
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Kỳ huyễn
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70 Chs

42. Heldon the jaded

Heldon's POV:


Boring....everything is just boring.....


What is the meaning of life? Some might say to achieve happiness and build a family....


But for me.... it is impossible... after I got this power, I have been stuck in this body for over 150 years for now....


what family?.... All of them will die at some point... I was happy at first for such power, but what is the use of a power If there was no purpose behind it? There is no one who can best me in space magic.... so what is the point in even trying?


Throughout my life no one can understand me... If it was someone else they will be happy with this power... I can teleport, trap people in my space and even split them with my spacial attacks... I have lost count of how many I have killed already... it is just all too boring...


Out of boredom, as always I was strolling the Black market.

When all of a sudden I noticed a pair of red eyes staring at me....


Hmm? E rank? Why did he get flustered?....


" Hoo? "




'Teleporting right behind where he was' I asked with my childish voice


" hmm? Why did you get flustered , sir? " 


Was I imagining it? He now looks quite calm


" Oh nothing, I was confused of what brought a young person like you in this dangerous place, sorry for bothering you "




Is he lying?.... but it is impossible to know me... It has been more than a hundred years since I have forsaken my name... now there shouldn't be any records about my identity....still.....


" Are you okay?... Why did you flinch when you saw me?"


" Well... your hair reminded me of a friend who passed away.... that is why I was a little shocked "


...is he telling the truth?.....


.....I guess I will see by my self before I kill him once he gets out of here.....I don't want to cause that man any trouble in his market...










He still doesn't seem to notice me... am I thinking too much into it?


.....he is out....


" there is no other way but to find out myself....."


{ Spatial Dimension }



No matter who it is.. in this space they can never run away from me....


Let's just confirm first...


"Hello! Mister!! Do you remember me?"

" Sighe....."


He....Is still calm?

" You can drop the act, Heldon "


He knows? but how? There's no way to know about my name..... was I too careless? Did I end up leaving something important?


" How? no who even are you? "



Not willing to answer? He is only an E rank and he dares to ignore me?


He knew who I'm and still acts cool?.... If I wanted to kill him th-

" -How long has it been now? More than a hundred years? "


He also knows about my age? Then why is he not afraid?....I don't know where he got this confidence from, but now I will not hold back...


" Kid... I have no idea how you knew all of this…but your arrogance stops now….."

{ Space Splitter }


My strongest offensive ability..although it is still an S rank. However, even SS rankers can't defend against it...

That was an interesting ki-






What was that?... a void? No a space?... how did it swallow my spatial attack?… did he just best me at spatial magic… i-impossible…

" Heldon, do you not wish to get rid of your stucked age?"


Looks like it won't be easy to subdue him...…it has been a long time since I felt like this...is this excitement....how long has it been.....

" interesting...kid...how is it that you know of my name?"


Still silent? I guess I will have to-

" Heldon… do you believe in fate?"

Fate? What is this about?

" I know of your arcane and also your other names...Rick 'The decapitator '....Will ' the S rank teleporting mage '… and I am the only person who can free you from your childish state…"


I have spent years no... decades trying to find a solution....It is imp-

" it is not impossible…"


"What do you mean? "



" Kid... If you don't say it I wil-

" -Are you stupid?"


" you attack me and want me to help you? I know that you lost your mind because of the long time you lived but do you really think that I care about what happens to you? What guarantee that you won't attack me once I tell you the cure? "


" Kid, who the hell do you think you are? A mere E ranker... do you k-

" - what If I was an E ranker?..... you are a mere frog in a well Heldon.... do you think that you are omnipotent or something?... if that's case then I will make it clear to..... you are nothing but an ant"

Is he serious?… me? An ant?


Neither Dunatus, Ricard nor any of the dead SS rankers dared to call me with such manner....

" Give me control over this space and I will show you…I will show you the reality you have been blinded from for years.."



He is not joking

'Bdumb' 'Bdumb' 'Bdumb'

What is it that he wants to show me?…. Am I curious?… how long has it been for me to feel this way? Is this the excitement I forgot about?...

".... child you have amused me. I will give you 3 minutes, but if you try anything funny… I will kill you..."


Let's see…



"T-this is impossible, how is it that you this? Do you know about that prophet?!"

Other races?! An immortal demon lord?!!! What is this absurdity?! This is even crazier than what that prophet said...


" Prophet? What do you mean?"




106 years ago~

" Hey mister! How are you! "

This old man is the target? Hmm? Is this the prophet everyone is worried about? He is only a B ranker.... why everyone is so obsessed about him?

" Looks like it is my time to die...."


"E-eh?! Why die sir?..."


" You will kill me, Heldon "

"...hoo? So you already knew?"

" Heldon... you will kill me today.... but can I at least have a chat with you? "

" Hmm? Sure... I was kinda getting bored, but you will still have to die I have to repay them "


" Cough...cough... it is alright...all I want is just a small chat. Sickness already has deepened in my old body..."






I see why they call him crazy...


" Old man... you read too many fantasy stories... anyway it was nice meeting you "





After I killed him... many of what he said happened already.... I thought it was an accident, but this kids story is identical to that prophet....

" I will prove it to you if you join me… and in exchange I will free you from your stucked age…"


Was my life this insignificant? Was my boredom a foolishness out of ignorance?

if and only if what he showed me was true…then... but How would he know all of that? Is he also a prophet?

" why would I believe this fantasy of yours…"

" I can't tell you if you don't join me, but I will let you know this…I definitely can free you from your body in mere couple hours….take this as a small investment "


He is serious….

" I don't have much time Heldon..."

" Kid… I have lived more than 200 years and saw more than you would ever see in your life… what you are saying is impossible"

" I will ask you one last time Heldon… will you join me or are you going to become an enemy"


Those eyes…

I have killed many and experienced a lot of life and death situations… but I will never forget those eyes that exudes extreme confidence… I don't know why.. but I feel that if I attacked him again… it will be my death instead of his…..what is behind this confidence? Is it a mere arrogance? Or is there really something to back it up?

" sighe….so you said it is long journey to cure my stucked age?..."

'Smiling at my response' he said 



...this is exciting….hopefully this will be fun….

" So kid.. what was your name??"




Hey there hope everyone is enjoying the read so far, I made the chapter a little long, but unfortunately tomorrow I have a social gathering, it would be difficult to write a new chapter…. Also, I would like to thank ‘shankss’ for his help in the chapters. Arigato yonko-sama. Please if anyone find a typo or feels like it could be better, please don’t be shy to note it out.

Daoistv0hCZscreators' thoughts