
F*ck Yeah! I’m The Villain

Walking across the street 23 year old Bai An saw an injured kitten limping across the road as a huge vehicle sped towards it. Her animal lover instincts kicked in and she pushed the kitty away just in time it's body landing on an old torn up mattress. However Bai An herself was not as lucky with no one wanting to risk their lives to save hers she quickly fell victim to Truck Sama. "At least I did a good deed" was her final thought before her mind gave into the darkness. Waking up she sees her self floating in the air, everything around her is pitch black as her mind races wild with idiotic thougts. "What the-..." all of a sudden a ball of light appears out of nowhere. "WELCOME MY DEAR CHILD TO THE DIMENSION OF SPIRITS" A fat man bellowed his bald head shining brightly with vigor as if saying " look at me, look at me see how smooth I am I know u wanna touch it." Bai An laughs at her ridiculous thoughts before bringing her attention back to the piece of blubber in front of her. The fat man whose name she learned is Jun Qiang told her that he's from the committee of gods who decided that her death was too early so they decided that she would be Reincarnated into one of their worlds. Which one she doesn't know but she's a little excited because from the novels she's read before the protagonist always gets sent to a world that's a game they already played in their past life and they have a ton of cheats so she's hyped up. Jun Qiang then wishes her good luck as she feels her spirit being sucked into a vortex. "Awwwww YEAHHHHHH" she screams but it comes out as a baby's wail instead as her arms flail around her eyesight blurry.

queenk091 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
119 Chs

Chapter 7



There's something about a

Woman with a loud mind

That sits in silence, smiling

Knowing that she can crush you

With the truth

-RG Moon

Currently I'm laying in daddy's arms sucking on my thumb. Dad looks at me and his lips twitch. He gazes at me adoringly like I'm some sort of precious treasure and I feel a warm sensation spreading in my chest. Is this what familial love feels like?

The eunuch on the side who I have recently learned name is Wang, snaps daddy and I out of our staring contest. He gestures towards the officials and I can sense the good mood daddy had from earlier dampening a little bit.

"We have heard that official

Yang Li Fei from the Cloud Empire has come to our court with a marriage proposal between the royal families." Daddy's voice is filled with seriousness and demands respect from all of the nobles.

Woah my Dad is a badass! Cool!!!!

"Are We correct?" Daddy asks, more pressure asserting in his voice than it should be for a question. It reminds me of that meme when it was like to assert your dominance and all that crap. Haha that was a funny joke.

"Yes your majesty." The envoy says.

"Official Yang of Cloud Empire it is considered edicateness to kneel before a member of the Imperial family." The eunuch's voice booms throughout the palace halls and I cringe from the intensity of it.

Did you really have to shout. Like come on delicate, fragile and gorgeous baby here.

The eunuch's body is strangly with big emerald eyes filled with decisiveness. My gaze can't help but lower down to his nether regions and I clench my legs together scornfully.


Poor Eunuch Wang, his third leg shall never rise again......

Feeling sorry for the poor middle aged man, I decide to grace him with my adorableness. What? I'm feeling benevolent today.

"Ellow Unic Ang! Ow are you?" I give him a bubbly smile at the end. When I turn my head back to the entourage of officials everyone's eyes are focused on me. Come on guys I know that I'm gorgeous and all but tone it down a bit, your obsession is showing.

A drought of self consciousness consumes me and I smile wryly in irony. Wow a confident princess like me has her moments of self consciousness, isn't the world amazing. The tension in the room is so thick you could slice it with a knife. Trying to diffuse it I go with the friendly tactic and wave at the idiots.

"Hi!" I say in a baby voice, my chubby hand grabbing air as I attempt to wave. Unfortunately, it seems that may have been a bad idea because after I did that, the room burts into chatter.

"My god the princess is a genius!! One the country hasn't seen for probably a millenia!" A noble exclaimed joyously.

"Surely the country's reputation will sky rocket to the sky now that a prodigee has been born."

"No shit Sherlocks, what child do you know can speak at just 3 months of age. Bunch of nincompoops you lot."

"Oh why don't you shut your mouth Mr. I have a stick up my ass so everybody please me. The whole of the nobility knows that since this situation has come about, you can't apply any pressure on his majesty's head and force him to take in a concubine, aka your eldest daughter."

"Yeah! Do you think we're as stupid as you. Once a woman enters that barren harem her days of happiness and freedom will be gone."

"Why you little wench. If I get my hands on you I-....."

"SILENCE!" The officials clammer slowly dies down, attention and beady eyes back onto his majesty and I.

"As We were saying official Wang do not mind our euncuh, since you're from the Cloud Empire and a trusted advisor of Empreror Risco just treat Us as though we're old friends. Now back to the matter of hand we have heard that you've come with a proposal, please state the contents.

"Thank you. Your Imperial highness I have come with a declaration of peace and a treaty of tranquility. The ruler Emperor Risco has devised the plan of a royal engagement between princess Melia and his son crown Prince Sebastian."

I have 1 word and 3 letters to say. WTF!!!!!!
