
Hidden Mission

Pinky guided us to another chamber that was next to the one where we took our break.

'We have to make something worthy of our goddess, and that would take longer… so for the moment, we decided to work at the place where the Sacred scale is going to be and then build the temple around it.'

After what happened last time, I didn't answer, I wanted to limit my interactions with him a little, so I just let him talk… as he tried to convert us in believers of the Snake Goddess.

We arrive at the next chamber where a lot of rats were working and splitting different materials into different piles I was surprised by some of the things I saw here, but it shouldn't be that surprising that some valuable things end in the sewers from time to time.

On the center there was a wooden chest filled with different ancient coins, I think that those are supposed to work as a tribute for Cai-Cai… it's been years since the last time I saw coins, only collectors have those, this coins probably are those that fell on the sewers for years. The chest was big about 2 meters long and a meter width, on the middle of the coins there was a little white pillow with an aquarium at the side.

I have no idea where they got all of this so fast, but I understood the intention.

I walked forward and left the scale on the center of the pillow. Then I covered with the aquarium turned upside down. The glass was pristine, a couple of rats have been cleaning it when we arrive.

I have to say it looked like a rare object in a protected museum. Once the Scale was on its place, the rats stopped moving around as if the gave a minute of respect to the moment that the Scale was placed on the pillow, before resuming their duties in the construction of the temple once again. Pinky went in front of the scale and stood there for a few minutes. I managed to get back to my team without stepping on any of the rats.

"Are they praying?"

"Yeah… something like that probably. Once the temple is ready, it's going to be quite a view."

They looked as surprised as me when they thought about it.

I don't get from where they got this traditions and ideas, how does Pinky know all this?

I started to wonder about Cai-Cai's identity, as far as I know, she is a normal snake with some intelligence and a power to change her size… Dante mentioned that she was powerful before maybe this is something that some animals feel, and she is powerful… some kind of Alpha for these rats.

'It's not like that~… Pinky is a chuni idiot~, and Cai-Cai is a kind-hearted cute snake~…'

'That's not enough for them to act like this right?'

'Usually not~… but Cai-Cai kind of help them in a war against another group of rats~… after that, with Pinky's stupid delusions it escalated to this point~…'

'She helped them in a war?'

'It was just a coincidence… she ate a couple of rats, and they happen to be leaders of the rebellion and the ones causing problems for them~. After that, the remaining rats just joined Pinky's Kingdom~… and Cai-Cai went into their story as the one that stopped the war~.'

All this is because she ate a couple of rats? …

'I told you…'

'Wait then what do you mean when you said she was strong?'

'Well, she is smart…sometimes~… she could resist the Alpha call~, and she has an amazing power imagine if she gets better at it and once Cai-Cai grows she might become bigger than the boar from the other day when using her power~… and I'm almost 100% sure that she has another power, but I have no idea what.'

I understand the feeling, I'm also sure that Rose's power is a lot more than we have been able to see until now, but I have no clue about what it is. I was slowly getting to understand Dante's view of Pinky… but despite his oddness, he was kind of fun anyway… I just hope that he doesn't say anything stupid with Rose near… I don't want problems with her.

After a minute of adoring the scale, Pinky came back to where we are waiting.

'Thank you for your patience, since you already rested I think that it's time to continue with your journey, originally I wanted to go with you, but the temple for our goddess is of utmost importance for and can not be delayed… the former Demon Lord should have given you the route, and we have a vehicle ready to take you to the Blood Lord domains.'

"Former Demon Lord?"

It was Hayley the one that asked I also found it odd but from the way, he was talking it was someone on our side.

'The terror of the northern rats, and the cause of the first rat's civil war, from where the goddess saved us… from the one called Dante, but thanks to the hero and the snake goddess influence, he corrected his ways and came back to the light side.'

"Oh… yes, he gave us the route."

I just followed the game this time and didn't ask more… I can ask Dante about it in the future.

Around us, about 20 fat rats started to guide us through a tunnel. Finally, we found what I suppose it's our vehicle… it was just a boat floating on the water. I couldn't see any leaks on it, so I stepped on it. At the change on the weight, it swayed a little, the rest of the team came into the boat after me.

'Perfect. Hide your heads and lay down on the boat until it stops. These young warriors will take care of your travel, so you have nothing to worry about. Good luck Hero and may the Snake Goddess bless you.'

I made a little bow and thanked him for everything… I was happy that he didn't come with us.

As instructed I lay down on the boat. It was a little cramped, and I could feel Milo's head over my legs.

Hayley noticed that it might happen so she moved into a fetal position on my side to no let Mark crush her legs.

As we were all in position, the boat started to move… I'm sure that we can run faster, I don't get why we are in this boat.

The next second all made sense. The boat crossed a tunnel where we would have a lot of troubles to move, probably we wouldn't even try to take this route, but in the boat carried by the rats, we could move at a constant pace through these shortcuts.

No one talked, we were all getting our minds ready and taking the chance to rest before the mission started. If everything went fine, we would go in kill Chambers and leave… but if things get dangerous, there might be a chance that this night is going to be a sleepless one.

The place was dark. I focused on my ears to listen everything. My team's breathing and heartbeat, the little steps from the rats, water flowing, the boat drifting in the water… there was nothing out of the normal.

The mission was to finally start. And it was at that moment that I got the notification.

[Mission: Kill Brody Chambers and get rid of the body.

Optional: ?????

Optional 2: Kill Benjamin Pollard.

Type: Normal.

Reward: 300 System points, 4 Skill points

Optional 1: ????

Optional 2: Choose (E-Rank Ticket/F-Rank(S) ticket (free choice/shareable)).

Time Limit: 11h 59m 59s]

As I was thinking about the mission and how it was about to start, I received the mission from the system too. There were a couple of noticeable things about it that surprised me as usual.

The first was something that I haven't thought about… it wasn't as simple as just killing chambers… getting rid of the body was just as important since if we leave it behind, there was the possibility that Hamilton gives that ability to someone else… it would take time without Cecily, but when it's done it would make this mission completely meaningless.

The second was the hidden mission… with the hidden reward… I mean what the f**k? How I'm supposed to fulfill a task that I had no idea about? There was no use on thinking about it, the mission could be from, no rat dies during the mission to exterminate all the NDR members… so I will just pretend that it's not there.

The last was the optional ticket that can be obtained from killing Pollard… It's an optional mission but the option of having a skill of my choice and give it to someone was perfect.

Imagine if Hayley's agility It's improved? Or what if I can give a resistance type ability to G so he will be even harder to kill? Of course, I could get a random power too, but the possibilities for my friend were almost endless.

As I thought about all this, the boat stopped moving at a place where we should be able to walk without problems.

Chapters 2/7+0/10

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