
FADERERA : No Choice

NO CHOICE... ....than to scammed ....than to love ....than to reunited TOMIWA thinks she is the right person.. Maybe she is... But a mission have to be completed before taking on another one. Everyone has a story even the CRIMINALS...

AiIsha · Thành thị
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2 Chs


IF you were even the one that saw her in that scorching yellow sun, you will fall in love with her.

I have not met such a chocolate skinned beauty before in my entire life until that afternoon. All what she put on suit her. She plait our most popular hairstyle here in Africa,"SUKU style" and I regret ever given my girlfriend money for hairbraid an hour before that moment. If a chocolate skinned girl could plait a normal hairstyle and still be beautiful, won't a fair skinned girl be utmost beautiful. The money I gave to ADESEWA for hair bill is Ten thousand naira (#10,000), the quarter of my income as a sales boy at one Mart in my area.

I was on my way to go and meet ADESEWA at her hairstylist shop when I saw this chocolate princess by the roadside at the junction of my street waiting for a cab. My heart skipped a beat immediately I see her, she was like ten step away. I can't crossed the road anymore for I already reached my destination.

A taxi she hailed stopped, she entered and I get myself ready,I hailed it also. I entered to the backseat with her, there's a man at the passenger seat beside the driver.

Soon after entering that the driver started the car,I noticed her staring at me but I feigned to mind my business. Minutes later, I felt a touch on my thigh. I comport myself and faced her, she smiled at me. Damn,i almost lost my mind. How can one be this pretty?!

"Good Afternoon". 

She greeted and I wondered the situation,"Does girls don't feel pompous to start a conversation with boys nowadays?".


I replied and she moved near me,stared at my face for a moment.

"Ehn...ehn! I said so!". She suddenly exclaimed, I was shocked.

"What?". I asked.

"Are you not the one TUNJI introduced to me as his friend last week?". She asked and I looked at my side as if another person she was talking to is there, apparently it's only both of us,I turned to face her.

"Me? Are you referring to me? I queried and she bursted into tears, I was amazed. The driver nodded in mockery as if to say "Women and their problem".

"You don't have to worry. Denying is not new, you are not the first to denied,all of you are in this together. LAKUNLE,FANIRAN, and ADEDAYO all denied. They were all saying they don't know whom TUNJI is, after collecting everything from me. I gave him all what I had. He told me about his sick mother and I kept giving him money for the hospital bill". She said and continue crying,I was already feeling pity., and suddenly...

"But tell TUNJI! He should expecting a woman's wrath. Not him alone,you and all his friends that lied to me are going to see my handiwork. His mother will cry for him. By the time almighty's work started delivering,I will also deny you and you will never be forgiven". She land and I started feeling uneasy. This is not what I thought.

"Where's that TUNJI? The man at the passenger seat asked looking back at the girl.

"He had fled off,as if he hadn't exist. People kept saying they didn't knew him when I even presented his picture". She answered amidst tears, and the man laughed.

"You have been duped". The man said and she exclaimed amazingly.

"Have you passed night at his house before?". He asked further.



"Yes,he sometimes chat with me outside the gate of an apartment and he always interact with the security guard, and he is always at the hospital with his mother but he will never let me in saying he doesn't want to ruin our date,his mother is recovering and we should date in peace. He is my happy virus".

"You mean you haven't entered his room and met with his mother before? You don't know what he is spending your money on? What of the security guard, don't you met him there?

"Oh,I met another one,he has told me that the man is just a temporary work...

"My dear, you were being set up by them. It's not there first time to dupe someone according to your narration, you are a victim already". He said and I also acknowledged him. But one thing is true according to her. She is not naive, she was only betrayed by the one she blindly loved.

"Drop me here". She said amidst tears and the man stopped, she opened the door and get out. I paid her t-fare money and I also get off. She goes and stand by the roadside and continue crying. I looked at my wrist watch, it was a five minute drive. I am not far from my street and there was even an hold up.

"Hey Miss". I called her attention when I reached her, she looked at me.

"You see, you don't need all these, forget about TUNJI, he will surely be punished like you said". I said, she sniff.

"Are you sure you are not OLAYINKA that TUNJI introduced to me last week as one of his friends? She asked

"He may be my doppelganger. You know almighty created people twice and more. I am not OLAYINKA, my name is ADETOMIWA". I said and she brushed off her tears.

"I am very sorry for mistaking you...Oh! Please have I not wasted your time? You must have had where you were heading,so goodbye". She said and gesture to me to leave.

"Calm down, you don't have to worry about where I was heading because am I not the one that gets down with you. Just see me as your godsend cause God cannot come down himself to help people, he will send someone, you have to start anew".

"Let me get going". She said and I can hear frustration in her voice, she is fed up of the whole situation. That boy TUNJI is one hell of a guy, but I have to be more hell also, I have to make her love me helplessly also. That is my mission initially.

"You are my destination, to say the truth, you were the one that made me hailed the cab,a first sight thing,if you understand". I said and she smirked.

"I knew that this is where it will result to. But Mister,am not ready for the stress again,I have not even free from one. I need a break. And even you are not dateable for me. Who knows if you are the same YINKA, to be precise,I felt that you guys are tricking me". She said

"Well you are right to be doubtful, but can I have your number? I asked and she hissed gently.

"You also were present three days ago when I sold my phone to a guy at a cheaper rate all because TUNJI needed money for his birthday party". She said and I chuckled.

"I have clearly mentioned that I am not the guy you thought I am, you can't trick me". I said and she smiled softly.

"But I really need to see that TUNJI of a guy so he can introduce me to his godfather, he poccessed you or what kind of beauty would still be serving boys nowadays. That guy charmed you". I said, she laughed and I chuckled, I already got her cause it takes a suitable boy to make girl forget her irresponsible ex. So in,One, Two...Three

"I can give you my number but as of now,no phone to insert the Sim card in, so you will just have my number, you can't reach me". She said and I collect it anyway. I even paid her taxi money for her to leave the place, she appreciates.

I text ADESEWA that I will not be able to see her that noon. It was not because I don't love her anymore but I love the chocolate skinned girl farther than her now.