focused on cultivating immortality since leaving home, with no time for such romantic affairs.

Then Wang Laowu suddenly became ecstatic. Didn't this mean that Qingyi the Fairy was still an untouched gem, unadorned and unpolished?

He couldn't contain his excitement, and in his jubilation, he almost stumbled and fell.

Looking at the murky liquid on the stove, he couldn't help but chuckle, his dry old face filled with self-satisfaction.

Earlier, when Wang Ye was treating Chu Qingyi's injuries in the east wing room, Wang Laowu, who had been lusting after her for a long time, couldn't suppress the restlessness in his heart. He hurriedly tiptoed to the window, leaning against it. When he found his view obstructed by the paper screen, he put his dirty fingers in his mouth, wetting them with saliva, and used his fingertips to poke a small hole in the paper, just big enough to see what was happening inside the room.

He saw Chu Qingyi, unconscious, sitting cross-legged in a wooden tub. Wang Ye's fingertips slowly moved up from her lower abdomen, tracing her delicate navel and slender waist, the two plump mounds displaying a captivating cleavage...

If he hadn't known in advance that Wang Ye was treating Chu Qingyi's injuries, he would have thought that this brat couldn't resist his inner desires and took advantage of the situation.

"Qingyi Fairy..."

Wang Laowu's face turned crimson, murmuring a few words in a dry voice. He was hunched over, shamelessly peering through the window, his throat swallowing involuntarily as he produced saliva.

If someone else were here, they would definitely think that Wang Laowu, who was bending over and stretching his neck, looked exactly like an ugly monkey. The healing process had reached its crucial stage, and Wang Ye's entire attention was focused on Chu Qingyi. He didn't notice at all that there was someone peeping outside.

Every move and action of the two inside the room reflected in Wang Laowu's pupils. Especially Chu Qingyi, whose clothes were completely wet from the clear water, with only a thin veil clinging to her well-proportioned body, revealing a perfect S-shaped curve. It was just enough, not too much or too little.

Compared to being completely naked, this blurred and partially obscured visual experience gave him an unprecedented thrill. His lower body reacted like a fierce dragon, proudly raising its head and standing erect forward. The coarse fabric of his pants became its greatest constraint at that moment.

A sense of swelling emanated from his lower region, as if a hungry wolf, roaring and yearning to break free from its restraints.

"Fairy... my fairy..."

Wang Laowu's face turned red with impatience as he fumbled around his waist. His hand movements caused his pants to slip and pile up around his ankles.

Suddenly, his lower body sprung out like a thirsty and impatient beast. Its face was ferocious, and it oozed strands of transparent fluid, reflecting a sparkling lustre under the sunlight.

Then the beast was firmly grasped by a rough large hand, leaving only its head exposed.

The hand constantly manipulated it up and down, tightly enveloping the beast. The warm touch and friction from the palm made it grow bigger and harder.

"Fairy... my dear daughter-in-law... Daddy wants to love you so much..."

Wang Laowu's gaze gradually became hazy as he mumbled filthy words. The cracked dead skin on his lips scraped and fluttered as they collided.

His eyes stared directly through a small hole into Chu Qingyi's room. He desperately wanted to kick open that detestable door, pin her down beneath him, and ruthlessly ravish her with his enormous staff. He wanted to witness her expression transition from pain to pleasure, ultimately reaching the climax of love beneath him, experiencing the delicate moans and tender joys until they both reached that mysterious peak.

Though his desire had partially consumed his rationality, Wang Laowu had the heart of a thief but lacked the courage. It was only through his son that he could clandestinely peep at a worldly beauty like Chu Qingyi. As for actually doing something, even if given a million times the courage, he wouldn't dare.

However, this didn't diminish his desire for Chu Qingyi. Having lived a miserable life in Jinling City, he had believed that the women in the Cui Xian Building were among the rarest beauties in the world. But when he saw Chu Qingyi, he discovered the existence of true fairies in the world, with such radiant and captivating beauty.

Since his wife passed away, he had been living alone and felt incredibly lonely. He had considered remarrying, but either the other party found fault with his poverty or despised his ugly appearance. Over time, he gave up on the idea and could only relieve his desires by himself.

But now, the moonlight-like figure of Chu Qingyi appeared in his mind, making her the perfect object for his fantasies.

At this moment, his lust burned uncontrollably outside the room. The speed of his hand increased continuously, and the secretions from his glans flowed down his legs. The fire throughout his body reached its peak, and he was about to lose control when suddenly a soft whimper came from inside the room. It startled him to the core, and his enormous member instantly became limp.

His senses immediately returned, realizing that Chu Qingyi had likely regained consciousness. Wang Laowu didn't even have time to pull up his pants. He scrambled and crawled away, with his lower body swinging and swaying comically between his legs.

When he sat gasping for breath on his small bed in his own room, he was still shaken, his heart pounding in his chest, about to leap out of his throat.

He perked up his ears, listening carefully to the sounds outside the room. Apart from a few small birds chirping and flying around, there was no other movement. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

Recalling the revealing scene of Chu Qingyi in the room just now, he felt a reaction in his nether region.

Feeling unsatisfied, Wang Laowu observed the activity in the east wing while indulging in fantasies about Chu Qingyi. He began to pleasure himself.

This resulted in the splattering of semen in the room.

While Wang Laowu was lost in his own thoughts, relishing the pleasure of his voyeuristic escapade, Wang Ye and his wife had just returned home from the market. They carried food for the evening, mostly pre-cooked dishes, and a bottle of high-quality "Daughter's Red" wine.

Chu Qingyi followed silently behind Wang Ye, letting him hold her small hand. Both of them wore flowing white robes, exuding a sense of elegance and a hint of a divine couple.

"Dad, guess what I bought for you?" Wang Ye proudly waved the bottle of "Daughter's Red" wine in front of Wang Laowu.

In his childhood memories, Wang Laowu loved drinking. He always enjoyed having a few drinks with his meals. After five years apart, he had never fully shown filial piety to his father. Now that he had finally returned, he naturally wanted to cater to his father's interests and fulfil his duty as a son.

"I'm impressed that you remembered your old man's interests and hobbies," Wang Laowu's words were filled with satisfaction. While responding to his son, his gaze couldn't help but glance at Chu Qingyi standing behind him.

In that moment, their eyes met. Her beautiful eyes wandered, carefully examining him.

Fearful of being discovered, Wang Laowu quickly averted his gaze. He felt guilty and nervous, not knowing where to put his hands. His heart was pounding heavily in his chest.

Recalling the eye contact just now, he felt a wave of excitement, and the image of Chu Qingyi in her wet clothes once again appeared in his mind. His heart instantly became restless, and his nether region began to stir.

"Dad? Dad? What's wrong with you? Did you not sleep well? I called you several times, but you didn't respond," Wang Ye's voice was like a thunderclap, abruptly entering Wang Laowu's ears, bringing him back from his enchanting memories.

"Ah, it's... it's nothing, just an old ailment. It's not a big deal," Wang Laowu stammered, as if his tongue were tied. He couldn't articulate his words properly and had to continue the conversation along with his son's topic.

Only Chu Qingyi, who remained silent beside them, frowned as she looked at the bulge in Wang Laowu's crotch, lost in thought.

Ever since she saw her father-in-law, Wang Laowu, for the first time, she felt an instinctual aversion towards him. Not only was he slovenly and unkempt, but he also constantly stared at her with strange eyes. Initially, she didn't pay much attention to it, thinking he was just curious about his new daughter-in-law.

But as time went on, she increasingly felt that Wang Laowu's gaze was sticky. Wherever she went, she couldn't escape his scrutiny. As long as that gaze followed her, she felt a strange discomfort, as if she were being stripped naked in place.

When she and Wang Ye left together just now, she had the impulse to tell Wang Ye several times, but the words never left her lips.

Unlike her indifference, Wang Ye hadn't seen his father in five years. This unexpected reunion filled his heart with joy and happiness. If she were to speak of her suspicions at this moment, not only would it dampen his enthusiasm, but it could also lead to a family conflict.

After much contemplation, Chu Qingyi decided to remain silent, comforting herself that it was all her imagination.

Unaware of Chu Qingyi's thoughts, Wang Ye, who was enjoying the reunion with his family, didn't realize that both his father and wife had ulterior motives, plotting their own schemes.

After dinner, citing physical reasons, Chu Qingyi returned to the east wing to rest early, leaving only Wang Laowu and his son sitting under the eaves, drinking and enjoying the rare moment of leisure.

"Dad, with Chu Qingyi injured, she'll probably need some time to recover her strength. I also need to seize the time to stabilize my cultivation. During this period, I have to go out for training. So, I'll trouble you to take care of Chu Qingyi's daily life," Wang Ye said.

After speaking, Wang Ye emptied the bowl of "Daughter's Red" wine, and the two blushes on his cheeks became even more pronounced.

"We're all family. There's no need to say whether it's troublesome or not. It's what a father should do," Wang Laowu was overjoyed. He felt that happiness had come so suddenly. Now, he had a legitimate reason to be in contact with Fairy Qingyi.

Previously torn between going out for training and taking care of Chu Qingyi, Wang Ye suddenly saw the path ahead clearly. He looked at Wang Laowu with grateful eyes, completely oblivious to the latter's unusually excited gaze.