
f#ck love, fake love

white lies, school dance and bad boy Hunter McCarthy. the top three things that are going on in Ivy Hasting's life with her innate ability to burst out lies about her love life. to save face, she enlists the help of the infamous (but very attractive) Hunter McCarthy by asking him to teach her. from lessons in self-confidence to unconventional teaching methods, Ivy has two weeks to find a partner for the school dance. only problem? well, you'll have to find that one out for yourself. and in the mean time, f*ck love.

kallistoclesx · Thanh xuân
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12 Chs



People stared like they always did.

The invisible sphere that surrounded me was still there.

The difference?

People took a double take when they cast their eyes on me.

Wherever I went, the path was steered clear.

Was I looking that hideous? Or is that big of a shocker that I am seen for the first time in clothes that aren't the school uniform?

Embarrassed I reached my locker and hid my face inside.

"I'm sorry, this is Ivy's lock-" Tanya began, but stopped immediately when she saw that it was me. "Ivy Hastings, you hot stuff!"

Her eyes were wide open, and a big smile had curled up on her lips.

"You were this hot and you never told me!" she exclaimed, her smile going from ear to ear. "Girl, you're a bombshell."

"Don't have to lie," I groaned, putting my head back inside the locker. "Just tell the truth."

"You look fricking hot!" she slapped my back. "One day with the serial dater and you're this hot, I'm thinking of making you marry him then."

I winced at the thought.

"My, oh my," Nikki's sneer interrupted what I was going to say. "What are you supposed to be?"

I sighed, taking my head out of the locker. It was barely noon, but I felt like the day had been stretched too far.

"You look like a slut," Selene's voice crackled with disdain.

"At least she looks hot as a slut," Tanya spoke before I could retort. "You guys," she shook her head, "need a lot of work."

Usually, I was the one with the retorts and comebacks. But there were days when Tanya used to be there to witness the faceoff and whenever that happened, she'd give the bees a piece of her mind.

I loved those days. Tanya could be a real bitch when she wanted to, and I mean it in a cool way.

"Oh, so the sidekick talks," Selene retorted.

"She bites too," Tanya literally growled at her and she took a step back.

"Whatever, animals," Nikki dismissed herself, the fear of being bitten by Tanya showing on their faces. The two remaining bees followed suit.

"You're amazing," I grinned at her.

She shrugged in fake haughtiness. "I know."

I took out a few books from the locker and stuffed it inside the new bag, which I hate to admit had grown on me.

Looking down at the bag, Tanya's smile grew wider. "That," she emphasized, "is a nice hot bag."

"Bags can't be hot," I corrected her, zipping it up. I started walking towards my next class, feigning oblivion towards the gawkers.

"But you certainly are," she laughed, joining me.

"You need glasses," I laughed along with her.

Tanya suddenly stopped, which made me halt too. I followed her gaze which lead me towards Hunter.

Hunter making out with a girl in the hallway.

Her back was pressed up against a locker and her arms hooked around his neck. He had held her waist with his hands which threatened to slip under her top. Her face was craned up to meet his, and watching all this was highly disturbing.

School hadn't even begun for the day and he was sucking faces with a random girl.

"Hunter," she moaned.

The PDA was making me want to puke.

"Let's go," I whispered to Tanya. She was in a daze and I had to pinch her to get her out of it.

"Ow!" she winced in pain. "That hurt."

"Let's go!" I repeated. She nodded, caressing the arm which I had pinched.

"Ivy?" A male voice called out. I knew that voice.

"Cody," I trailed off, feeling embarrassed over my clothes.

From my peripheral vision, I saw that Hunter had abruptly broken off the steamy make out. The girl had her mouth open in shock, and tried to get his attention.

But his attention was elsewhere.

Not on me.

His phone.

"You look different," Cody smiled, glancing at my new look. "Its good different. It's nice."

Mini Ivys living inside my heart jumped and somersaulted. And ran with the butterflies too.

Cody must have seen Chanel because with a quick 'see you at work,' he was walking off towards her direction, who by the way wasn't waiting for him to catch up.

She was walking away with Nikki and Selene. It wasn't news that Cody ran around after Chanel a lot.

She was nice, but people had a lot to say about her behind her back. Like how 'she didn't have a brain to make her own decisions. She used Nikki's and Selene's.'

"Well, that's that," Tanya sighed reading my expression. "Time for class?"

"Time for class," I repeated with a groan.