
Chapter 35: First Round Of Battle

Biên tập viên: Dragon Boat Translation

"Uncle Galen, I have no more questions, go ahead and make the decision!" David said to Galen. 

David had gotten the answer he wanted. Although he was not satisfied, he had already known that the enemy was going to launch an attack. He had the self-awareness to know that although Galen took care of him, he was in no position to interfere with matters involving the armorers.

"Feroman, Clark, Ed, Fessier!" One by one, Galen called out the names of the four mercenaries, who were surrounded. He said in a deep voice, "The statesmen must not be insulted, this is a strict law of the Star Federation. The Star Federation needs your blood as a warning to others!"

After saying this, Galen swung his hand hard in the air.

The five Luminous Exoskeleton Armors instantly accelerated, and five warhammers with a luminescent blue glow moved through the wind, striking the four Sky Wolf Mercenary Corps. 

David was watching on the side with glistening eyes. The five armorers who were piloting the Luminous Exoskeleton Armors were all using the Stormy Warhammer Technique.

The Stormy Warhammer Technique was a technique for practicing the use of warhammers, but it could also be directly applied to combat as well. It worked particularly well in multi-member coordinated battles such as this one, where all five armorers would apply the Stormy Warhammer Technique together, resulting in a far more powerful effect than fighting one-on-one.

"Ed, defend!" Captain Feroman commanded while moving his body backwards to hide behind former's shield.

Fessier, who was holding onto a giant double-bladed axe, defended them on the rear by dealing with the two armorers who were attacking them from behind. Clark stood behind Fessier and beside Captain Feroman, supporting them by simultaneously blocking attacks from both sides at all times. 

Having a very rich experience in combat, they knew very well that using the Black Diamond Exoskeleton Armor to beat the Luminous Exoskeleton Armor in speed was definitely the last resort in a worst-case scenario.

Besides, they also needed to know their opponent's true strength in order to make the most appropriate decision. With that in mind, they chose to defend first.

Five spinning luminescent blue warhammers sped up and attacked the mercenaries, two of which struck Ed's large shield with loud bangs that sounded at almost the same time.

Ed felt a tremendous amount of force passing through his arm, followed by a peculiar sound coming from his exoskeleton armor. He then used his strong body and utilized his mastery of the shield to transfer most of his power to the stone floor beneath his feet.

That caused his feet to sink into the stone ground, two dents appearing on the surface of his large shield.

It was a collision between a Class 2 warhammer and a Class 1 shield. If it hadn't been for the massive thickness and weight of the shield in Ed's hands, that strike would have caused the shield to shatter.

Even so, the shield in his hand would not be able to last long. 

"Captain, they have at least 1,500 kilograms of strength!" Ed frantically reported, having just felt the impact of that weight. He no longer had time to pay attention to his weapon. 

At that moment, Captain Feroman was blocking a Luminous Armorer with his twin swords, which flashed multiple times. He managed to force the opponent to back away.

In the battle between armorers, Captain Feroman, who was using two lightweight weapons, had a greater advantage, but due to the special training that his opponent had undergone in the use of warhammers, he could not defeat them in such a short period of time, even though he had the upper hand. 

At the back, Fessier was going all out in the fight, using the double-edged giant axe in his hands. He did not put up a single block at all, trying to go toe-to-toe against a Luminous Armorer.

In a situation where the mercenaries were outnumbered, the Luminous Armorer obviously would not fight with him. As soon as they made the first contact with each other, the Luminous Armorer would use his warhammer to block Fessier's giant axe and move backwards. 

The last Luminous Armorer, however, did not even manage to get close before he was blocked by Clark's spear.

Clark's spear was like a venomous snake, continuously coming out from behind Fessier and attacking the weak spots in the Luminous Armorer's armor.

If the Luminous Armorer wanted to get close to Clark, he would have to attack Fessier first, but that would result in him facing the threat of the spear. 

The two Luminous Armors did not expect that they wouldn't be able to defeat the group of mercenaries despite fighting together. They did not continue to attack, instead retreating with the rest of the Luminous Armors, preparing for a second round of Attack. 

"They're still lacking in battle experience!" Galen whispered as he shook his head. 

In fact, the five Luminous Armorers were not to be blamed, as they usually fought against the bugs, which were very different from those mercenaries, who fought against armorers on a daily basis.

Although the mercenaries' exoskeleton armors and weapons were inferior, their combat experience more than made up for their gaps and shortcomings.

Of course, the outcome of the battle didn't need to be considered. Since the five Luminous Armorers had an absolute advantage in combat, defeating the mercenaries was only a matter of time. 

David, on the other hand, could not take his eyes off the battlefield, and although it was only a short round of contact, the impact of that powerful force shocked him greatly. 

Like that of Pelan City, the ground was made of the strongest stones in the Planet Rocky, which was named that because it was filled with hard stones.

Yet, the ground had been damaged extensively by the contact between the nine armorers just now, even though it was made of stones that could resist explosions. 

David even saw the two deep dents that had appeared on the shield in Ed's hand, which was made of Class 1 material. 

That was the legendary Class 1 heavy defensive weapon of armorers. How much force did it take to create such a dent in such a large shield?

He couldn't help but look at his own residence as he recalled what Galen had said before. It turned out that Galen had asked him if his residence was important to him because he did not want it to be damaged during the battle between armorers. 

The residence that had seemed considered incomparably safe and durable was probably as fragile as paper in the eyes of those armorers.

David was extremely riled up when he saw the true strength of the strong in this world. However, he also knew that he would soon become one of those armorers if he worked hard enough. 

Captain Feroman looked solemn while being surrounded. He knew how powerful the five Luminous Armorers were during battles, which was why he felt even more desperate.

The five Luminous Armorers all had strengths of 1,500 kilograms. They were definitely armorers that had been uniformly trained by the same force. They had received the same training, the same exoskeleton armor, the same Class 2 warhammers, and the same attacking method.

Although the four of them had just pushed the five Luminous Armorers back, they understood that it was just because the other party did not want them to fight each other to the death.

"Go all out and fight. Create a chance for me to grab that commander and David," Captain Feroman said softly.

"Captain, I have never cherished my life ever since I became a mercenary. I'll open up a channel for you!" Ed said with a miserable smile, blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

He was a Defensive Armorer, extremely slow and the least likely to escape. In the current situation, he only had one chance to go all out and fight as if his life was on the line. 

"I'll go all out!" Fessier exclaimed as he looked at the gaping hole in his beloved giant axe. 

Without saying a word, Clark pressed the side of his exoskeleton armor and injected a syringe of Cell Activator into his body, his eyes quickly turned red.

The Cell Activator had a nice name, but it was one of the rare prohibited items that were sold in the black market. A syringe of this agent would result in a direct depletion of the user's lifespan, giving the user a great boost in strength and speed.

The most frightening feature of the Cell Activator was that it would cause the user to lose any sense of pain after consumption. The user would also constantly be full of explosive power, completely transforming into a killing machine.

Clark was showing through his actions that he was starting to fight with his life.

Captain Feroman looked at Clark and sighed deep in his heart, thinking about how that old subordinate of his had made that choice to let him escape.

Ed also pressed a spot to his side and injected the Cell Activator into his body, his eyes turned bloodshot. 

Fessier was the only one who hesitated. Although the Cell Activator could quickly increase his combat strength, the consequence was that he would suffer permanent damage to his body, making it difficult to improve his physique again in the future.

However, after thinking about the current situation, he also triggered the injection function in his exoskeleton armor and injected a syringe of Cell Activator into his body.

The five Luminous Armors had noticed by now that something was amiss. They looked at each other and once again swung their warhammers before attacking the four mercenaries like a hurricane.

At that moment, the mercenaries, excluding Captain Feroman, felt waves of heat almost penetrating their Black Diamond Exoskeleton Armors as they roared like wild beasts.

It was not that Captain Feroman did not want to fight with all his might, but rather, his body was at its pinnacle. Therefore, even if he injected himself with the Cell Activator, he would only receive a limited boost!