
Eye of Aragos: The Darkness comes

[ ... In a momentous evening, Christopher Salvatore, a compassionate person who often feels manipulated by others, experiences a profound change when he encounters a mysterious woman. In a twist of fate, this unexpected meeting grants Christopher supernatural abilities as a vampire, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Not knowing what powers he owns, he later discovers that there is an individual residing within his very soul. The individual is known as Ardelean, a servant of The Darkness, the embodiment of Evil, who possesses an intense thirst for revenge upon his previous love partner, The Light. After Christopher is chosen by Ardelean to become his host, The Darkness is determined to possess Christopher's body and unleash its vengeance upon the Universe. If such an event occurs, his life will be lost. However... Is that truly going to happen? Or Christopher breaks free from his puppet strings and emerges as an indomitable Vampire, striking fear into the hearts of all in the Universe ... ] ________________________ ! Warning: Narcissism, Manipulation, and other Toxic behaviors are present in the later development of this book together with R-18 Chapters ! ! Reader is advised ! ________________________ [ Cover is mine. All covers are made by myself or at least edited if they are done by someone else. If an Author wants, I'll change it but only if you have proof the cover is yours :) ] ________________________ [ This story is fiction and any connection to the RW is mere coincidence... ]

Patrik_Crown · Kỳ huyễn
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88 Chs

Arachne king 3

With all the will and power the Arachne king could muster, he tried to pass through the invisible barrier but in the end, the only thing he could do was to look at his EX-generals kissing the man he hated the first second he saw him.

He was everything he wasn't. More Charismatic, more handsome, more funny, etc... while everyone loved him.

A deadly combination winning every female while pissing off every male, no matter the race.

After all, desire is always going to be... a desire.

"Come and fight me you annoying bug!" shouted the king at him while punching the invisible barrier in front of him.

Christopher pulled away from his new bride and turned to the king. His face was monstrously dark.

Pulsating veins black as night came out from his eyes through his cheeks towards his jaw due to his desire to suck Ariane's and Melissa's blood.

His eyes were dark and empty, hungry for their blood.

With a swift movement of his leg, he kicked the king, his foot passing through the barrier like it was not even there and hitting the King's chest which sent the spider flying to the other side where he crashed against the barrier again, now with his back.

"I'm here... got up!" Christopher spoke, his face twisted with madness and anger that he got interrupted in his sweet intimate moment.

Dissolving into shadows, he appeared in front of the surprised king whose face was covered in sweat.

He knew the strength of an Original but that kick was nothing he ever felt before. His entire chest bone structure was broken into pieces!

Grabbing the King's head with anger, he slammed it countless times against the barrier until the King didn't have any teeth and his skull was shattered into pieces, from which some were coming out from his head through his face's skin. Then, he let go of his head and grabbed another pair of his Arachne legs, now from the left side of his body.

"Hello sir, I heard you bought a ticket for a Salvatore Express. You should wear your seatbelt because this ride is going to take you to another planet my friend... Hahahahahaha~" Christopher joked, laughing like a maniac, and before the spider king could get away, Christopher spun himself extremely fast and crashed the king's head against the barrier countless times.

The sound of bones being broken constantly was heard by everyone as a cloud of dust was made from every crash.

In the meantime, all the spider warriors were laughing like idiots at Christopher's joke while Ariane and Melissa looked at him with a gaze that they had never shown before to any male.

A gaze full of possessive feelings, heavy love, and interest in this handsome individual, a reaction shared by other females as well.

When the dust settled, an image of a handsome male with his foot on the corpse of a big broken spider was shown to everyone.

"Surrender or die" Christopher spoke with an ordering tone.

The king looked at him with only four eyes on the left side of his face as the other two on the right side of his forehead were bleeding like crazy and the last two, under the bleeding two were missing.

"Never you worm" the king roared while the stones on his crown glowed as Christopher felt something behind him.

It was a matter of seconds but he definitely felt someone.

Turning completely behind and making a move with his hands, he looked for everyone like he was trying to grab air.

"What is he doing?" Jeanne spoke, her eyes narrowed. She felt that something was not right.

'Something is definitely happening but I can't see what!' she thought.

"I can't quite tell yet. After all, I'm not completely sure but can you see what I'm seeing?" the woman in a latex combat suit asked.

"You mean the pattern of his moves?" Jeanne asked.

"Yeah. It's not fully a pattern but for me, it looks like he is trying to catch something... or someone," the woman in latex said.

"I can see it too Dawn!" the redhead scientific Vampiress with the angular glasses suddenly spoke.

"So we are not the only ones..." The vampiress in latex, Dawn smiled as they went silent, focusing their attention on what Christopher was doing.


Taking a deep breath, Christopher suddenly stopped and closed his eyes as everything went quiet.

Using his echolocation, he smiled slightly and waited until...

"Gotcha~," he said and grabbed the head of a running spider that was faster than any Vampire or Spider he encountered before.

"I knew it... A Messenger..." Ariane mumbled while Melissa's face turned angry.

If they could, they would already jump inside to devour the spider alive but they can't!

"No, I got you!" the spider suddenly said and pulled a wooden stake out of nowhere.

"Christopher brace!" Melissa quickly spoke but it was too late because the spider already pierced Christopher's heart with the wooden stake that immediately began to ignite with a speed resembling the speed of light. A feat no mortal should have survived!

Everyone's expressions widen as anger takes control over them. Pulling out their weapons, they took a step forward but suddenly stopped when they saw a movement made by Christopher.

*COUGH, while the stake was burning, Christopher bent down and coughed blood as his grip loosened on the intensity but his hand never truly let go of the spider's head.

"He... he can move?" Jeanne spoke, surprised that Christopher could move even after his body should have been paralyzed or dead.


Christopher smashed the head of the spider he was holding against the barrier next to him and made his head evaporate from existence. The body fell on the ground under the loss of its head as Christopher regained his posture, but something was off about him.

It was like his body now belonged to someone else.

His eyes are fully black with just purple irises, the same veins as before marking his face, and his skin paler than any other Vampire's.

"You would need more than just wood to kill an Immortal being like me spidey~" Christopher spoke, his voice containing arrogance and anger mixed with the demonic tones of an unknown beast.

Pulling the flaming stake out of his chest, the flames immediately died out as he threw it next to him.

"What the fuck is happening... Just how is that possible?!" the Vampire in the half-aristocratic and half-combat suit spoke with visible surprise on his face. No one, not even the Elder Vampires should have survived the wooden stake through their hearts, yet Christopher easily moved and even pulled it out.

Feeling an incredible hunger, Christopher unconsciously used dark telekinesis to wield the dead spider's body.

It was like he was in no control over his body. Now, only instincts were ON.

As the body was levitating in front of him, all of his teeth sharpened resembling the mouth of a bloodthirsty beast as he bit the bloody neck of the headless victim of his anger with eagerness, hunger, and hatred.

The blood with the perfect taste of fear returned to his consciousness back as his inner beast began to be more relaxed, losing control.

All this time, the Vampires around felt an instinctive fear that a powerful Apex Predator was near them.

Something Ancient visited them and it was definitely not for the last time.

Draining the last drop of blood from the corpse, he threw it outside the barrier as it turned to ash and then, his eyes turned to the side, precisely speaking toward his castle.

"Hmm," Christopher touched his chin covered in traces of blood as he again used his telekinesis to bring someone.

At first, no one saw anything but seconds later, the three unconscious bodies of the male spider generals appeared and began to levitate towards Christopher.

"What are you doing?!" the King spoke but with each attempt to get up, Christopher grew more and more irritated with him until he had enough.

"Shut the FUCK UP you insignificant INSECT!" he roared at the king like it was not even him anymore, looking deadly into the King's eyes while using his compulsion, and as if charmed, the King stopped moving and went silent.

"Good~" Christopher nodded, clearly pleased as those three spider generals arrived in front of him.

"Is he going to do what I'm thinking?" Dawn asked.

"Of course~" Jeanne smiled, pleased by Christopher's bloodthirst.

"He may look intact but I bet he is hungry as hell~. Healing a fatal wound like that is not easy," Jeanne added.

Meanwhile, Christopher started his feast with the one spider general who tried to attack him first.

Draining his blood in twenty seconds, he threw the corpse out of the barrier, disposing of it.

The same went for those two as well as everything happened in a matter of minutes.

After he drained the last one, Christopher's attention turned back to the Arachne king with a satisfied sigh.

Clearing his mouth from the remnants of the blood and adjusting his hair and sleeves while watching the King with his black and purple eyes, he spoke.

"Sorry for the interruption fellow ruler but it looks like your boys are eager to get to know me~. Also, I promised I would take care of your generals right after our fight but I was hungry and I still am so let's deal with this matter quickly so I can welcome my new army in their new home and then go to have a dinner with my brides."

"Are you sure you don't want to surrender? I can find you a fitting job in my kingdom," he asked.

"Never you tyrannical beast!" the Arachne king roared back at him.

Christopher rolled his eyes at the drama queen and this irony. He who is called the same by his people called him a Tyrannical beast.

With disappointment, he moved his right hand a little behind and the sword of the Undead King flew from the castle, landing in his hand.

With a swift three steps and a light jump using the king's body as a trampoline, Christopher spun his body in the air and went to the clouds.

The king immediately felt that this attack would be a fatality for him if he didn't escape.

"Well, this was just... whoa... I never thought spiders could be so fast," Jeanne spoke, recalling the agility of the messenger spider while her eyes were transfixed on Christopher approaching the clouds.

"I never saw a spider so fast either," Dawn replayed, enjoying the same image as Jeanne.

"Well, I did!" the scientific redhead spoke but no one responded to her. They all just wanted to see the end of this battle.

After seeing Christopher's feast, all began to feel hungry... and not just for blood.

With a loud clanging sound, Christopher cut the clouds in half, revealing a full, blood moon that in the middle of this battle started being hidden by the clouds.

The sky was blood-red with shining stars and for a second, Christopher felt like a true God.

Letting the gravitation take over with a wide smile, he formed a thick layer of darkness like a platform behind him and kicked it which sent him back,  towards the king with excellent speed.

When he was halfway, the blood moon behind him started glowing with red light until a strong beam of red power flew from the moon toward Christopher's blade.

"The chosen one" Merener, who suddenly appeared next to Ariane and Melissa turned his face at Christopher with a smile.

"WHOA! Stop scaring us like this!" Melissa shouted at him.

"I'm sorry ladies... It's just my nature" Merener politely replayed at which those two just nodded and went back to watching Christopher.

As the moonlight power flew towards the blade, the sword consumed the red light and power of the blood moon like a good boy and when Christopher was about ten meters away from the ground, he cut his left hand with the blade of his sword, also covering the blade with his blood.

The blood was enveloping the blade as if it were alive, completely ignoring the gravitation as Christopher spoke with a heavy voice, echoing around while approaching the ground.

"With all my authority as an Original Vampire and a new Lord of the Sangruil Vampire kingdom, chosen by the red moon and myself, I'm releasing you and your blood from the post as a King of Arachne spiders. Don't even blink if you're a true man, just enjoy my blade of Death!"

With this speech, he spun in the air like a bullet and pointed the blade full of blood and moonlight energy in front of him, becoming an unstoppable weapon of mass destruction.

The king sighed, still under Christopher's compulsion, and waited for his death with a last thought.

'Even Cravenswoth himself underestimated him too much huh... Well, it was a big mistake... I wonder how he ends up hahaha~'

Then, Christopher approached him and spun as his blade cut off the King's head.

In the entire process, Christopher didn't even look at him only after an explosion of dust and purple energy covered everything.

The king's body flew from the pressure out through the circle and disappeared into thin air, while Christopher landed on the ground silently, holding the Spider's head by his hair like a piece of garbage. Taking the crown he had on the head, he threw the head out of the circle and it disappeared too.

Pulling out the five purple gems, he threw the crown on the ground, destroying her with his foot, and asked.

'I feel a big power in these stones. Will I survive the consuming process?'

'You will gain a pretty interesting reward master. It's going to be a painful process but without a risk, we can't gain much right?' spoke the female voice of his system.

'True,' he replayed and looked at the gems that started glowing at some point. The stones then started levitating and formed a circle in front of him. 

After that, the circle started spinning until all the power left the stones and they fell to the ground, turning to dust like the crown.

The power then stayed on the spot until Christopher was ready to consume it.

"Wait, my Lord! What are you doing?" asked Melissa, a little concerned.

"Something I will probably never regret" he replayed and the purple glowing ball of power flew furiously into his chest, sending him a few steps back.

At first, nothing happened but suddenly, feeling something forming and coming out from his back, he shouted in pain and kneeled on the ground.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" he scratched his face as if he wanted to get out of his own skin while his eyes glowed purple and red like crazy.

Ariane and Melissa wanted to run to him but couldn't. The barrier prevented them from intervening and didn't even show any damage after their strongest punches.

A feat that everyone followed.

Jeanne, Dawn, the male Vampires, Ariane, Melissa, Merener, and everyone gathered around the blood barrier, trying to pass through but no one was strong enough.

Christopher's body started being covered in darkness as something resembling a cocoon suddenly formed from it and enveloped him.

This cocoon started absorbing and pulling the blood barrier closer until it crashed with the cocoon and exploded.

Everyone turned away but the expected sound of explosion and wave of power and dust didn't happen.

Melissa, Ariane, and others took a few steps back from the blinding light and turned when it died out only to see the cocoon levitating a meter above the ground while glowing with purple and red light as the pieces of the barrier started circulating around the cocoon like rings of shattered glass.

Slowly, the pieces of the cocoon resembling the leaves of a closed flower started being pushed outside like someone or something was tearing its way out.

Seconds later, one after another, the pieces fell and revealed a kneeling but at the same time levitating Christopher with four slender, big, and black spider legs about two meters long.

These legs were without any hair, smooth to the touch while shining under the moonlight.

They were coming from his back and had red details like veins on themselves.

Feeling the pain disappearing slowly, Christopher 'got up' while still levitating as if standing on the air itself while Ariane and Melissa looked at him with shocked gazes full of possessiveness, worry, and shine like they saw their great Idol. A feat every single female spider did as well.

A sudden connection began to build between him and all the spiders present.

A connection between a king and the subordinates, the same thing that happened with his Vampires.

His appearance changed as his previous, already healed handsome face became even more beautiful and his tattooed arms, looking like normal muscular ones, were hiding an extreme raw power.

His power level now resembled a Vampire of two thousand years old, an Enhanced Original Vampire all thanks to consuming five stones.

He lacked eight eyes like normal spiders had but his black hair turned even darker and shiny, mixed with white tones as a dark crown made from black smoke with five purple gemstones appeared, levitating above his head.

Shooking their heads in disbelief while their bodies started unconsciously releasing various strong charming scents and sweet nectars, wanting to attract the new king's attention, the two female generals shouted.

"A new Arachne king was born!" shouted Ariane.

"Long life to New Arachne King!" shouted Melissa.

Christopher who now became a Hybrid too, an Enhanced Original Hybrid of a Spider and a Vampire to be exact looked at them and smiled gently.

Sensing the various scents of countless females around him which he never truly felt or sensed, Vampiric or Arachne, his desire to own all of them grew but he understood that it was possible that almost none of them loved him. It was probably his new nature that drew them to him and not their feelings.

Therefore, he ignored that and looked at his new legs that changed their length to one meter and moved with them a little while shouts and cheers of the Spider soldiers were in the distance, and all around him.

He looked so cute and innocent while playing with his spider legs that all females just wanted to hug him possessively while pressing his face against their cherry blossoms.

Even the male Vampires were cheering. This was a declaration that their new Lord was more powerful than their previous one.

"What the..." Dawn and Jeanne were stunned by the look of their Lord while "Why do I find him attractive?!" The Vampire in the aristocratic combat suit spoke with narrowed eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense! I'm much more prettier than him!" The workout Vampire spoke again.

As if by instant, Dawn, Jeanne, the scientific Vampiress, and even the male Vampire looked at him with annoyed gazes.

"Do you want another one?" asked Jeanne, cracking her knuckles.

"No thank you..." spoke the Workout Vamp as he touched his belly. Somehow, it still hurts...


'Nice upgrade right?' Christopher spoke with his inner voice.

["Very nice,"] Ardelean replayed with excitement.

["This is something even I was not expecting."]

'Same' Christopher replayed.

["You basically become a Tribrid! A Dragon, Vampire, and Arachne Spider! Like WHAT THE FUCK MAN?! HAHAHAHA!"] Ardelean laughed, can't contain his excitement.

Suddenly 'The host gained Arachne legs and Arachne Progenitor Bloodline.

["Sorry, I corrected myself. You became a Tribrid Progenitor?!"] Ardelean shouted with some amusement and excitement in his voice.

'Well, it looks like it but I still need to gain my Vampire and Dragon bloodlines first for that to be true,' Christopher replayed.

["Ahh shit I forgot... Well, let's move then. I want to see what new possible trick you have now!"]

'Are you two done?' the system voice suddenly asked, clearly annoyed.

["Ohh, yeah, sure, continue please,"] Ardelean spoke.

'Haah, as I said, the legs you gain can appear and disappear at any moment the master would need. They would greatly help you in combat.'

'Just think what you want and they will follow your commands like your normal hands would. The same goes for the Arachne army. Becoming their King and new Progenitor, you became their main Idol.'

'Males would want to become as strong as you, while all females would want to be yours... And I mean it when I'm saying all of them...'

Looking around, Christopher saw the predatory red and glowing gazes of his two generals and a few hundred female Spiders scattered around who looked at him like he was the tastiest meat on the plate.

This reaction made him smile widely as the circle of the EX-king's black blood that was still levitating around the destroyed cocoon together with the remains of the dark cocoon itself was absorbed by him and with a strong jump, he flew towards his castle, thrusting his new legs to the walls.

Everyone who saw him move saw only a blur which is clearly a sign that he was just too fast even for a Vampire eye.

In the air, the spider legs grew again, reaching two meters as they pierced the facade of his castle with ease.

It was like they were made from some iron material.

"This is cool~," he said with a smile.

Meanwhile, when he consumed the blood of the dead king, it still contained a few memories.

Images of Cravensworth bribing the Arachne king to kill Christopher appeared in his mind together with numerous hideouts the Arachne king used throughout his life as he flew through the air towards the wall.

'This looks promising,' Christopher thought, marking in his head that he should look after them when he has free time, and also try to better inspect those memories.

Turning himself towards the square and main gate while leaning his back against the cold walls of his castle, he saw thousands of Spiders and Vampires looking at him like worshippers with desire and respect as he spoke.

"My dear allies. From this day forward, I'm your new king."

"Follow my orders or die like your previous king!" his voice contained an enormous authority over the Spiders and even the Vampires.

His Arachne Progenitor side affected his Vampire Original side and those two concepts were mixed inside him during the transformation, glued together by his Darkness essence which empowered those concepts even more.

Before he could use his compulsion on the Vampires who were as strong as him, a feat that was already breaking a law of Nature but now, he could even charm a Progenitor who would follow him like a puppet.

Now, he is not just an Original Vampire. He became an Enhanced Original Hybrid.

And he was not the only one who evolved. As the Darkness inside his Vampires was connected to him, his Vamps became enhanced versions too.

This means if his Vampires would bite someone now, using their venom evolved by the darkness inside them, only Christopher's blood could heal the individual now. It was working like the Werewolf venom to Vampires but thanks to his upgrade, his Vamps became enhanced ones, strong like the Elites of the Werewolf kingdom near them while resistant to the Werewolf venom to almost 70%.

Only the Elites, Elders, and King/Progenitor can poison them now.

That's a fraction of how powerful Christopher became and how powerful their kingdom might become in the future.

As for the Spiders, they didn't change but Christopher has a plan for them as well.

'I wonder how they will look with my essence in them.' he thought.

["Probably more beautiful? I can't quite tell but it would be visible!"] Ardelean replayed.

In the meantime, the spiders that stood outside of the town started kneeling and praising their new king while a few just stood there, not liking this result, and other ones who got inside started fights with Christopher's Vampires and their previous Spider brothers and sisters that were under Christopher's command.

["It's normal that some would not like you as their king,"] Ardelean spoke in disdain.

"Yeah, I knew that, that's why I made this statement dummy," Christopher replayed and spoke inside Melissa's and Ariane's minds throughout his new connection with them.

Connection as a King and a subordinate.

'You have a chance to prove your loyalty now my loves. Kill those who would stand against me. Do it and you gain a reward. A reward only I can give as you may remember.'

Melissa and Ariane shuddered at the sensual tone their new king used against them as their imagination started working rapidly.

'You have ten minutes... Show me how capable you two are, or do you want someone else to do it for you?'

'I can give those rewards to them because well, I can see few interested individuals on your right and left.' he spoke to them as a few hundred female spiders stood next to the two generals looking at Christopher with a desire to do anything... even die for him.

They resembled trusted worshipers, for some reason cutting their hands' arteries as their blood began to splash around.

["What is that supposed to mean?"] Ardelean wondered.

'It means they are truly devoted. It's a ritual of blood sorcery and sacrifice meaning that even death can't tear them apart from me,' Christopher spoke, providing Ardelean with intel he wanted.

["So something like soul contract?"]

'Yeah, something similar but this will do nothing to them or me. It's just an image of worship. For the magic to truly work, they would need a perfect magic circle made from their mixed blood and a soul contract with their names and pieces of souls.' Christopher explained.

["So that means..."]

'That means that if I want, they will do it. Are you blind or become a senile friend?' Christopher roared.

["Chill man! I don't go around eating spiders to gain their knowledge!"]

'Fair point...' Christopher replied.

While the two were talking, Ariane and Melissa immediately looked at each other with their own desire, already imagining their possible nights and possessiveness in their eyes toward their king.

Then, they smiled widely and started killing without mercy those who started the fights and would harm Christopher, his other generals and brides, or his citizens.

Their blades slashed the throats of the traitors, their spider legs pierced the chests of the betrayals and their fists broke the skulls of those who disrespected their Idol.

Their hands were guided by the will of their King~.



... ... ... ... ...

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