
starry night

"...When I said you are too beautiful,

It ain't no lie

As I look into your eyes,

I feel as if looking at starry skies

Bright Beautiful stars, such a peculiar! Sight

Cause your two eyes looks like, two moons at the same night.

Your hairs that dance elegantly,

With the flow of soft breeze,

And so fragrant as if moonflowers,

That hallucinates perception,thoughts and feelings,

Makes me wonder as if,

the time has seized to exist.

Your lips that manifests lunar eclipse,

That's ushering me towards stillness and tranquility,

Towards the truth, life, death, hope and beyond for eternity,

That smile, that aloofness, that cold ethereal presence of yours,

Which is far beyond beauty

Brings me infinite sadness, as well ambiguity,


?infinite sadness?ambiguity? !!!??

I really Dont know... what? and why?

"...but it feels as if, it's meant to be.

Don't know why, but I felt like an adult antlion

Having left short time to live,

And so like fragile dandelions

Waiting to be blown by wind.

I felt a drop at my face

Which I thought was rain,

Which was infact a drop of tear,

That Transformed into precious pearl,

Shiny, and is crystal cle..."Pearl?how can pearl flow like water,

How can it bring heartache,

Instead of joy and happiness,

There's only despair and fear

Beyond something one can endure.

Then I heard something,

A distant cry? I wonder, was that a thunder ?⛈️ Is it going to rain?

Yeah it did, as it was what I sought,

Is it finally a time for blessed rain

After a long drought?

huh?...What's this?

And where am I?

"...Though I can see you, hear you,

Feel you and know that you are near,

It still feels distant,

A very long distance as if no matter

How fast, how long I travel

I can never be with you ,holding hands,

talking to you, stay with you together..."

What happened?

"..The connection as robust as iron,

As flexible as rope has turned to a tiny thread,

everything! Everything thing has turned to nothingness..." wait! Thread? Stars? "...there's still stars and a tiny thread, it might look tiny but it's so much precious as there's still a spark of hope left..."

Can it be starry night? starry night, is that you?

"...Starry night that depicts hope."

To be continued ...

- by जोन घिसिङ