
F Exterminator

A world of monsters and curses. Follow F in his adventure as an exterminator and the monsters and enemies he has to overcome to have a normal life.

Daoisth4OPFF · Võ hiệp
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18 Chs


T activated his curse and smiled at Amenaza.

"You're going to die now." T's katana started dripping water and it made a puddle. T stepped on the puddle and fell through it. He appeared in front of Amenaza and tried to decapitate him with his water blade. Amenaza dodged again and jumped away. He touched his neck and looked at the blood on his fingers.

"Fascinating. Your sword made me bleed, I find that entertaining." Amenaza extended his hand as if he was holding a sword. Suddenly a white katana with a jagged blade appeared in his hand.

"Pardon me, I'm not good at creating weapons." Amenaza said.

Amenaza closed the distance between himself and T and tried to decapitate him. T parried Amenaza's blade and tried to stab him. Amenaza dodged the blade and tried to knee T in the stomach. T blocked the knee with his sword, cutting into Amenaza's leg. Amenaza jumped back and looked at his bleeding leg.

"Interesting, you can hurt me without using your curse. I must defeat you before you get the chance to land a fatal blow."  Amenaza said.

Amenaza pointed his finger at T.

"Divisor de Toros."

T barely dodged before the attack hit him. The attack divided the roof in two halves. Amenaza clapped.

"You did well,human. I must praise you for your skills in evading attacks." Amenaza said.

"Divisor de Toros."

T dodged the attack but the roof collapsed and he and Amenaza fall through it. F manages to catch a piece of the roof that's still intact and he pulled himself and Erika back up.

"Phew, we made it. I just hope T deals with this guy before it's too late." F said.

T and Amenaza clashed in the air, sending each other flying into the walls. Amenaza jumped from the wall and tried to decapitate T who was still flying towards the other wall. T created a puddle in the wall and appears behind Amenaza. He used the momentum to cut Amenaza's back and sent him flying I to the wall. Amenaza crashed through the wall but he got up. He grabbed a piece of the wall and crushed it in his hand.

"I'm outclassed by you in terms of power and swordplay, but that doesn't mean I won't kill you.''Amenaza said and created a sheath for his sword and sheathed it. He pointed his hand at T.

"Toro Relámpago."

Amenaza shot lightning at T, who quickly jumped down the stairs to avoid it. Amenaza jumped down with him, shooting more lightning bolts. T dodged the lightning bolts and tried to restrain Amenaza with a water bubble. Amenaza dodged again, this time he jumped back to the sixth floor.

"Trying to trap me in water so I can't use my lightning? You're smart." Amenaza said.

Amenaza jumped back down and tried to kick T in the face, but T cut his leg off. Amenaza launched another slash attack at T to push him back. Amenaza regenerated his leg and drew his sword again. T smiled.

"Again? I already beat you in a sword fight,give up and drop it. I'll grant you a quick and painful death." T said.

"You're underestimating me, human. This time I'll do something that will kill you."Amenaza raised his katana over his head.

"Divisor del Mundo."

Amenaza sliced the fifth floor in half, causing it to collapse into the fourth floor. T came out of the water and smiled, his eyes glowing yellow.

"Water bullet"

T started shooting high pressure water bullets at Amenaza, who dodged out of their way. The bullets made holes in the walls and T smiled.

"Are you afraid of me? I'm just shooting water at you." T said.

Amenaza said fired another lightning bolt at T.

"I'm being cautious, even if these bullets don't do much damage against me, you'd use the opening to kill me." Amenaza said.

T dodged the lightning bolt and stabbed Amenaza in the stomach.

"You're full of openings." T said, mocking the monster.

T swung his sword up and sliced Amenaza's torso in half. Amenaza fell to the ground. T sighed and clapped his hands.

"Reverse the damage, backwards curse!"

T's eyes started bleeding as everything started repairing itself. In 15 seconds the Exterminator building is completely fixed. T fell to the ground, coughing up some blood.

"I overestimated my fixing ability. I should've used the water curse to put the broken pieces in their places before using it. I'm completely drained." T said and coughed up some more blood.

T went to the roof to check on F and Erika.

"Are you alright, my dear friends?" He asked.

"We're fine, we didn't even do anything." Erika said.

"We were kinda useless in this fight." F said.

"You were simply outmatched by your opponent so you let your superior deal with it. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

T felt Amenaza's presence once again.

"He's still alive?! That's not good. Erika, prepare to use the grenades." T said.

"Yes sir!" Erika replied and got ready.

"F, prepare for combat, I need your assistance this time. I lost too much energy from fixing the roof." T said.

"I'm ready." F said and raised his guard.

Amenaza burst through the roof and slashed at T with his sword. F blocked the attack with his crowbars.

"I told you not to underestimate me, human!" Amenaza yelled. 

Amenaza launched rapid slashes at F and T, the former blocking them and the latter dodging. T shot a water bullet at Amenaza and F tried to hit him in the leg with his crowbars. Amenaza jumped up to dodge F's strike and contorts his body to dodge the water bullet. Amenaza kicked F who blocked with his crowbars but is sent flying backwards. Amenaza landed on the ground.

"Allow me to end you, T" Amenaza said.

"Rugido de Aniquilación."

Amenaza roared, creating a massive shockwave blast. T barely dodged the blast and it hit the building behind him, destroying a large chunk of its side. Amenaza clapped at T.

"Impressive, you can still dodge my attacks. I will remember you as a strong opponent T." Amenaza said.

T launched a barrage of water bullets at Amenaza, forcing him to jump into the air.

"Water dragon!"

T created a water dragon and sent it at Amenaza. The dragon hit him a couple of times, sending him higher into the air. The dragon then hit Amenaza with its tail, sending him into the ground and making a crater. Before Amenaza could get up, the dragon dove down and hit him, making the crater bigger and sending Amenaza underground. The dragon fell apart and filled the crater with water. Amenaza got angry and evaporated the water.

"I'm coming for you!" Amenaza roared in anger.

Amenaza jumped to the roof and tried to punch T in the face. F hit his hand with the crowbars and activated their curse.

"Curse Activation, amplified smash!"

F hit Amenaza into the roof,causing serious damage to the monster. Amenaza coughed blood and tried to dodge F's next hit. F still hit Amenaza and made him bleed. Amenaza drew his sword and blocked F's next hit. F threw the chainsaw at Amenaza who dodged it. F used the claw of the crowbar to pull the chainsaw back and cut Amenaza's shoulder. F swung the chainsaw with the crowbar to hit Amenaza again but this time Amenaza blocked the attack. F pulled the chainsaw again and tried to hit Amenaza in the head. Amenaza blocked the attack at broke the chainsaw. F continued attacking Amenaza until he finally got a clean hit, sending Amenaza flying. Amenaza almost fell from the roof but he regained his balance.

"Rugido de Aniquilación."

Amenaza launched a blast at F but F blocked it. F's suits is completely destroyed and his body is smoking from the attack. F spat some blood.

"I'm going to kill you, you stupid bastard!" F screamed.

F ran at Amenaza at full speed and hits him with his crowbar. Then F hit him with the other one. F continued hitting Amenaza with his crowbars until he got him to the ground.

"Even without cursed energy, crowbars are pretty effective. Don't underestimate crowbars." F said and looked at Amenaza with a smug expression.

Amenaza punched F in the stomach, sending him flying into the air.

"Rugido de Aniquilación."

Amenaza hit F with another blast, severely injuring him. F fell back to the roof, barely conscious. Amenaza stepped on him.

"Die, human." Amenaza said.

Suddenly Amenaza was hit by an explosion.

"A grenade?" He thought.

More explosions hit him, making him stumble.

"Where are those coming from? I can't see them." Amenaza thought as he tried to spot the explosives.

A strong explosion hit Amenaza, destroying his arm. Amenaza jumped up, trying to dodge the grenades.

"What's going on? I can't see where those are coming from! Wait a minute!" Amenaza suddenly had a moment realization.

Amenaza dodged the next grenade and landed on the roof.

"It's the girl." He said.

Amenaza stopped moving and listens carefully to his surroundings. Suddenly he grabbed Erika and slammed her to the ground.

"It was you, wasn't it? You made your cursed gas invisible to me to hide yourself and the grenades. That explains why you weren't helping your friends earlier." Amenaza said.

"You got me. But you have fallen right into my trap." Erika said.

"What the-?" Amenaza tried to say.

The cursed grenade in Erika's backpack exploded into Amenaza's face tearing him apart. Erika fell to the ground, suffering mild injuries.

"Good thing I wore my other suit underneath the grade 5, I would've probably died form this." 

F got up and helped Erika to her feet.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I should be asking you that, F. I'm fine." Erika said.

"You did something pretty reckless with that explosion." F said.

"I did what I had to do." Erika replied.

"You went a little overboard with the self destruction." F said.

"You would've done the same if you were me!" Erika yelled.

"Stop bickering, you idiots." T said.

"The monster's head is gone." T said and lit a cigarette.

"What?! How?! Where did he go?!" Erika screamed.

"I'M RIGHT HERE, HUMANS!" Amenaza yelled, standing on the roof of a nearby building.

"You forced me to use some of the souls I have accumulated and now I will punish you for it!"Amenaza's mouth opened and a red light appeared from it. Amenaza's body started emitting red aura and red sparks of electricity came out of him. The light glowed brighter and a dark sphere formed in Amenaza's mouth. The building started shaking and Amenaza's aura expanded and covered the building in its entirety. The sphere grew in size and turns pitch black, sparks of red lightning came out of Amenaza's mouth and body. He laughed as the sphere grew in size.

"Die, you fools!'' Amenaza yelled.

"Gran Rugido de Aniquilación!"

Two people crashed into the Extermination Company building and Amenaza stopped himself from firing. He swallowed the blast and looks at the two people, a man and a woman.

"It seems that I've ran into some formidable foes. I can see that I stand no chance of winning here so I'll retreat." Amenaza pulled Adrian's unconscious body from the Extermination building and left.

"You did well, Yamada. You held him off until we arrived." The man said, turning towards T. T recognized the man's silver hair and eyepatch and smiled.

"It's been a while, Vortex. You never visit." T said.

"I don't like you, that's why I don't visit you." Vortex said.

"You haven't changed at all." T said.

"WHAT ABOUT ME? HUH?! WHY ARE YOU NOT TALKING TO ME, YAMADA?! I'LL KILL YOU! TALK TO MEEEEEEEEEE!" The woman yelled at T and jumpped at him but Vortex grabbed her and pulled her away from T.

"You haven't changed either, Phoenix."  T said.

"I knew it!"  Phoenix yelled. Vortex looeds at his redheaded colleague and then looked away in disgust.

"Excuse me but who the hell are you, people?" F asked.

"What did you say, punk?! I'll bite your head off!"  Phoenix yelled.

"These dysfunctional, sad excuses for human beings are the captains of the first and second divisions of the Extermination company. However, they work for Extermination Company 3 and we work for Extermination company 5."

''Fuck you too, you fucking dickmonger!'' Phoenix yelled at T while Vortex just flipped him off.

"How does that work?" F asked.

"It's simple, F. There aren't many strong exterminators in the country, so they take the strong ones and put them in different companies so every company has at least one strong exterminator." T said.

"That makes sense. How strong are they?" F asked.

"I'd have trouble fighting one of them and I'd be dead if the two decided to fight me." T said.

"Does that mean you can beat one of them?" F asked.

"Very unlikely." T replied.

"So they are pretty strong, that's good for us." F said.

"Yeah, they're monsters." T agreed.


"We're done here so we'll leave." Vortex said.

"Take care and try not to cause any trouble." T said.

The duo leave without saying anything. The sun began to rise slowly, its light still hidden by the bigger buildings. T smiled.

"It's time for you to go home, don't you think?" T said.

"Yeah, I need a shower and maybe a nap." Erika said.

"I haven't been home in a while, It's about damn time I go there." F said.

"Come to think of it, I've never seen your house. Can I come over?" Erika asked.

"Sure, I don't mind. I just have to shower first." F said.

"You can do that once we're there, I don't mind waiting for you." Erika said, smiling.

"I'll be quick so you don't have to wait too much." F said.

"Should we get going then?" Erika asked.

"Yeah." F said, smiling. The two exterminators said goodbye to T and headed downstairs.

T smiled. He took another cigarette and lit it.

"Good luck." He said as he watched them go.

To be continued