
570 Episodes of Ambition

When the lights in the secret room went off, before the battle began, Shen Yue had already shot up the wall like a seasoned climber. He hung from the wall, gripping protuberances on the wall with only one hand.

No one would have expected such a move.

And there weren't many who had the ability to execute it.

Even for climbing enthusiasts, hanging from the wall with the delicate balance of an antelope, like Shen Yue, was a daunting task.

This move was a spur of the moment decision by Shen Yue.

And because of this, all thirteen assassins surged to attack Nuanyu.

When Shen Yue hung on the wall, he felt a slight pang of guilt. He should not have left a woman to face such a dangerous situation, even if she had brought it upon herself.

But when the lights came on, he felt somewhat embarrassed for the thirteen assassins.

If he had intervened, these thirteen men would probably not have been risking their lives.