
Fairly oddparents the mutant wish

Yami_Tongue · Ti vi
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1 Chs

Episode 1

(The episode opens with Timmy Turner reading a comic)

Timmy Turner: Cosmo, Wanda,

(Cosmo and Wanda appear)

Wanda (looking curious): Are you done reading already?

Cosmo (looking excited): What happened at the end? Wait, don't tell me.

Timmy Turner: (throws the comic) Forget the ending, I wish for a cute mutant girl that has a crush on me and has all kinds of powers.

Wanda: Timmy, are you sure about that? Remember the last one you made a super-powered

Timmy Turner: Yeah, I should think this through and I wish she doesn't go crazy.

Wanda: That's using your head, maybe this will wish will turn out okay, after all

Cosmo: Yeah.

(Cosmo and Wanda's wand glows)

(A pink bubble appears)

(Inside the bubble is revealed to a shadow of a girl)

(The girl comes out of the bubble revealing to have two black ponytails, brown skin, wearing a green shirt, red skirt, and white heels; she also has a long python tail)

The girl (smiles): Hello, my name is Kanisha, It's a pleasure to meet you.

Kanisha(hugs Timmy): I hope you don't mind, I'm a hugger (kisses Timmy on both cheeks)

(Timmy fainted)

Kanisha(looks at Cosmo and Wanda): Thanks for creating me, I hope we become good friends

Wanda: I bet we will be.

Cosmo: I'm Cosmo

Wanda: I'm Wanda

Cosmo and Wanda: And we're Timmy's fairy godparents.

Kanisha: So, you have to grant his wishes, are there certain rules he must follow?

(Wanda makes the rule book appear)

Kanisha (looking at the book): Interesting.

(Timmy Turner gets up)

Timmy: I'm back!

Kanisha (carrying a book): Are you okay?

Timmy: I'm okay.

Kanisha: Great because I have an idea for a date for us.

Timmy (Smiles): A Date?

Kanisha: That's right (takes Timmy's hand) let's go.

(Kanisha made her tail glow and made Timmy disappear along with Cosmo and Wanda)

(The screen switches to Kanisha, Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda appear in the park)

(Cosmo is a green dog and Wanda is a pink dog)

Kanisha: Well, let's enjoy our date

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Timmy Turner eating ice cream, while sitting on a bench)

Timmy Turner: You got ice cream all over your face.

(Kanisha licks her mouth and the ice cream disappears)

Kanisha: Is it gone?

Timmy Turner: Yup.

Kanisha: Great

(Timmy Turner eats the rest of his ice cream)

(The screen switches to Timmy and Kanisha roller skating)

Kanisha (looking at Timmy): Are you nervous?

Timmy (looking at Kanisha): What makes you think that I'm nervous? (eyes twitching)

Kanisha (looking at Timmy): You're right, it was just my imagination.

(Kanisha and Timmy Turner twirls around a couple of trees)

(Kanisha and Timmy Turner twirls on the sidewalk)

(The screen switches to Timmy Turner and Kanisha taking off their roller skates)

Kanisha: You were an excellent skater

Timmy Turner (confused): I was?

Kanisha: A little bit, but you kept trying and that's what matters.

Timmy Turner: Thanks

Kanisha: Your welcome

(Kanisha smiles)

Timmy Turner: So, do you like video games?

(Kanisha's tail flaps)

Kanisha: I would love to

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Timmy playing a fighting video game)

Kanisha: Darn I lost

Timmy Turner: It's okay, I have had the high score for a while

Kanisha: Okay

(The episode ends with them playing a game)