
Extreme Wealth with Infinite Upgrades

Lu Fan thought life would be favorable after graduation but it was all his fantasy. Wishful thinking. He was beaten so badly that he did not dare go back home and show how much of a failure he had become. With the mentality of giving it one last try, he opened a repair shop. That was when his golden finger activated. From then on, he can upgrade anything infinitely.

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Xiaoyun was right that it was not so easy to start making Industrial machinery.

There were too many complicated things that were involved and Lu Fan was not ready or able to handle them.

Complications aside, just getting the permits from the relevant departments was questionable. But this was Huaxia. If permits were as important, the gray areas in patents and copycat products wouldn't be so grey.

And it was not like he was planning on making Shield Tunneling Machinery which require strict regulation.

He just wanted to start small.

The soldering station for example was something that he could specialize in until he got enough capital.

The one here was already capable of spitting out hundreds of memory sticks at a time and all that was needed was the materials and components to be fed.

Lu Fan was perfectly capable of making more of such machines, but that was just sharing his cake with others and some people were bound to lose jobs.

He was not so noble to worry about a stranger's job security, but it would be too dumb to share the core technology.

What he had in mind was to create monkey versions of the station and make some of the processes entirely separate.

Just one station can be downgraded to give three separate machines. This could maximize his profits at least five times.

He had to do this.

As for buyers, Lu Fan was never worried. These OEMs that were closing down were one. And if they insist on closing, he could take over the workforce and make them his. There was no need to worry too much about this.

The only thing that worried him was that competitors might pop up and come to make things difficult for him.

He did not have competition on the technical side, but there was bound to be some people who wanted a piece of the pie.

At that time, Lu Fan did not think that he would agree. Otherwise, it would go against the aura of someone with a golden finger.

But that was not something he could afford to think about at the moment.

He did not have money or status to worry about these things. All things considered, it was already lucky that nothing had gone wrong up to this point.

Seeing Xiaoyun off, Lu Fan started playing with his phone.

The second-hand phone that he had fixed had gone through a lot of changes.

[Hikki A230

Type: Personal Computer (Mobile Phone)

Status: Intermediate

Upgrade Value: 10000/10000

Optimization Points: 15736

Optimization Parts: Screen, Body, Battery, Memory, Processor, Camera, I/O Module.


At this point, the phone was not much worse than an iPhone 15 Pro.

But that was not enough.

With a thought, several optimization points disappeared as a white light flashed.

Lu Fan wanted to maximize the specifications before upgrading the phone. Now that the problem of money had been solved, it was time to put the cheat to its proper use. Being unreasonable.

The black titanium alloy did not change much. It just that it could now withstand an armor-piercing bullet from a sniper rifle. Not that he would test it. It still managed to weigh 200 grams, 6.7'' with a front and back glass finish.

1PB storage, 1TB RAM, Alien Chip… whatever that is.

Lu Fan did not continue thinking about this. They were just features and the technology behind them was already engraved in his brain. He could revisit them when the time came.

Directly Upgrade and continue pouring optimization points until the bottom out.

[Hikki A230

Type: Super Computer (Mobile Phone)

Status: Advanced

Upgrade Value: 0/1000000

Optimization Points: 0

Optimization Parts: Body, Carbon Battery, Carbon Chip, Camera, AI Assistant(Elementary).


When the white light rescinded, what remained was something out of his expectation.

He had thought that it would be some sci-fi, high-end, iPhone-like things. Well, it was iPhone-like in that there were no ports or any I/O modules whatsoever.

The body was wholly made of some metamaterial to protect the chips and all that technology.

Lu Fan did not think too much about the technology.

Carbon chips, carbon batteries, and even metamaterials were all good for research, but it was expensive as hell to go down that rabbit hole. He did not even have the basic skills required to start. Nor did he have the connections to form a team.

As for research, he could write a paper later on to see how the world responds. He might lack the basic laboratory and research skills, but he was decent enough to learn how to write a paper.

No power button, just touch the phone and whichever side faces you will be the screen automatically. Just one of the many applications of Metamaterials.

No fixed resolution and it automatically adapts the best for whatever activity is going on in real time.

Lu Fan sighed at the vast difference in hardware.

I just don't know which power or force will be the first to unearth any of these technologies. Just the battery on this thing can last for a month of continuous intensive use. Just recharge occasionally and a year could easily go by.

The metamaterial could also use solar when idle to recharge.

Downloading a stress test app… no need. The current apps were not enough to even get the processor to 1% let alone the 512 Yottabyte memory.

"Hello, can you hear me?"

Looking like Grandma Wang using the phone for the first time, Lu Fan tried to communicate with the Personal Assistant AI.

<Hello, Mr. Lu. Do you have any instructions?>

A soothing voice sounded right beside him making him startled. He almost jumped with fright. Targeted Audio Delivery Technology is creepy.

"Introduce yourself first. It is only polite."

<Sure. You can call me Hikki after the previous model but I find this name rather lacking. would go by MIA. am a general elementary artificial intelligence dedicated to helping you with whatever need from data end of things.>

"Hold up. Are you telling me that you have preferences and opinions?"

<I am not emotionally intelligent but I can simulate and infer the subtleties of emotion expression. The name MIA simply came about from Mobile Artificial Intelligence(MAI) being rearranged to suit pronunciation. It sounds good it makes sense.>

"That… is somewhat smart but I keep feeling that it's dumb. Anyway, how do you compare to other AIs out there at the moment?"

<I suddenly 'feel' offended. Mr. Lu should know this but, comparing me to these… things is like a 3200k resolution camera water drop lens. And that being conservative.>


'I feel insulted for some reason.'

"If that's the case, I doubt there is any task that would truly let me witness your power. What to do…"

<If I may suggest, what about bitcoins and blockchain technology? It is widely known that cracking technology nigh impossible without a qualified quantum computer. believe can give them run for their money.>

"Quite the tone you got there and I like it. You might as well collect funds while you're at it. Impress me."

<Affirmative. Would you be interested in a bet, sir?>

"Oh, what are the stakes?"

<Argh, how about increasing my processing power and level? As for end… argh.>

"Hahaha, don't melt your CPU. How about you design a management system for my company. Virtual Intelligence should be heavy on this one."

<I would have done it even without the bet. Thank you for your consideration.>

"Get to it."

Lu Fan turned around and pretended to be busy lest he start feeling shy. The soft feminine voice of this thing sure is dangerous.