
Extremely Luckily Unlucky

James met his untimely end after unfortunately being struck by a car. Just when he thought this would be the end, he would end up being transmigrated into another world. His unfortune continues. 1: Unlucky 2: ??? 3: ??? 4: ??? 5: ??? 6: ???

RoyalJest · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Unlucky

Warning: This novel contains dark stuff that might make you uncomfortable so proceed with caution lol







James wasn't the luckiest person, not by any measurement. In fact, you could have said he was the unluckiest. He wasn't the strongest, or the smartest, but there was one thing he was good at, screwing things up. On the day of his birth, his mother would end up dying shortly after, causing his father to blame him and beat him relentlessly in grievance. After about 16 years of enduring this, he would have had enough, his rage fueling him and giving him the strength to fight back. However, during the scuffle, his father would end up slipping on a deceased rat and bang his head on the table, which would end up also breaking his neck.

His first day of school would end up in an unfortunate meeting with undisciplined children. Of the course, the final result would end up with the school crashing down in a giant crown of fire. Fortunately, none would end up perishing to this event, at best gaining minor injuries thanks to the one and only James. Despite his valiant efforts, all the blame would come onto him and he would be labeled as a "little devil." However, James still wouldn't let go of that kind-hearted person that he was, trying to help someone whenever he could. Though, not every good deed would end positively.

A specific event, was one of those. James was making his way back home, when he spotted someone laying in the middle of the street, presumably unconscious. He hurriedly ran over to them, crouching down to check for any sort of wound. He tried shaking the person, seeing if they were simply sleep.

"Hey! Wake up!"

Then, he inspected the back of their head, which had a large gash. Seeing this, he assumed it must've been a blunt object injury that had knocked them out cold. He swiftly called the hospital and told them the situation. After about a minute or so, an ambulance came and retrieved the unconscious person, transporting him to the hospital for recovery. 1 month after that incident, that unconscious person would later on kill 5 people, who before the incident stated as being attacked by the person. This of course, would leave James with immense guilt, knowing his supposed good deed got people killed.

Now back to present day. James was making his way back to his apartment, deep in thought. Then, a sudden feeling of fur rubbing against his leg would snap him out of it. He looked down, seeing a black cat rub itself against him. The cat had an aura he couldn't explain, but it felt nothing more than mystical. He picked up the cat and brought it closer to his chest, oblivious of the truck heading right towards him. And without warning...


It all began fading to dark as he was suddenly flung into the air. The sound of glass cracking echoed throughout his mind in the short time he was still conscious, before finally fading away.

He really is such an unfortunate person.













Moments later, James would gasp as he wakes up, suddenly finding himself in an unfamiliar room. He looked at his hands, immediately noticing something was wrong. This wasn't him. This wasn't his body. He hurriedly got up, looking inside of a nearby mirror laid on a wooden desk. This face, this body was completely different.

"Who...are you?"

hi how are ya

short chapter lol

RoyalJestcreators' thoughts